46. Help Him

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It's been..a month.

Since that day, Taehyung never came back to visit. I hoped he would, but I would do nothing but push him away. It hurts me every single day but I can't avoid the truth. I have to do the right thing.

"Jennie unnie?" Lisa entered the room. "Taehyung's mom is downstairs. She said she wanted to talk to you."

"Why?" Lisa shrugged. "I'll be there in a minute." She nodded and left.

I fixed myself and opened the door. Taehyung's mom looked at me, worry in her eyes. "Jennie.."

I went downstairs and sat across her. "Why do you want to talk to me, Mrs. Kim?"

"I heard about your relation to my ex husband. I feel bad about it. Jennie, I've always wanted you for my son, believe me. I want the both of you to be together."

"But we can't."

"I know.. Jennie, Taehyung loves you so much. I can see it. I know it. You brought his old self back to me and I was so thankful for that. But, my son's starting to change... Again."

"What do you mean?"

"He's ignoring us. He never leaves his room. He was so persistent in going to your house everyday, asking your mom to take back what she said. But he got home one day, looking so lifeless. I tried asking him what's wrong but he won't answer. Even Ms. Riyeon and the maids did everything to help me about him. But he won't say a word."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Please help me. I don't want to lose another child again. He's all I have. Jennie, I know you're still upset but I'm desperate. I really need your help."

"I.. I don't know."

"Jennie please.. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel so useless as a mother. I can't even talk to him. I don't want to lose him." She covered her face and cried. "I can't lose him."

I can't lose him. Tae has always been there for me. He never left my side but I kept telling him to go. It's time for me to return the favor. "I'll go."

Mrs. Kim drove us back to their house. It was so silent. Not like the atmosphere before. "He's in his room. Call me if you need anything. I'll be in my room. Thanks for helping Jennie." She said before leaving me in front of his room.

"Here it goes." I knocked on the door. "Tae? It's Jennie. Can we talk?" I heard the lock click. He opened the door. "Taehyung."

His hair was messy. His eyes were all swollen. His lips were so pale. There was not a single expression in his face. Taehyung why did you end up like this?

"Tae.." I wrapped my arms around his torso, hugging him. "Why did you do this to yourself? This is all my fault.."

"I can't." He whispered. "I don't know how to fix this. I don't know how to fix us."

"You don't have to." I whispered back. "Let's just accept it, Tae. It's a lot easier than to waste your time, fixing something you can't."

"But I want to. I love you."

"You should fix yourself first. You're not as handsome as you are before. My affection is decreasing, big time."

"You're not helping."

I chuckled. "You stink dickhead. You haven't showered for a whole month. Your sister's worried..."

"My sister's dead."

"I mean the other one." He quickly pulled away and glared at me. "What? I'm practicing. You'll be my older brother."

"Fvck off. I'm taking a bath. Wait for me downstairs." I nodded and left.

"How did it go?" Mrs. Kim asked handing me a sandwich.

"He'll get over it." We'll get over it. "He's actually taking a bath right now. He told me to wait here."

"I was right asking for your help. I owe you a lot Jennie. Thank you. Thank you so much. The guy you're going to marry will be so lucky to have you. His mom would be so happy. I just wish it would be me, I'll be the happiest mother-in-law."

"You're exaggerating it Mrs. Kim. It's not like I'm the most perfect person in the world."

"I hoped." She pouted.

My phone rang. "I'll take this first. Excuse me Mrs. Kim." I went outside and answered the call. "Hello? Who is this?"

'Don't you dare forget about me.'

'Wait.. Yoongi?!'

'Stop shouting you skinny cat. Guess what? Your favorite oppa's back..'

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