Single parenting

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"So kodi are you wanting anything out of this mess" "nothing, but what i came into it with" "is that dueable, mrs.rose" "absolutly sir" "now are you absolutly sure, that is all you want" "yes, shes worked for everything she has and id like no custody of the child" "your sure about that" "im sure" they wrote down the facts "alright its settled, everything ms.matthews came into the marrige she takes with her" the girls shook hands "well, friends" "tell dani im his aunt" "ok, if this is it" "barbies waiting downstairs for me" "listen to me, dont let her control me" "alright for you" she went to the elavator. Hailey went home to daniel and cyrus "my angel, momma's home" "how did it go" "kodi was so kind about all the wanted was all the things she came into the marrige with, i just wish she want some kind of custody" "honey its just what she wanted you have to repect that" "i geuss" "i do belive daniel want his momma" "did you learn how change a diaper" "im not too good, but i tried" "its crooked" she held daniel "hey i said i tried" "you know im joking" "yeah im good enough" "you should probaly be getting back to raven" "your right" "say bye bye to uncle cyrus" hailey waved his hand "would momma's angel like to play in the sand, oh ok, you dont" taking him to his play room. "Hailey we'll be down there next month" "alright dani and i will be here" "your a doll" she ended the chat "does my dani wanna try out the new sippy cup" daniel tried to stand up "come on to the kitchen" she picked him up and set him down in the kitchen "pick out your juice" leaving the fridge open as hailey got his cup and watched him "ill be so happy when you start walking, apple juice" seeing him reach "come on, sweety" sitting him on the countour filling up the cup "one second let me get the lid on it" she screwd on the lid and hand it to him "you wanna try holding it" he throw down the cup "daniel, your 2 years old get out of this funk" hailey put him on the floor and gave him his cup "who the hell can be at the door this time of night" hailey checked the door cam "what the fuck do you want barbie, get of my property" "kodi wantes me to apologize for my behavoir about the divorce" "meet me in the backyard" "momma" "yes sweetheart" "juice" holding up his cup "yes thats your juice, mommas gotta go outside for a second, love you" hailey kissed his forhead and went outside. Hailey sat in chair on the backporch "hailey" "its ms.rose to you" "ok" "get on with it flag" "im sorry for how i acted" "i want to know one thing" "ok" "how long were you and kodi together" "since you two moved in, you were always with daniel and she needed someone" "you aint got no right to be saying my babys name, and my wife wanted to shack up with some unmannered rich woman living of daddys money or shall i say mammas money" "how the hell do you know" "i know your momma, now get off my property, you've made your peace" hailey watched her walk away before she stepped back inside, "dani its time for your bath," daniel started crying and screaming "now don't you start that fit throwing, im gonna let you cry it out" hailey sat and watched him "well were skiping bath time on to bed" hailey carried a still crying daniel to his bed "momma loves you, night angel" she closed the door after turning out the lights. The sun had just came up and hailey hadnt good any sleep "well the house is clean, let me just get some work done before he gets up" she got to her computer, hailey was on call with cyrus and raven "that kid keep me up all night. Between trying to keep him in bed and cleaning the house i didn't get a wink of sleep" "well didnt you sigh up for that when you became a parent" "yeah, doesnt bother me as much anymore" "its the terrible two" "yeah yeah i going to the surf shop later, just hope he behaves" "wish ya luck" "well thanks" they ended the call as hailey finished her work "i need to start trying to find the youthful forever thing, maybe raven can help me" she got up from her deskn and started breakfast "momma" a sleepy little boy came out of the hall "hi sweety, momma made breakfast" "yay" dragging a stuffed toy behind him "your as sweet as pie, come on and sit" hailey set him in his booster seat "enjoy dear" giving him his food "dont you push that, ma.. i mean aunt kodi is coming over" someone knocked on the door "ill be right back, you behave" hailey got up from the table and answered the door "hello kodi, is she here" "no she isnt" "then come on in, dani should be eating but he likes to throw things" "i understand" kodi walked in the house "daniel lee rose i said no throwing things, you could have broke something, damnit stop crying please mommas sorry" "hes really into throw things" "uh huh not very fond of it, i need you to watch him while im at the shop" "ok ill do it" hailey pulled her aside "hey i really apressate you doing this" "no problem any chance to help you im in" "i should be going, theres a book on the table over there telling what to do. Take care and be good dani" hailey took her leave and headed to shop "hows it going ms.rose" "good i finally found a babysitter for a few hours" "oh who is it" "oddly enough my ex wife and next week were having a family reunion at my house" "back office is free" "nice ill be back there if im needed" she went to the back and did what was needed. "Hey dad" "youve really done good for yourself" "mom here, i dont her to know about daniel" "trust me, if she is i dont know who told her" "whos over there with daniel" "someones over with daniel whos not me," she turned around "whoever it is has jane next to them" hailey went over "who are you" "hailey this is my boyfreind" "well im happy janes found someone, now you i dont you dont touch my son" "why do you trust her" "thats my sister" hailey told him grabbing daniel "is that my grandson" "yes sir, ill warn terrible twos" handing daniel to him "yeah you wernt a peice of cake" "im teaching the good southern way, i may not be proud of my momma but im proud of the place im from" "your weird" "wait a second, whos that" hailey looked out the back door "she does look famiar, but forget it enjoy yourself" "your right, hey i gotta take this call be right