Handling new things

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Hailey was on the phone talking to the orpanage "(japanese)yes could i get copies of Teitamu's and Heiden's records, i want to know their history and just in case their parents want to meet them" "(Japanese) ill see what we can do" "Arigatōgozaimashita" "miss hailey" "yes heiden" "i was talking with teitamu and we decided to go by our American names" "so tatum and hayden, if you so. Now ive checked my scheudule and planner so how would you and tatum like to have a day with me and mister raven" "id like to get to know him better" "and we'd like to figure that out about you" she left her office and took the family out to the carnival. After a good three months she was sent two manilla packages "raven could you hand me my reading glasses" "sure" she put them on and started reading the papers "what are those" "i asked for a copy of tatum and haydens records for any important information" "do you always plan ahead" "yes" "and where are they" "tatums in the play room and haydens at school" "im going to go check" he ran to the playroom while hailey looked over the medical records again "ok on to file these" "(Japanese) miss can i have some juice" "(Japanese) sure tatum" she got up from the the bar "ahhhh" "oh shit i forgot to put in my contact (Japanese) im sorry you had to out this way, dear i cant see out of my right eye and i forgot to put in my contact" "(Japanese) thats no better" "(Japanese) ok ill get your juice and go put it in" raven ran back in the room and pointed at hailey "he was not haha ha you were wrong" "yes raven i was wrong and i acently scared tatum so can you watch him while i make to where hes not" raven tried his best to explain haileys eye while she was upstairs "so miss hailey blind" "not entirly but yes she is" "raven delicate matter hes only 3" "sorry i told i told him in a very light way" "(Japanese) it cool" "what did he say" "raven remember when i got you Japanese lessons 3 years ago" "yeah" "you tell me what he said" "its....uh nice" "close you just need more pratice" "cool im close to understanding you when your mad" "or when i just want to stump you" she took tatum off the countor smiling at him "manga kudasai" "Nan dai, ojōchan" she turned on the tv "why are you putting that on" "hes learning English from it" "oh" "sweet kid and hes a slow learner he'll get there" hayden came through the front door "hey guys" "how was school" "as fun as private school can get, hey that's the same show i used to watch" "huh, got any homework" "yes ma'am, but i dont want to do it" "okay ill give an hour of down time and then homework" "do i have to do it" "if you want good grades then you have to" "can i go for a swim" "homework first" hailey got hayden to the table "she's right hayden, shes a pretty smart woman" "oh fine", hailey took out her contact before getting to bed "so do you think hayden hates me now" "hailey no kid likes homework dont you remember trying to get kyle to do his" "oh yeah that was hell" she put on her patch "when did you start wearing that at night" "tonight, im not trying to scare anyone" tatum opened the door crying "(Japanese) i had a bad dream im scared" "(Japanese) come here little on" she held him until he was calm "you wanna go back to bed" hailey put him back to bed. Hayden came home from school with only raven and tatum there "mr.raven i ask you something" "yes you can" he sat down and listened "did your family ever hassle you" "ohh my parents wernt around and my grandparents didnt care about me and i cant tell you what kind of family i was born into" "why not" "dangous and yes my pushed me the join their mafia, i never did" he awkwardly laughed his way out of the room "that was weird (Japanese) i know your there tatum" "Kon'nichiwa" he laughed and ran off "weird kid" he stopped and started his homework "anyone home" hailey took off her coat and went to the kitchen "hey how was your day" "absoluty annoying, but better since im home" "can i ask you something" "did you ask raven first" "he didnt answer it" "alright shoot" "not to be rude but did your family ever get on to you" "oh all the time expecally my own mom tried killing me all the time, i learned how not to treat a child from her" "so both you and raven have troubled families" "yep and for that we learned, all i ask of my children is that their happy" "thats all" "and that they dont get snobby, i had a daughter who tried that" "well thats cool" "ill be in my office after i find the others, if im needed" she brought her cup finding them playing with the dog "watch him please" she went up to her dark office and looked at her old pictures "i miss the old days, so simple" she finished painting all her family pictures and hayden caught her on her way to the portrait room "hey where are you taking those and whos that woman" "old memories" she hung the paintings above the single portraits "what is this room, i dont think ive been in here" "you have, this is my portrait room i painted every peice in here" "whats up with your eye, arent both your eyes red" "around 7 years ago i went blind in my right eye and it turned full white after 3 weeks, i keep forgeting the red contact" "no i think its pretty cool so can