21. His Fear

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"Miss Riyeon. Can I leave for a day? I-I wanted to cool off." She smiled and nodded. I thought I needed some time to think.

I went to the park and listened to some songs while walking. It helps me calm down and think.

"Hey bitch." I removed my earphones, seeing her and her friends. "I'm sooo happy to see you again." She pulled me and dragged me to an alley.

"What's your problem?!" I shouted and earned a hard slap.

"You're my fvcking problem! You thought I'm done with you?! You're wrong. I was just getting warmed up." She took out a pocket knife.

"W-what are you doing?" I walked backwards trying to avoid the knife she was pointing at me. "No. No! Please!" My back hit the wall and her friends held my arms, preventing me to escape.

"No one will know how you died. I really hated seeing your face. Say bye bye, Jennie."

"No! Let me go!! Let me go! Stop! Please!! Don't do this! Help!! Somebody please!!" I closed my eyes and cried. I felt the tip of the knife on my neck. "Let me go!!"

"Nice hickey, slut." I felt a sting on my neck and something come out of it. Was it, blood?  "Bye."

I tried to escape their grips but before I even moved, she already cut my skin.


3rd Person's POV

Taehyung was watching the news in his room while eating popcorn and beer. He was feeling frustrated. Not towards Jennie but about what he did.

"I shouldn't have said those to her. I should say sorry." He was about to open the door when he heard something.

"Teenage girl, found dead in White Oak Street just an hour ago. The incident had no witnesses and the police officers are still investigating about the case."

He stopped and looked at the television. The victim was taken inside an ambulance. Her body was covered with cloth but that didn't stop him from noticing something. Her shoes.

"No. It can't be." He left his room and ran to the attic. "Jennie!" He shouted but she wasn't there. "Jen-" He closed the door and ran to the kitchen. "Where's Jennie?"

"She left an hour ago. She was crying when she left. What happened?" The head maid asked him. Taehyung stayed frozen. "Mr. Kim, what's the matter?"

"It can't be her.." He quickly left with his car and went to the crime scene as fast as he can. There were still people and news reporters in the place. "Where is she?!"

"Are you related to the victim?" Asked a police officer.

"I-I saw it on tv. I-I'm her friend." His hands were trembling as he speaks. "Where did they take her?"

The police gave him the name of the hospital and he immediately went there. His heartbeat was racing He was getting nervous and scared.

"Jen.. It can't be you. It shouldn't be you!!" He shouted and punched the wheel of his car. "Please.."

He arrived at the hospital and asked where she was. The morgue.

He gathered all his energy as he opened the door. There he saw her lying on the bed, covered with a white cloth. "No.."

The nurse that accompanied him talked. "Are you familiar with the victim sir? We didn't get any information about her." Taehyung slowly removed the cloth on the corpse's face while closing his eyes.

Please, you can't be Jennie..

"N-No..." And when he saw her, his tears fell down.

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