23. Feelings

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I was looking at him while he was sleeping on the couch. He really stayed with me. It's been two days and he's still here.

"I appreciate your efforts, Tae. I can't just tell you in person." His eyes fluttered open. I closed my eyes and pretended as if I'm asleep.

I heard his footsteps walking towards me. "Jen." He whispered. "Hey... Wake up, princess. It's already seven."

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. He smiled and caressed my face. "Back off." I said and sat down. "Go home.. I'm fine here."

"Let's make a deal. I won't go home and stay with you until you get better or I go home tonight and leave you BUT when you're discharged, you have to sleep with me and we'll be doing things in my room. What's it gonna be?"

"You fvcking pervert!"

"I kept saying this to you. I'm not going home until you get better. I already told Ms. Riyeon and she'll be taking care of the house while we're gone."

"But I can handle myself. I feel better." He laughed as if he's not believing me. "I tell you! I'm okay!"

"You're not." He seriously said. "I'll stay with you whether you like it or not. I'm not letting you run away again. I'm not taking my eyes off you. I'll be guarding you from now on."

"Yah! I'm your personal maid! Just that! It's MY role to protect and guard you. Not the other way around."

"Who said you're JUST my personal helper? You're the one I like the most and my soon to be wife so just shut up and let me take care of you."

I got speechless. I just closed my mouth and looked at the window. I'm feeling butterflies! What the heck?!

"You're turning red." He teased. "Jen, just admit that you're falling for me. You can't keep it for too long." His hands trailed to my hair, down to my neck. "I know I'm pretty irresistible." I felt his hands on my chest and quickly stopped him.

"Fvck off." I coldly said. "Just get my food already!" He chuckled and went out. "Argh!! That brat!! How dare he?!"

"I'm still here." I saw his head on the opening of the door. He was smiling like a creep. "On second thought. I'm a lot more tastier than your dinner. Would you eat me instead?"

"Get out!" I shouted and he ran away like a cat that just got shooed. "He's crazy.."


It took him an hour and he's still not back with my food. "Where the heck is he now?" I stared at the door for too long. "Where did he go?"

He's not in danger, right?

I gathered all my strength and stood up. I walked towards the door. As I was opening it, a nurse came in. "Oh, you're still not allowed to leave miss. You're still not okay."

"But.. My friend's not back. It has been an hour and-" I looked at her tray of food. "I asked him to get my food."

"Ah.. Your friend left the hospital minutes ago. He didn't say anything though. Here." She placed the tray of food near my bed. "Let me help you." She assisted me in going back to bed. "Don't try to leave again, miss. It's too dangerous for your condition." I nodded at her.

"Thanks. I'll eat the meal by myself." She nodded and left. "Where on earth is he going?"

Minutes passed and I'm done eating. I couldn't calm myself. I was getting worried about him. What if something bad happened?

"No.. He'll return, okay? Jennie.. Calm down.." My hands were shaking. I just closed my eyes and waited.

And waited...

And waited...


"Yah Kim Taehyung!" The door flew open and he quickly ran towards me.

"Are you okay? Did someone sneak in? Do your cuts still hurt you?" He looked so worried.

"Where did you go?! I thought you're just gonna get my food. Why did you leave?" I smacked his arm. "I was worried."

"You were? Oohh, that's an improvement. I am really getting there."

"I'm not playing around, Tae. I'm serious! What if something happened to you? You said you won't leave! But you were gone for a whole fvcking hou-"

I felt his lips on mine. His hand was caressing my cheek and the other was holding my hand. "It feels so good knowing that you're actually concerned about me." He whispered and kissed me again.

I wasn't moving. I didn't know what to do. Should I kiss him back? Or just push this piece of shit away? My emotions are all mixed up!

He deepened our kiss and I fell on the bed. He lifted my neck and bit my lower lip.

"Ah. Tae.."

"Do you want me to stop?" His deep voice sent chills to my whole body. "I'll do whatever you want."

"Taehyung.. We're at the hospital."

"Hmm? So what?" He said in between his kisses.

"Have some shame." I pushed him slightly.

"Do this in your room."

His Maid || TAENNIE FFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat