102 - Fur Care

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Ulric sneezed loud when a beetle landed on his nose, yawned, and blinked while the girls woke up alongside him. He looked up at the sky and estimated they had slept about a sixteenth period. 'I guess we really needed that after all that terrible cold.'

Iphigenia stroked his ear. 'Shouldn't be a surprise, Wolfie.'

Rachael stretched, and Handil giggled when her lover's stomach grumbled. 'I suggest we do something about the long time lack of a warm meal situation.'

Tipper stood up half asleep, and stretched. 'I feel like I turned into a large prune from all this time in the water.'

Valdys giggled. 'I think our wolf is already hungry enough without you tempting him more.'

Tipper's mind needed a moment to process the remark, then realised she stood in full view of Ulric. 'Ah! Don't look!' she said as she spun around and stepped out of the water.

Iphigenia laughed. 'This time it wasn't him.'

Tipper covered her front with her tunic. 'His perverted accidents are contagious then. I'm not going near him from now on.'

Elzbieta looked inquisitively at Ulric. 'She might be onto something there, darling.'

He chuckled. 'I think I don't have enough luck left for things like this to happen again.'


After a long and satisfyingly hot meal and drinks, Iphigenia ran her fingers through Ulric's thick fur and noticed some of it came loose. 'Wolfie, looks like you're already shedding your extra fur.'

He stroked his arm and looked at the roll of fur in his paw. 'Time to brush it all out.'

Caylais stroked her arm as her fur had grown thicker as well while they were in the freezing cold. 'Same here. This never happened before when I travelled through cold areas.'

Iphigenia ran her fingers through Caylais's soft fur. 'Maybe it's a side effect from the bond with Wolfie. An added protection to keep you safe from the cold.' She reached into her pack and pulled out two brushes. 'It's a hairy job, but someone has to do it.'

They returned to the stream to make use of the water while there was still some light, and to avoid spreading clumps of fur all over the camp. Iphigenia held up the brushes. 'You do Cay's back while I do yours, Wolfie.' she said and smiled at Caylais. 'Strip, girl.'

Caylais blushed while Ulric undid the knot of the string tying the back of her dress, and her fluffy tail quivered at his paws sliding slowly down her hips and thighs as he lowered her dress. She stepped out of it, and he draped it over small boulder. Iphigenia moved in front of him. 'I can't let Cay be the only one to catch your eye, can I?'

Ulric chuckled, kissed her, and loosened the front of her dress. 'Dressed or not, you girls grace my eyes with your loveliness all the time.'

She smiled and her heart beat faster while his warm and soft paws slid from her hips up along her sides, and lifted her dress up over her head.

Ulric thoroughly savoured the close view of the feline's enticing behind and graceful tail, and the smooth curves of the young rogue's breasts while slowly and deeply inhaling their scents, and knew he'd do anything to see them and his other girls happy for as long as they live. Iphigenia moved Caylais towards a long rock near the stream, and bent over as she pushed her gently to sit down on one end. Exposing her pussy in full view, Ulric knew her well enough to know it was no coincidence, and growled softly in hunger again.

She giggled as she playfully stuck the tip of her tongue out to him, and pushed him to straddle the rock behind Caylais, then straddled it behind him. Tingles ran down Caylais's back when Ulric ran his fingers first against the direction of the fur between her shoulders, then pulled the brush gently through it.

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