Situations resolve

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Raven had his friends over at the house "hey leann" "what is it micheal" turning to him in her chair "um i just wanted to tell you me and raven stoped our visits a month ago" "you think thats gonna help, hes been in the geust room for a week" "i know, but when you found out he wanted to you" "well thats comforting jackass" "ok not in the best mood" he slowly backed out of the room "hailey can we talk" "go ahead" ushering raven to her little table "sweety im sorry about what you saw, i wanted to tell you" "yes i know micheal told me" "but i have an idea" "enough with your idea, no more weekends out of every month" "ok i can take that" "why cant we just be a normal married couple" "we could see a marriage counsler" "that sounds good, ill think ill allow you back in the bed" "really" "i said ill think about it, now get out" "i can see your busy so ill get the kids" "alright, maybe i should be a bit lighter on him" hailey went out back with glasses of water "yo douche bags have a drink" putting the tray down "leann shouldnt you be at the club" "no i wont be going in for a few days taking a small break" hailey jumped in the pool and relaxed with a lap "shes sure an angry woman" "hey ravens lucky, she does the fighting" "i can hear you assholes" "sorry leann" "wernt you doing some work in your office" "i needed a break asswipe" as she floated on her back, the butler came to the door with her towel and robe "thank brian, remind me to give your pay before you leave" "yes madam" she wiped off her legs before putting on the robe and going back in "oh brian dear, do you know where lana is" "no ma'am, would you like me to take that tray for you" "oh no just go hang up this towel for drying" he took the towel and left "leann heres the tray" "thank you micheal" taking it to the kitchen "oh hello lana" "what can i do for you madam" "did you get upstairs yet" "no ma'am, i can start up there once im done in here" "thank you" hailey left the tray and went to the playroom to pick it up "momma?" "wheres momma" "probaly upstairs" andy and raven lee ran up to her "mommy" "oh my how was your day" "it was awesome" "what did you do" "i learned i like painting" andy showed her his painting "its just beautiful ill hang it up" "i made this card for you" raven lee gave her a mothers day card "oh ill keep it forever wheres your sister" "with daddy" raven took dove of his shoulders "she made a family portrait i put it on the fridge" "isnt that sweet dove" "love you momma" "raven dear i thought about it and ill let you back in our bed and go to couples counsling because i wanna this" "oh im so happy hailey" "just dont do it again" "i wont i love you" "prove it those are just words" she gave him a teaser touch on the shoulder "oh i miss those" he told himself blushing. Later on that day they were all in the pool "momma watch me" "dove do not spin under the water please, and raven lee get back over here right now" "make me" "raven watch them, im gonna get raven lee" she dived under the water all the way raven "ahh" "alright little raven come on" hailey picked him up over her shoulder keep him out of the water "now if you didnt have your arm floaties on you would have drowned, so stay right here for 10 minutes" "but i wanna go back in the water" "no you need to learn not to go in that end till your ready" "dont momma me im teaching ya something" andy sat at the edge of the pool reading "andy would you please get your head out of that book and have some fun" "i am having fun" "well sweetheart go for a swim momma will hold your place" "well ok 5 minutes" hailey sat with raven lee holding the book "ok angel dry off and ill hand your book back" "that was acually pretty fun, just a bit longer mom" hailey put a bookmark on his page and stayed 5 more minutes watching raven lee "ok your times up, stay out of the deep end" "mom i hurt my forhead" "let me see dove, what did ya do" "i spun in water" "dove i told ya not too now look at ya, you got a big scrape on your forhead" she put dove out of the pool "mom" "im getting ya cleaned up, brian can you bring some tissues please" "yes ma'am" he brought back a whole box "thank you brian" she dabbed doves forhead cleaning off the blood "does this mean i cant get back in the pool" "im sorry but yes" "aww man, i geuss ill bother andy" "ya know on that point lets all go inside" she ushed them inside "hey leann im gonna go out with the guys later on" "ok" hailey got kids dried off and changed "well im off leann" "well dont you look dashing" "only for you my love" he kissed her goodbye and left. The kids were running around "would y'all just go to bed" scooping them up and dragging them to bed "stay, i gave you a story now bed" she closed the door quietly and tip toed downstairs "leann im home" "you shut up i just got them down again and their quiet" "sorry" "im going to bed" she checked the room before going to bed "good i can sleep tonight" she heard the door creak open "who is it" peeking from the bathroom "momma i cant sleep" "andy go back to bed" "ok ill try" raven put on his pajamas and got in bed "raven how was your night" "it was fun but it would