back" hailey went outback and answered "hello" "yo hails well be there tommorow" "why, you said next month" "i know but we caught an early time for a free week" "alright, but i have to get back to my family" "oh shit" "yeah family reunion" "well have a good time" she hung up and went back inside "okay if anyone has a bathingsuit please be carefull on the beach and to anyone who brought food thank you, i can cook but not for an army" hailey anonced. Hailey watched everyone scramble to get changed "what a bunch of fools, aint that right dani" "yeah look at that line" "kodi, when did you get here" "oh ive been here, so when are we eating" "you realize today is thanksgiving well be eating after everyone gets back from the beach" "anything new on jane or anyone else" "well my dad finally got the divorce, laina couldnt make it because of school, nothing really new with cane and sasha, john opened his own salon and jane is pregnant with her boyfriends child" "what about your mom" "oh i dont care, im gonna get this little one in his bathing suit" "that should be fun" "whats going to be fun is getting him to bed, its terrible everynight" "barbies mom lets me stay at hers while i try to get somewhere to live" "what do you do now" "same thing back in new york, im paying rent to mrs.flagg" "that seems fair, you wanna get changed" "i didnt bring my suit" "you might have left one here, well check once i get him changed" "your dads right about you, youve done amazing for yourself" kodi told hailey as she rumaged thought her old bikinis "yeah i dont belive you" "belive it i dont want to marry you again because your rich" "is that why you liked barbie" "no, i didnt know anything about her family" "hey i think i found one" "jesus chist, is that the smallest one you have" hailey winsed "no, i might be able to find one thats more conservative, hey i think this one might be yours" "i think that it is too" "you can change in my bathroom" kodi went into the bathroom "your aunt doesnt know how mommy feels about that word, would you like to go down the stair alone" he looked at hailey stupidly "hey im done" "thats your suit for sure, watch daniel while i change into mine" hailey walked out a mom friendly bikini "i was honestly thinking much worse" "oh hush, lets just get down there" hailey went down stairs to join her family "you two still married" "no, sasha we got divorced a year ago" "so co-parenting" "no she wanted no custody and insisted on being called dani's aunt" "painful" "oh shut up cane" "where is daniel anyway" "kodis with him in the water" "thats nice" hailey sat back and watched them "ill take over kodi" getting into the water "ok" she handed the child over "were gonna head in hails, everyone else is" "oh ok we should too" she took daniel out of the water and headed inside "ready to eat dani" putting him in his chair "you stay still" hailey made their plates and brought them as everyone else sat down "shall we pray" "if you belive in that" some people went on to eat and some started with a prayer "i got a story to tell after dinner dad" "alright" hailey looked at daneil and started to notice his eyes "thats peculiar" she went back to her food "his eyes are starting to change, thats a question for cyrus" "what was that dear" "oh nothing" everyone was finishing their food "you know this is the first family function nothing was thrown at me, im gonna go put dani down and ill be back" "ok" hailey put him to bed and went around the corner "hey im just grate mom hadnt killed hailey when was younger" "what do you mean mom killed me, jane" "oh shit, im sorry" getting up "sit your ass down and tell me" "i really dont think i should" "your going to tell me what you saw" "ok, fine i remember you just slamed the axe in as i was walking past the window and i saw mom behind you, you started to walk back and mom pushed you down and laughed as you bounced" "what happened next" "for the three days you were unconcois she sat and planned your funeral with a sinister smile spread across her face.we all had to practicely drag her to visit you" "thats why she repeatedly throw things at me" "on a lighter note, i got a story to tell when i divorced your mother" "oh yeah that seems ok" "the last time i visited her she was just bo hoing telling me 'your all i have dont leave' the preist left her after he saw the papers i told her 'i never even loved you, ive been having an affair of my own with my now boyfreind' and boy did she want to kill well anyway we ended up sliting everything" "going the peace route" "hey kodi, you and hailey still married" "um no sir" "well ouch, everyone here is either single or divorced" "well that sucks" "i gotta go think a bit, if daniel gets out of his room come and get me" hailey went outside and stared at the sky tears coming down her face "hey hailey" "oh did dani get up" "no i came out here to talk to you" jane shut the door behind her "im fine jane" "yeah tell that to your tears" she said wiping her tears away seating next to hailey "how many people knew" "everyone but kodi" "and no one told me" "you could tell it was her by her facial expression those three days" "oh just stop torturing me already" "oh relax im sorry" "i had to find out at some point, im sorry i was so rude" "its one of the expected reactions, lets go back inside" jane held her close as they went back inside "hailey you'd never quess what happened" kodi ran up to hailey excited "what happened kodi" "what happened" "ms.flagg offered me a job" "thats wonderful kodi" "im not sure if i should take it" "honey its your choose" "i hope ya dont i put daniel back to bed so you and jane could talk" "thank you" "i really have to go" "well have fun" kodi left the house "you two sure did become good friends" "well we just said were better off freinds and we should have never got married, mutal agreement" "are ya sure" "the woman gave all custody to me" "honey well help all help you clean this place up" everyone helped clean the livingroom and kicthen up and hailey said a thank you and goodbye as they left. "Well i can go to sleep tonight now" she climbed in bed and passed out almost instantly with one intermission of daniel climbing in bed with her.

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