you see out of it" "nope as far as everyones considered i only have one eye" "but you have things so straight" "that is because magic" she pulled out her wand and straightened them "your a wizard" "witch and were a dying breed im a pure blood" "can i tell you something" "sit im listening" "i think the orpanage was just trying to get rid of us" "why do you think that" she sat next to him "they just gave us to vampires" "i was wondering why they did that to, i mean on our file it says were in our 700ths and dont worry we buy from blood banks you and your brother are completly safe" "i also wanted to ask you about that too, can i call you mom" "if you want to" she smiled and hugged her as hailey jerked her head "what is it" "ill be right back someones in trouble" she ran and jumped out of a window getting to the pool and catching tatum before he feel in the pool "raven i told you to watch him" "i turned my back for one second" "and he almost fell in the pool not a good look for us raven" "im sorry" "at least put floaties on him but for now hes going to be inside" she put him in the playroom "how'd you do that" "i dont know but ive been able to do it for years and im sorry for leaving you so sudden" "its okay, you saved my freind". The family was out at dinner "ill have the salmon and they'll have the steak fingers and chicken nuggets" "why did we come to a west.." "Hayden do not finish that sentence, the w word is your moms trigger word" "oh shes trained" "yep" "you two getting along" tatum hugged haileys arm "Okāsan daisuki" "love you too" "our first family dinner" "oh first dinner out but not our first dinner", raven smiled after getting the children to bed "hajley what are you doing in here" "making plans to buid a new room" "why dont you just use an empty room" "well the issue is what room" "give it time, come to bed" "i have a better plan, the gallery wants new paintings so i was thinking my subject is you" "you want me to pose nude dont you" "ill make it tasteful, please" "oh if you insist but lets find a nice secluded space so that the kids wont see" "deal" she gathered her set and went to the next storage room "oh its been forever" she smiled wide while getting the painting done "so can i see it" "one second my new masterpeice is almost..wahlaw" she turned the canvas around and showed him "i look like a god" "semi-godly" "good enough for me, now come to your semi-god" "thats not a usual nickname for you but lets do this before anyone wakes up" "fuck yeah". Hailey rubbed her eyes and took ravens arm of her "shit i have to get haydens lunch ready and get breakfast done" she got dressed and went to the kitchen "honey i could do that" "we split the work then, you make the lunch and i do the breakfast" "and ill make good morning tea" "ok you do that" "yay" she laughed as he ran ahead of her "raven, clothes" "oh right" she watched him run back covering up "well what a hell of a night" she started the eggs when tutam stumbled down "well good morning" "Okitakunai" "Hai, daremoshiranai" she set him up in the booster seat and put his and haydens plate down "jeez raven takes forever" she started the tea and haydens lunch "hey i could have done that hails" "were you changing upstairs or in the room" "in that room" "took ya long enough, Ohayōgozaimasu" "hey i accually understood you" "hey your learning and i started your tea water" "your awesome" "i know" she kissed him as he passed by "do i have to go to school today" "yes dear, eat your breakfast and get changed ill be bringing you to school" "cool" "raven can i trust you with tatum alone" "ill be honest no" "your lucky its family day at work" "is it a picnic day" "possibly, everyones going need to be ready 30 minutes after we get home" raven checked haileys planner "hey shes not to busy today" "its the 30th raven" "oh yeah wrong day, dang shes booked" she went up and changed into something more approprite for a party. Hailey watched her cast "this episodes gonna be shit" she wispered to herself "aint that the truth, the actors arent doing their jobs" "shut up, they are half assing it though. Can you bring me a water" "yes ma'am" "breaks over start from the top and stop half assing" "i told you she could tell" "action i want to feel what your saying" she watched them gaining hope the longer they went "how was it" "je pourrais vous embrasser tous, vous m'avez ému"
"shes mad" "nope French shes happy" "thats a wrap, youve all made me proud, so go home" hailey sat and watched them get out the door "Dipshits die ganze Macht ist in der Bearbeitung" "it wasn't that bad hailey" "this people think their the talent" "well arent they" "them and the editing crew" she got home and just laided on the couch "hey hailey, what are you doing home" "family days been cancelled so i quess we could go somewhere with the kids" "thats not a bad idea, but where" "isnt there a disney land near here" "yeah should be" she checked her phone for a location "hailey you sure your good" "yeah fine" "hailey your a director" "Ningen wa tawagotodesu, im going to work out" "hailey humans are not shit" "actors are" "come on have a little faith, haydens 13 and tatums 6", raven went up and caught her during her legs

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