have been better if you were there" "well thats sweet but we have kids and someone had to watch em" "i know" she climbed in the bed and was woke up by jumbling with the covers "whos there" "its me momma, i cant sleep" "why cant you sleep andy" "ravens snoring" "just be quiet and go to sleep" he snuggled inbetween raven and hailey. Hailey was in the kitchen when raven popped in "geuss who made us a date for next sunday night" "oh i dont know maybe that adorable man down the street" giggling "oh  hush you know who" "it was you wasnt it" "you geussed right" he spun her around "ya see thats why i feel in love with you, your spontanous and goofy" "im sure there are other reasons" he gave her a crooked smile "raven, dove and raven lee are watching their cartoons" "wheres andy" "still asleep, im asumming" "ill go get him" he checked the kids room then their bed "andy dear time to get up" "no" curling into a tighter ball "momma has cartoons on in the livingroom" "aw" he leaned up and grabbed ravens shoulders "ok ill carry you" he carried him downstairs andy buring his face in ravens shoulder when the sunlight  hit em "noo" "andy ya gotta get up" "i dont wanna momma" "come on, i got your juice" andy snatched the cup and drank it all "down" he jumped down and joined his siblings "well good morning to you to andy" hailey laughed at raven "whats so funny" "i do that every morning" raven dressed for work while hailey stepped in front of the window "eeek, its starting to burn me again" she proceeded to close all the curtains "leann, why are all the curtains closed" "try to go outside just standing in the window is starting to burn again" "are you serous" "yes i am you try" he stepped outside and jumped instantly jumped back in "holy atlanis your right" "take your black out umbrella" "momma why are the curtains closed" dove opened one of them slightly "eh close those please" a knock came at the door "who is it" "daniel" "come in quickly" she opened the door and slammed it once he got inside "why is it so dark in here" "well i havent told the kids but open that curtain slighty" "why" "just do it, then youll see im keeping the house so dark" he did what she asked and quickly them "now you understand" "oh the vampire thing" "yes the vampire thing i drink small amounts of blood and yet the only thing that gets is the sunlight unless i take a postion" she went to the livingroom with daniel "i rememer these sunday morning cartoons" "momma hows this" "im an old freind of your moms" "hey dani would you watch them a sec, i gotta close the rest of the curtains on the floors" "ok be safe" she went up to each floor hiding behind the closed ones and headed back down "ok im safe" "what do you mean momma" "im not sure if your ready to know yet just if you find an open window please close it and no pool today" "ah man" "speaking of that how can you be in the sun" "i give myself a shot every month" "thats how my potion works" "wheres dad" "he went to work, im starting the potion when i get the kids down for their nap" daniel  helped hailey get the kids down  "so what is my first born up to" "still a doctor but i made up this boggus lie about a medical shot that keeps you young for as long as you live, and now im work on that shot so im not lieing compleaty" "if you brought a needle you could take a bit off my blood for testing theres vampire blood in there" "ill think about it, it would feel weird if i take blood from my own mother" "i understand would you please be my lab assisent on more time dani" "id be honored to mom" he helped her with the ingedents "so when are you planing to tell them that their part vampire" "when i tell them that their pure blood wizard" "what their wizards" "yes so were the twins, have you ever wondered why the words witch and wizard is on the plagues in the  history hall" "yeah kindof" "the rose family is a long line of wizards that went to illevmorny" "how come you never told me any of this" "well you see" "i was a surregent baby i know, sometimes i wonder what my real parents were like" "well take a seat i knew both kf them personally and tour grown so i can use all the words i want" "ill call you about them later, i should be going" he left the house quickly, hailey took the posion of the burner and started for the door "mom we wanna go with you" "honey you can go to my job, its too inapproite for someone your age" "but momma" "dont but momma me you had all day with momma, be good" "when are gonna be home" "a little bit after your father" she fought the door hiding under a long jacket and hat "i hate having to do that". Hailey took off her coat and put it on the rack and went to pour her a drink "whats on my sceudule tonight daneil" "not much just ordering supplies and keeping security up" "ah" she sat in front of the window in her favorite swival chair "hell of a night, hey daneil do you think i could sneak my 4 year old triplets im this office" "uh no ma'am that would be breaking your own rule" "thats what i thought, i just hurts that i have to leave them every night" "oh yes i understand i have a teenager at home thats always asking me to bring him her" "im sorry"

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