Odd pairing

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Cyrus had just showed up the afternoon "hey doll" " youve never called me that, but come in" "i think your pretty cute for a mother" "whats your game" "no game" "look if your trying to court  be a gentlemen about it" "oh hush" hailey slaped him "i dont know who bet ya but you will be lossing" "oh come hails" she pined him to the countor "dont hails me, ill kick your ass into next week" "fine, fine raven put me up to it" "why" pressing him down "he mentioned an idea to me" pushing him down more "what idea" "polyamerous relationship" he sqealed as hailey let him go "i forgot how they trained you" "why the hell would you do a thing like that" "i was curious how youd react" "how does raven feel about this" "he told me he thinks your hot for being a mom" hailey cocked a brow "how are about this" "you know how i feel about you" "yeah any chance you have with me you'd take it, you've told me before" "oh yeah sorry, i will never remember the training they put you through" trying to rub his back "come here, should have just told me the little sceme before i hurt ya" rubbing his back "so ya in" "well i would be if you had charmed me right way" slapping his neck "ouch what was that for" "just cause" hailey laughed walking away "you mean ass woman" "only when nessecary, cyrus" making a drink for daniel "little one should be up in 3..2...1" daniel came walking in holding the usaul animal "oh your good hailey" "i would have to be, runs in here every morning ready for his juice" she gave him the cup "up" "of course sweety" holding him "does that every morning too" "yes, i pretty much have this one on a schedule" he hit her shoulder "no hitting daniel, hey i got a question for you since your a demon" "yes" "last night i saw daniels eyes change fire red and back to his gorgous crystal green" "ah thats the demon/angel hybrid you hoped for" "oh would you stop joking be serious" "ok let me take a  look" "come on dani, look at uncle cyrus" she set him on the countour letting cyrus look at his eyes "hmm hes gonna end up with ruby red eyes, pure white wings and all the magnificent demon powers. But thats just a predection" "dont toy with me, cyrus" "what i said its just  a prediction" "oh fine go play little dani momma has to grown-up talk" putting him on the floor "so what did ya do last night" "i told you on the phone doofus" "yeah yeah, what made them decide your house would be best for a reunion" "i dont know but did know kodi had the audasity to say the j word infront of me" "yikes" "and it burns like hell too" "anything else happen" "oh yeah i found out who killed me when i was young, and i didnt get a single thing thrown at me" "well thats good for ya" elbowing her "dont start that game because i will win" "oh id like to see you try" "oh shut up idiot" "would you like to try that idea" "your gonna have to court me like a woman thats not a danger to your health" "what about raven" "same way" "and you think you can beat me in a fight" "i know so, i went through very excellent training. What did you do" "i know how to kill a man" "you cant kill me" "yeah i know but i sure can learn how to properly fight" "oh yeah, you got 2 days" "your on" they shook on it. Daniel tuged on cyrus's pants "what is it daniel" he stuck his tongue out at him "see hes beting on me" "ah he is not" "now daniel who are you going with point to them" he held up his toy "ok maybe he doesnt have a bet" "you know what wait till raven gets here, he'll break the bet" "he'll be on my side" "no, he wont he'll be on mine" "sure" she heard the bell and checked her phone "oh speak of the devil" "i'll get it" cyrus said getting the door "whats up with you assholes" raven said closing his black out umbrella "oh nothing, just we have a bet going on" "oh really, what bet" "cyrus thinks he can beat me in a fight" "ha hes joking no way, im betting on my girl hailey" "told ya" "damn it is no one on my side" "he has two days to train before the fight, were gonna be seting up a ring in the back yard for it and were gonna take bets too" "hey so what did she say to our little idea" "i pinned him on the countor for flirting with me" "oh shes gonna win" "i blame you raven, that shit hurt" "so what do ya say hails" "you two got to court me like a lady" "you said it yourself your not a lady" "oh shut up raven, you know what i mean" "yeah i do, we'll do it" "good, yes daniel" je handed her his cup "ok you need a change, ill be back boys" taking daniel to go change "their silly boys dani" seting dani back by his toys "momma will be right back, follow me boys" "what" "you two are taking the quest room" "are you sure" "yes, dumbasses" she showed them the room "so wheres your gym" "oh you wanna start training quick" "shutup" "come on follow" cyrus followed her to the gym "your a doll, what do you usally do wheres dani when your in here" "hes either in his playroom or in that there play corner" "oh" "yeah, your gonna have fun" dani waddled in the room "hey there" he just walked past her and sat in the corner "alright, im gonna run" hailey went to the locker and changed into her work out clothes and started on her treadmill "your weird hailey" "shut up your throwing of my concentration, now go get changed and get your happy ass in here" "ok," "do you want training or not" "ill go get changed" "hailey is cyrus ok" "yeah i just told him to get in here after he changed" "your training him" "no matter whos training him he still cant beat me" "nice i wanna join" "then go change and come back, " she got off the treadmill "ill be waiting" cyrus came in "you know im putting you under scope right" "i know" "get on that threadmill,  10 minutes i already set the speed" "i dont wanna" "this is your training get going" "im here" "alright 10 minutes on that threadmill any speed you choose" "hey" "hes doing this one for fun, let him go on and you keep on your gonna fall" "i feel like im dying" "i have to get the door just remember your on camera" "damn it" "have fun" hailey went get the door "hello who are you" "do you have time to talk about our lord and savior" "if its satan yes" "no jesus christ" she wenced and slamed the door "burns" she tiptoed to the room "your not running cyrus" "shit" he hoped back on "i told you, your on camera, dani its nap time" "no" "yes" laying him down "no" "yes" she shut the door "cyrus outside" "why" "5 laps around the house" "no fair" "you wanted training,  now go" "yes ma'am" he slugishly walked to the back yard "momma no bedtime" "alright then come tire yourself out outside" he waddled out to his playhouse "3...2...1 run" starting her stop watch "your going to kill me" "run bitch" he took of running "you can do it, once your done here your going on the punching bag and then lunch"  he finished all of that "lunch time" they all scrambled to the table "eat up, cyrus your on punching bag till dinner" "fuck" he wispered. The day of the fight "kodi ill be there in a minute i had to drop daniel of at dads, so everything goes good" "well so far you got 6 bets and cyrus has 20 bets" "intreging, im pulling up now" she said hanging up getting out of the car "okay everything set up" kodi went down her list "ring, outfits yeah everything. Now go get changed into your costume cyrus is waiting" hailey changed and made her entrence "come on cyrus, just dont hit the eyes. Thats the only rule"  "i dont want to hit a girl" hailey punched his cheek "come on hit me" he punched her nose" "oh your made me bleed"  hailey kicked his feet from under him and pined him down "shit" "oh come on try to get me" he struggled getting up "you gotta be kidding me this is only the first round" *ding ding* "that would be the end of the first round, " letting him go "now  go get something to drink" hailey saw her dad walk into the crowd as she got off the stage for a drink "he brought daniel" "round 2 is about to start" hailey jumped up on stage "dont hurt me" "and go" hailey flicked his neck kicking the back of his knee "fuck" toppling to his face as hailey pined him again "3 seconds 3...2....1 hailey wins" "ok get up wimp" helping him up "how are getting me down so fast" "the element of surprise, cyrus" "can you let me win once" "sure" "final round" he knocked her down as soon as it started "3..2.." hailey jumped up throwing her arm on his back and pinning him again "i thought you said youd let me win once" "i did i let you pin me for 2 seconds" "hailey is your winner" holding hailey up "i need water" "was it hard" "cake walk, that was fun" raven went to get cyrus up "i was wrong about you hailey you  are stronger" "duh" they shook hands "ill admit i had fun" "heres the money hailey" "thank you kodi" "im in pain" "raven go lay him on the couch with an ice pack and give him a back rub" "will do" everyone but hailey dad, his boyfreind and daniel left "hey dad, i told you not to let daniel see this" "he was cheering for you" "thats my boy now i gotta help take the ring apart yall can head inside" they all headed in "ma'am you dont have to help us take this apart although you were fun to watch" "thank you but i insist on helping" hailey helped take it apart and load it back up "why did you two start fighting" "oh it was a silly bet that he thought he could beat me" "well you showed him" "you guys have a good day" she told them as they got in "ya gave a story to tell". Hailey walked back into the house " hows he doing raven" "pretty good, i think he fell asleep though" "come to momma daniel, how bad was he" "not bad at all he started crying because he wanted to see momma" "we were in your favor" "ill be right back, " she went up to raven "im planning the first date you two" "ok, i dani. We have to get an at home gym" "its not a bad thing"  they laughed and haileys dad's boyfreind made dinner "how bad is this gonna be" "oh hush hailey, he can cook fine" "i was joking dad" "i know" "hows jane doing" "shes about ready to burst" "nice im gonna be an aunt" "she loves you and wants you to be there" "its dinner time" they set the table and eat "this is really good mr..." "mr.danny" he said with a sweet smile "you know thats funny because little daniels nickname is dani but spelled d-a-n-i"  "thats adorable, ive just been calling him daniel" "your sweet i bet my dad is very happy with you" "im his old college freind, the one he experemented with" "we dont need anymore information" "now danny they need our full history" "oh your right bradly, they dont want to hear that" "dad your names bradly" "yeah" "daniel you finish that" pointing at him "thank you so  much danny, that was delious" "well thank you so much hailey it was wonderful meeting you" "you too sir" the two shook hands as he and bradly left "well i should be going" "good night kodi"  "i gotta get this little one in his bath amd bed" the boys cleaned the kitchen as hailey managed to get daniel to bed "hailey" "what do you want" cyrus tapped her "what the fuck do you want, cyrus" cyrus kissed her "can you not do this right now im tired and trying to sleep" "fine tommorow then" "maybe, ill think about now get the fuck out" waving her hand. Hailey was in the kitchen the next morning pouring her coffee "hello beautiful" "are you trying this again" "whats wrong with my charm" "your not doing the charming right" "what do ya mean hails" "try to wake me up when im sleeping again your dead" "understood" "hey there you two lovebirds" "lovebirds" she quistioned raising a brow "ok, hes trying though" "just not right way" "hailey would you dance with me" "you do relize the suns not even up and im not even awake yet" "oh come on" "oh what the hell" she put down her cup and followed him to the center of the livingroom "how often did you go dancing" "oh never" "you and kodi never danced at home" "nope" "well then just follow my lead" hailey softened up as she leaned her head on his chest "ive never seen you like this hailey" she pushed him away "i never wanted anyone but family seeing that side, im sorry" running to the kitchen "why are you so scared hails" "i dont like showing that side" starting to cry "hailey its always ok to show you have a soft side" "come on hails, its okay" he took her hand "look you dont have to be a hard ass all the time" "i geuss i can let the wall down sometimes" "come dance" he lead her back out and held her close "its all okay hails" they danced till daybreak "i have to fix dani's morning drink" "do ya hate me hailey" "not at all cyrus" "ya know ive always liked you" "shut up i heard you the first thousand times, ill be honest i  always thought raven was cute" "what am i choped liver" "ravens cute,  you are an intriging man" "intreging is that all" "thats all you can handle right now"

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