45. Finding Jennie

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Jennie's POV

"Lis, can I stay here?"

"Unnie, what happened?" She held my hands and looked at me with a worried expression. "Is something wrong?"

"Can we talk somewhere private?"

"Ah.. Let's go to my room." We went upstairs. The moment she opened the door, a Jungkook was spotted.


"Uh.. Hi? I got bored." We sat on the bed and talked. I need someone to talk to. Just not Taehyung. "What happened to you? You look like shit."

"Guys.. I hate my life." Lisa sat beside me. "Mom confirmed that I was Taehyung's dad's daughter. They were together before my mom married my dad."

"You mean, you and Taehyung are half siblings?" I nodded. "That's messed up. Does he know that you're here?"

"He doesn't, Kook. I ran away knowing that I'm destroying his relationship with his father. My family's so broken. I don't want his family to break like mine." Lisa hugged me.

"We're here for you unnie.. Don't worry." Kook also joined the hug. "You can stay here for as long as you want."

"I'm just, not ready to face everyone. Especially Taehyung. I'm gonna need more time."

Jungkook left after an hour and Lisa let me stay in her room. "Unnie, can I tell you something?"

"Sure. What is it about?"

"Remember when Jungkook and I did IT? I took your advice and did a pregnancy test. I was puking that day so I assumed something's wrong."

"So? How did it go? Are you pregnant?"

"Nope. Turns out, my food wasn't digested properly. I was really scared. I like Jungkook but I'm not responsible."

"That's good."

"But unnie.." She looked at me with a worried expression. "I don't think I just like him. I'm falling for him even more everyday. I kept telling him about this but he always says that, he will just hurt me. He said I should find someone else."

"You do know that Jungkook's a girl at heart right?" She nodded. "Why don't you try acting like a boy?"


"You'll never know.." She pouted. "But Lis, if you really think that you and Jungkook have no chance, I think you should let go. You don't want to push yourself to someone who doesn't want you. You'll end up getting hurt."

"I don't know.. It takes courage to let go. But I'm not brave unnie.. I will just get hurt whether I hold on or let go."

"Right." People say holding on hurts more than letting go. But I think Lisa's right. It will hurt me whatever choice I make. Letting Taehyung go.. I'm scared to do it.

"But let's just forget about it. Sleep is more important." She hugged me tighly. "Good night unnie."

"Night Lis." I closed my eyes and slept.


"Jennie.. Jennie unnie.." Lisa kept shaking me. "Unnie wake up. Unnie... Taehyung's here." I immediately opened my eyes.

"What did you say?"

"He's downstairs. I didn't tell him you're here but...do you.. Want to talk to him?" Will I be able to face him? It hurts me when I remember that he's my half brother. It's hard to accept that fact.

"Lalis-" Both of us turned to the door. "Jen." He ran towards me and hugged me tight. "You're here.. I've been looking for you the whole night.."

"I'll leave the both of you." Lisa left and closed the door.

"Jen.. Why did you leave?"

"I had to. I'll ruin your family."

"My family's already ruined. You have nothing to do with this. Nothing's your fault."

"I'm sorry.. Tae, I think you should leave." He broke the hug, tears streaming down his face.


"You heard your dad. We can't be together. We're siblings."

"So you're gonna believe them, just like that? Jen, we're together 'til the end remember?"

"But Taehyung..this is wrong."

"No. Jennie, that was their fault! We shouldn't be the ones who are paying for it!"

"But we are and we can't go against it! Just leave." I closed my eyes and held my tears back. "We can't keep this going."

"You're kidding, right? Jen-"

"Tae just go! Just.. Just go."

"Jennie... Don't you love me?" Stop bringing this up, Tae please? You don't know how hard I'm trying to keep myself together. "You still love me, right?"

"I... I-I don't."


"I don't love you anymore.. Please, just go."


"I don't love you Tae! Now please just let me be!" It hurts me so much being the one who's pushing him away when he's doing everything to make me stay.

I want him to stay... I don't want to push him away from me. I'm breaking my own heart because of this but I have to. I love Taehyung so much, and I realized it when his dad.. Our dad said we shouldn't be together.

I wanted to spend more time with him. I wanted to keep him but everything just feels so wrong. I didn't want him to go. I don't want to end our relationship but this is wrong. He's my brother. I have to accept it though it's hard.

He held both of my hands. "Jen, I love you and I'm not giving up on you. I'll have you back."

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