1. Highschool

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He was his admirer but she ignored him all the time.

"Hey Jen." He said and walked with her in their corridor. "Why won't you talk to me?" She walked ahead of him and went inside of her classroom. "Even if you'll ignore me, my feelings for you won't change!" He shouted and smiled. "I'll win your heart. Just wait and see."

Meanwhile in Jennie's classroom, she was repeating ew in her head. She hates it when he would jump out of nowhere and talk to her. She doesn't like flirty guys and Taehyung's one of them.

"Aish.. When is this gonna stop? When is he gonna stop?!" Her classmates looked at her and she quickly bowed down. "Sorry."

Time ran fast and it was already dismissal. "Eyo." There he goes again. She thought. "Will you go out with me? I'd love to hear you say yes."

"No. Back off." She hissed and left.

"Just wait til I make you mine my pretty Jennie! I love you!" He shouted. She heard it but still, she's not liking it.

"I'll wait for you to get bored trying to get me, Kim Taehyung. And when that day comes, I'll be very much happy."

It has been two years, and their last year as juniors and Taehyung never did talk or even looked at her. It was something new but she didn't complain. She wished for it.

"Jennie! Can you give this to Taehyung?" One of her classmates gave her Taehyung's bag. "He left it during our practice. Thanks!" Then he ran.

"Why do I have to?" She sighed and looked for him. She checked the whole school just to find that annoying guy. She felt tired but she didn't stop and rest for a while. "Where on earth is he?!" She was already panting when she saw him coming out from the restroom. "At last! Yah! Kim Taehyung!" She shouted.

Taehyung stopped and looked at her. Jennie smiled being proud that she finally found him after long minutes of searching. She expected another flirtatious word but she thought wrong. He just glared at her and took his bag.

"Not even a thank you?" She was sure he heard her when he stopped walking. He was there for several seconds but continued walking and ignored her. "What's up with him?" She shrugged it off and just went home.

And since that day, they NEVER talked and kept on ignoring each other.

Jennie admits, she's wondering why he became like that. She didn't bother asking him since he would just ignore her, again.

"Jennie, we're losing everything!" Her mother exclaimed. "This is all because of your father's debts! We're gonna lose the house next to his car!"

"Mom.. Calm down okay? Let's figure something out."

"How can I calm down?! Your tuiton's my other problem! We've got nothing!" Jennie fell silent. She didn't want her mother to worry about her.

"I'll find a way. I promise, you don't have to worry about that one." Her mother sat on the couch and massaged her temple.

"I'm so sorry hun.."

"It's gonna be okay." She hugged her mother. "We're gonna get through this. It will pass."


"Did you find anything? I really need a work right now." She said to her cousin, Irene.

"I asked my aunt's friend about this. They need a maid at their house to watch over her picky son. He's kind of a brat but don't worry. They're willing to give three thousand dollars everyday. And guess what? You're hired!"

"Really? That's great!" She exclaimed. "When should I start?"

"Tomorrow. You'll have to bring your clothes with you since you have to stay there every night."


"It's a part of the job." Jennie thought she needed the money so she didn't complain. "You'll be fine." She nodded.

The next day, she went to the address of the house. It was pretty big and modern. No wonder they're willing to give three thousand dollars.

The head maid welcomed her and showed her the house. "It's pretty wide so you'll probably get lost one day. But don't worry, you'll get used to it." The maid said and smiled. "There's the devil's room." She pointed a red colored door. "And he will be your boss."

Jennie walked towards that door. She was about to knock when he opened it. She was shocked seeing that guy, again! "So.. You're gonna be my personal maid?" She couldn't move, nor blink.

"Well this is gonna be fun." He bit his lip and smirked.


Author's Note:

Here's the first chapter!❤ Hope you guys would like it!😘

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