Little dani

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A loud cry was heard the apartment in the middle of the night, kodi slapped haileys arm "its your turn hailey" "is it really, fuck" she got out of bed half awake "hey dani, come with mommy" she picked him up bringing him to the kitchen getting the bottle ready "fhow you stink, lets go change you" bringing him to the changing table laying danny down "ok chill out danny, heres your duck" giving him a toy to play with  changing his diaper "shh your gonna wake momma" bouncing little dani lightly going for his bottle as hailey yawned. She rocked him in his bassenet holding his bottle up "danny we love you but can you not wake us up in the middle of the night" dani and hailey drifted off to sleep "stay up hailey at least until hes asleep, kodi walked in the livingroom after the alarm went off to find hailey passed out the couch next to bassenett "hailey you gotta get up" slowly shaking her "5 more minutes kodi" "hailey you cant take that excuse anymore" "dont wake daniel" "was he any trouble last night" "naw he woke up a few more time,nothing a little bit of rocking could fix" hailey said fixing her coffee. "Hey kim do you mind coming over and watching daniel" "where are you two going" "california, house hunting" "oh nice, ill be over tommorrow morning" "pack a bag for a good week" kim hung up "well kims gonna watch daniel while were looking" "what about your job" "im being told to take vacation days", the next morning kim came in "where is the little angel" "hes in his room sleeping,  you can stay in our room" "were going to have breakfast and then leave" "im going to go check on the little one" hailey went into his room "oh good morning sweetheart, wanna go see kimmy" she brought him in the livingroom "theres my godbaby, let me hold him" kim held daniel "hes beautiful" "take care of him,we have to get to the airport" hailey and kodi kissed daniels forhead "we love you little one". Later on the plane "hailey what about work, your too high up" "except ive been keeping this secret, cyrus gave me half the  ownership of the company" "you can't keep hiding things like this, expecliy something this big" "kodi, im sorry" "you know what im done, dont talk to me" kodi put on her headphones "im always fucking up with you, nothing is ever good enough for you" hailey stared at the window for the entire flight "we'll be landing soon" "great more time to spend with a fucking lair" "can you stop talking like that, were trying to make a better life for dani" "fine" kodi started pushing hailey off the plane "fine lets just get to the hotel". Hailey went to the check in desk "yes ma'am, rose reservation" "oh yes, heres your key have a nice stay" "have a nice day ma'am, come on kodi" kodi grabbed her bag and followed hailey into the room "kodi im doing everything i can to make you happy" "well thank you, im unpacking and dont talk to me" hailey went into the hall "hello" "yes is this hailey" "yes" "i have a couple houses lined up to look at" "what time" "around 10 o clock" "thank you so much" hailey hung up and walked in the room. A week later hailey and kodi returned home and semingly "wheres my little angel" hailey ran to him "are you two okay" "little fight on the plane and we found a place" "right little fight" kodi scoffed "kodi would you just stop" "fine maybe all we need is a fresh start" kodi stoped. Haileys phone started to ring "hello" "this is raven, id like to tell you im leaving going back to London" "that blows man, im sorry" "tell little dani, i love him" "i will" "well talk later" the phone went silent and click "who was that" "that was raven",  hailey went to the office with the baby "hey cyrus" "oh hailey how are you" "i belive i should ask you how you are" "not too good ravens going back london, he wants a divorce" "he got tired of me i guess, why are you here" "kodi said i should come and let you see daniel" "wow, you brought daniel here, " she lifted up the carrier "hes looks like an angel" "yeah" "i would geuss ravens leaving because i work to much" "im sorry for that" "its fine, ill be alright" "i hope so, want to go to the lunch" "sounds fun, kodis not gonna be mad you and daniel out a little longer" "shes been fine with it in the past, ill give her a call to be sure" hailey stepped outside watching the boys closely "hey kodes would you be bothered if i take the boys to lunch" "not a problem" "ok, ill be home when were done" she hung up going back in the room "were free to go" hailey grabed the carrier and walked out "its your pick cyrus" "your a good friend hailey". A year later, hailey, kodi, and daniel are moved into a beachside home "daniel dear get the sand out of your mouth" picking him up trying to get the sand out "no sand it the mouth sweety, lets get you back inside" carrying him in and closes the door behind her. Hailey heard strange from upstairs "i wonder who that is, stay down here angel mommys going to be right back"  putting him down and very quickly grabbing her gun,slowly walking up the stairs  "hello anyone here" peeking at her phone watching the downstairs camera while still going up stairs "whos in this room" she burst the door open "how could you kodi" hailey throw her gun down crying "daniels crying" hailey ran down stairs "hailey wait its not what it looks like" "i dont have time for this, kodi" making sure daniels safe "i can explain" "oh please do explain why another woman was in our bed," picking up dani "lets go get you changed, does my baby wanna go play in the water" dani clapped "hailey wait up" "go get some clothes on" heading to daniels room "hails" "dont hails me, we'll talk about this when daniel is napping till then stay away" hailey took dani outside and played in the water untill he started feeling sleepy "alright baby" picking him up as he started to fall asleep "can we talk now" "sure, you got five minutes to explain everything, go" "uh uh" "thats what i thought, go find somewhere else to stay tonight" "you cant do this" "geust bedroom then, ya see im not such a heartless monster, " rolling her eyes "oh yeah and wake up daniel, im gonna make dinner" "can we just talk this out" "sure when pigs fly" "hailey your always working" "i dont have my job me, all i did was for you" "thats bullshit" "so how long have you two been together" "thats none of your business" "get out, you and that woman" "you cant do this hailey" "i lnow im being heartless, go get that woman and get the fuck out, " hailey checked her camera making sure daniels okay "just go" kodi huffed up the stairs dragging her things and the woman behind her "dont let the door hit ya in your ass, bitch".

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