New friend

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     Hailey invites kevin to the house "wont your husband get jelous these" "kevin he knows this is a job to me,  besides weve been married for 673 years" "your thats hailey" "yes, speaking of which i need my cocktail benny" "yes ma'am ill bring that right up" "make it larger than normal" "so not a cocktail but a drink" "yep" "what are you doing with that" "i do commitions on the side and this  for a customer who wanted a painting instead of a drawing" "thats really good did you go to school for art" "yep i got my deploma in 2025" "nice" the door came open "hailey theres some people here for you" "ill be right there" putting down her paint brush and getting to the door "miss hailey we'd like to interveiw you and your husband" she noticed fans behind the news man "uh can i get to them first" "we go live in 20 minutes" "ill be done by then" raven followed hailey to let her sign and take pictures "your all lovely just follow your dream and wish it comes true" she waved as she shut the door "ok so was thinking a tour of the house and then the into the livingroom for the interveiw" "ok seems like alot but if thats what they want" "first we'd like hailey to change and put set up somewhere else its ugly and  distracting" "you listen to me buddy that stays, it gives the place more character" she stormed upstairs and put the painting set up in the portrait room and changed "should i go home" "if you feel like you must but it shouldnt be in the way" "no ill come back later after all this is over" "have fun" she finished her large drink and went back downstairs "we'll be right back after these commercials, now lets get these two down to the livingroom" "sir we could just go downstairs" the interveiw went on, raven had to fight hailey from attacking "hailey i know hes aggervating but dont kill him" "grr hes asking completly inapproite questions" "hailey they want you to attack don't feed into it, act like a queen" "your right, queenly act" "ill tell benny to get you a drink" hailey went back to the guys more calm "thank you benny" "not a problem ma'am, i want ta kill him too" "im playing queen just to get through this" "good thing" "so did you buy those painting or are you an artist" "im an artist on the side, it relaxes me after a tough day" "well that being answered how long have you and raven been together" "like 'together' or married together" "either one" "hailey what would you say, 600 years" "oh hush, 673 raven" "and most people cant stay together for 20 years well thats our show we'll be back tommorrow at the same time" "and were off" "huh im suprised you didnt fall into your vampire nature" "have a nice day and leave" dan helped her push them out "you okay hailey" "i need a fucking wall!" "thats why theres a punching bag right here" raven pointed her to it and let her hit away "i dont recomend you touch her for a bit, ive seen her like this before very scary" "why" "her eyes turn demon black and her wings are full span" "oh" raven went and did his personal things and hailey heard the doorbell and answered with still black eyes "hey kevin" "whats wrong with your eyes" "fucking reporter, im cooled off just need to let the side effcts wear off" she went up to the portrait room and finished "can you even see out of those" "yeah their my eyes and check out the wings" "those are dope, when do they come out" "whenever i want moments of stress or anger, their  kind of ravens scar reacts with stress" "thats awesome" he watched her put them back "eyes are gonna take a bit" she continued her painting "how sharp are the horns on your wings" "lets just say if your in the way when their coming out, it quite possible with a single cut you could die theres vemon in the horns" "ouch" "yeah thats why i warn people to stay away from the wings and dont touch the horns" "you care about people that much" "it may not come across that way but i do, the vemon is strong enough to kill even the biggest werewolf" "so it could kill anyone in the world" "yep, enough about the wings my eyes are going back to normal red" "hey on another subject, your husbands pretty" he pawed and purred "thats my husband kevin and i agree, purrrr" "ohh" "hey there sexy" "who me" "kevin" "what i wanted some love" "youll find someone" "waah" "aww raven" "i cant" he pulled her to the side "hailey do you relieze what we could do" "raven last time you tried this cyrus ended up dead" "relax we'll be safe this time" "fine we start this slow, light teasers and flirts got it" "i swear on my life" "good be gentle" "yes mistess" "shut up with that were not in the room" she pushed him back over and left the room "have fun". That night raven got in bed "how was it being around kevin" "hes fun, reminds me of you" "so you see me in him" "hes a male you" "well thats flattering and its nice to know id make a good looking man" "thats nice, i thought you'd be angry" "oh please i agreed to let you do this, why would i be angry"
"would you mind if i ask him to join us for dinner tommorrow" "not at all it would be just perfect because tommorrow im hiring a man to make sushi and custom Japanese tea" "i wonder if kevin likes sushi" "well you can ask him tommorrow good night" "im glad your letting this happen" "dont thank me too much" she turned on the tv and layed on his chest "do you love me" "i love you plenty, just want you to be happy and i knew you were looking for a third person for a while" "you knew about that" "lets just say you cant hide things easily" "damn" "its fine ive aways humored you because it made you happy" "your sweet" "dont let that get out" she pulled his chin down and kissed him. Hailey was speaking fluent Japanese to the chef "hailey you sound funny "now raven its not funny, out of 699 years ive learned to speak fluently in 7 different languages" "really which ones" "german, polish, Japanese,french, russian, and korean" the chef started speaking to hailey "you sure like your languages" "i sure do" she smiled  "so what are we eating and wheres the table" "right here were eating like a traditional asian tonight" "did you ever learn spanish" "oh please its such a basic language i mastered it when i was 13" "then why didnt you list it" "basic" "shes right, its to normal" she went and helped the chef with the tea having a conversation and laughing with him, the table was set and hailey showed kevin how to use chop sticks "its not to hard" "why dont the Japanese sit on chairs" "sweety they do but i prefer the traditional way" "you get used to it kev" months passed and kevin moved in "johnny have you seen my shirt" "which one" "the one armed black crop top" "its.." "hang on a german woman is cursing me out" she angerly yelled into the phone "hör auf mich zu nennen du blondes deutsches bimbo" she hung up and shoved the phone in her pocket "i was saying raven did the laundry" "Ā, fakku no tame ni, i was going to wear that today" "are you cussing in Japanese again" "yes" "its always intresting to hear that"  "as of next month im off to japan and that german number has been calling me all month" "hello love" "raven you" "guess what i just did" "what" "i booked us on a trip for london" "oh for how long" "2 weeks" "oh should i learn a british accent" "no ill be you" "thats gonna be perfect ive never been to england" "we leave tommorrow" "Kiite kure, nidoto sentaku shinaide, you hear me" "i have no idea what you just said but i loved it" "she dont ever wash her clothes again" "how do you know johnny" "google translate, conversation mode" holding up his phone "I've gotta get that" hailey was grabbing her basket "hails why didnt you want to me to do you laundry" "because sometimes you wash already clean clothes" "sorry" "oh its fine just dont do it without warning me" "i wont" "so how do you feel about johnny being our roommate" "hmm it didnt work out, so im pretty ok with it as long as i have you" "thats sweet comment ces moments précieux me manquent" "that sounds so beautiful" "its just a little french" hailey went into the room and laided on the bed "hailey will you help me go over these lines with me" "sure johnny" "what are gonna do in japan" "photoshoots and i have to find my covered up clothes" "i dont think you have any of those" "your right im gonna have to go buy some new shirts" "just might now lets get these lines down so you can get this" "hey do you do anything other than model"  "i sell new paintings to museums". Raven swung hailey through the door "that was fun" "hey you remember when you had that idea to renew our vows" "that was 300 years ago how do you still remember that" "it never left my mind" "isnt that nice" "im telling ya, we can easily get a spot in the capal" "honey we cant walk into a church, you know that" "im sorry, i think we can get a kiosk by the lake" "oh that would be just fabulous,  lets do it" "im sure i packed something with glamour" "im sure you did and if you didnt we'll get ya something" he spun her around "is this why you brought me here" "almost the only reason, i had everything bought but not the place" "your just perfect" "ill book get the place and have it all set" "im not wearing a dress" "and i dont expect you to, just have fun" "je t'aime" "i love you too hailey" "at least you know what that means" "you say that alot even when im not in the room" hailey went around the shops picking up full shirts "i think theres enough here for my trip to japan" "you forgot one store" "oh really have i" "you wanted something glamrous didnt you" "ill take a look inside" she found a row of sparkely party shirts "these could do" "i like them all, you pick raven i cant choose" "ok, so nothing pink im gonna close my eyes and pick.....this one" "nice its teal", raven got hailey home in time for bed "hey, im tired and london was fun i hope my shirts will be good enough for japan" "im sure they will be so you had fun in my home town" "very much ya know, vy poluchayete boleye krasivyy kazhdyy den' voron" "what does that mean" "ill tell you thing its russian" she laughed and went to shower "write it down please" "tell ya what ill write in russian and let you find out" "deal" he watched tv and waited for hailey while he lookes up what she  said "that was sweet of you" "so you found out" she finished brushing her teeth and getting in the bed "im done with this potion thing" "i havent taken that in a while" "i only have to because im in front of a camera for work" "they have vampire cameras" "but you've seen how i dress" "well that too" he gave her a kiss smiling at her "i know what your thinking and maybe later"

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