48. Over Protective

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Jennie's POV

"OPPA! WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?!" He texted me that he will meet me at the park at 6 but guess what?! It's fvcking 9 already! "Late..."

"Yah, Kim Jennie!" He shouted behind my ear making me jump. He chuckled looking like a cat.

"Yoongi.." I hugged him. "It's been so long.. Why didn't you go home?" I pulled away. "And you even came late."

"Sorry. A bunch of hooligans were on my way earlier. They gave me a headache." He massaged his temple and closed his eyes.

"I didn't know you had enemies.. But hey! You owe me something! Where's my milk flavored cotton candy? You promised me." I glared at him. He asked me what I want to get when he comes back and that was my request. "You forgot, didn't you?"

"Hmmm.. Nope." He opened his bag and gave me that golden pack of my dear food. "Why would I forget my favorite sister's request?"

"You remembered.. Thank you oppa!" I hugged him again. "Wait." I pulled away. "Why did you come back?"

"I heard about what happened to you. Aunt Chaeri told me that you're her and her ex boyfriend's daughter."


"Are you feeling okay? Is there something that still bothers you?"

I shook my head. "I'm starting to accept everything and hopefully I can. Thanks for worrying oppa.. You really came back from Europe for me."

"Of course.. What are cousins for, right?" I hugged him again. "I missed you little kitten!"

"I miss you too gummy bear!" If Tae and I were still together, I would've introduced him to Yoongi. They will get along for sure.

We went to a convenient store and talked. He doesn't like crowded places so we don't go to restaurants to eat. I want to call him cheap, but boy.. This guy's rich as fvck.

"Where do you stay? Aunt Chaeri said you're sleeping at the house of somebody else. Who?"

"Ah.. The truth is, I work as somebody's personal maid. Our family.. Gone broke, remember?"

"And uncle Sungho left you to suffer."

"Nope. He was sick and he didn't want to be a burden. I forgave him. He's doing well now."

"So who are you working for? Is it someone I know?" I shook my head. "So it's a stranger."

"But he's good. Don't worry, he doesn't hurt me or something. We're actually related."

"It's a HE? And how are you related?"

"Well.. He's technically my step brother. He's my real dad's son. He's actually having a hard time because of it. He doesn't want to accept it."

"Why the fvck won't he? He gay or something?"

"Yoongs. He was my boyfriend before I knew the truth." His eyes widened. "Technically... I fell for him. But he's good."

"I want to meet him." He stood up and finished his soda. "Where does he live?"

"Yah.. You're at it again.. Stop being so over protective."

"Shut up, I want to see him." I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"It's almost ten. You don't want to wake the guy." We left the convenient store and walked.

"What's his name?"

"He's a Kim. Kim Taehyung." He stopped walking and looked at me. "Why?"

"Did you say, Kim Taehyung?" Does he know him? Maybe they met somewhere. "That jerk, Kim Taehyung?" Jerk?

"Jennie!" I turned around to see Taehyung running towards us. "You stay away from her!" What? He pulled my wrist and stood in front of me. "I won't let you hurt her."

"Taehyung.. You know each other?" He turned to me. "Yoongi and you?"

"You know him Jen?" We turned to Yoongi who suddenly chuckled. This hag.. "Your laugh is the worst thing I ever heard."

"Yah.. So we all know each other? Including Lisa and Jungkook?" He asked smiling. "Well what a surprise this is."

"Jennie.. You know him? This fvcker? He's Lisa's ex boyfriend!"


"So you must be that boss aka boyfriend of hers.." Yoongi walked towards him. "I don't like you for my cousin. Back off."

His Maid || TAENNIE FFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat