Finding new ground

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Hailey was hanging in her usual club "hailey whats your damage, its been two year and you've been coming in here till i wont serve you" "divorce" dropping her head "and you want them back dont you, am i wrong" "no your not wrong, its he made me want to sober and i miss his quiet voice and his hugs" "hailey i knew something was wrong" "kelly how are you here? Why are you here" she sat next to her "i got suspicion, my now i see why you were acting that way i love you go get your man it was fun" "did you just break up with me in the kindest way" "yes and your drunk so lets get you to bed, ill stay in the guest till i can find a place". Hailey was looking at a broken picture frame "im alone in the house without you" "(Japanese) hey babe" "you can speak engish around me, and your my roommate not lover" "i thought you wanted someone else" "stop next time im kicking you out" "jeez why so rude" haileys phone rang before she could answer him "hello you reached hailey ann rose how may i help you" "it really is you" "who is this i dont have time to waste" "raven, i wanted to ask you for coffee" "jack my planner, when and where id love to" she wrote it down and hung up "who was that" "a freind" she went upstairs to get an outfit "he left his suit" "hailey i cant find my tie" "on your pillow dear" "oh right thank you" "snap out of it hailey" she looked at the doorway and jack was staring at her "when" "Kuso henjin" he walked away "Jakkuroba" "i heard that" "you were ment to jack ass", hailey had her hair curled and was walking with raven "hailey are you sure you want a justice of the peace" "just being with you is enough for me" they sat inside and waited "you look perfect, is that the shirt i picked" "yes and ive been playing with the typewriter and dont open this untill we get home" she put a closed letter in his jacket "i promise i wont" their names were called. Back at the house their freinds were finishing up the decorating "look im happy for her, she got her husband back" "for 5 years she was so depressed, i happy for her" "shut up they should be coming any moment" the door opened "surprise" "what im just here to celebrate my parents getting back together" "daniel get your ass in here and hide" "ok, shit" he had his hand dragged to behind the wall "names daniel right, im derrik" "nice to meet you" raven had covered haileys eyes as he walked her in the livingroom "surprise hailey" "aww you planned a party" "you've planned so many for me, i returned the favor" "thats so sweet youve even hired chefs" "a sushi and a normal" the chef put a pot of chicken and dumplings on the table while everyone was having fun "hailey i got you a bowl of chicken and dumplings" "i put myself on a diet after we reconnected" "your still on that silly diet,  you look fine" "raven i gained weight after i lost you" he grabbed her waist and danced with her "you look just fine hailey" hailey stuck to the sushi and salad bar while they were eating "mom, dad im so happy you two are back" "not as happy as me dani" "have you read the letter yet raven" "not yet but id gladly read it now" she smiled as he read to himself,  later that night when they were ushering everyone out "hey i didn't see daniel leave" "dont worry about it raven, ill try to find him" she inspected the sounds she heard and opened the room to the bar room "mom sorry" "oh get a room you two" "your not mad" "no your grown, get your damn pants on and go home or to a hotel just get the hell out of this house and be safe" "yes ma'am" they ran out of the house together "damn now i have to deep clean this bar room" "hailey you okay" "yeah ill be up in  a few minutes" she put away the food and took a drink from her bottle "hailey please cuddle me" "ill be right up" she steped into a decorated room "please hailey" "lets see would you like to be my baby boy or my man" "mommy, looky at the kitty" "baby your kitty is very cute whats his name" "her name is kitty" "oh baby we can play tommorrow but right now is bed time" "i not sweepy" "come on, mommy will hold you". Hailey came out of the bathroom and pulled out an old knife "why are you holding that" "remember how i made you get tested, did you ever wonder why i tested myself too" "safety" "that and i wanted to 'blood brothers' but in another sense" "why" "you wonder how im so successful" "yeah kindof" "demon blood when i was 13 i gave satan my soul and for some reason he gave me fame, success, popularity, and money" "lets do it" holding out his hand "wait a minute why do you want to"  "because i wish i had your luck" "ok" she cut his hand before hers "now we put our hands together" they held them there and hailey wrapped up their hands "its that easy and now i can lick off the blood" "your weird" "i know, and blood fresh blood knocks me out" she laid down and was put to bed "damn does knock her out". The next morning her agent knocked on the door "sup whats ya got" "well i got victoria secret, and theres an opening on that black heart" "i created and direct blackheart the opening for molly or daniel i put that out but thanks victoria secret" "you seem chipper today" "i got remarried yesterday" "im gonna quess you really love him, youve remarried raven havent you" "is it that ovius" "kind of you have your wedding photo right here" "oh right i bought a new frame and as a wedding gift bought me a new Japanese tea set" "aw thats cool"  "hailey i got a major headache" "raven midnights around your feet and the ibprofens in the room" "thank you hailey" he walked back into the room and hailey smiled "well why did you remarry him" "i missed his quiet, tea loving nature and his accent" "that the only reason" "no there are a million more reasons" she let him leave after a cup of tea and leftovers "hailey is there any coffee" "yes there is" "so what are you doing today" "its on my planner i would move but midnights on my lap and i dont want to move" "ok, 5:00 victoria secret job, 7:00 lunch with jane 8:00 aa, 9:00 black heart and by 11:30 or 12:00 should be getting home. AA why" "raven for five years i drank all day everyday" "oh sorry" "hey im almost done with them" "why such a busy day" "hang on midnight, ive  always had  busy days but i know how to make time for you" "hey could i join you and jane for lunch" "yeah id love that,  its at that itailan place three blocks away" "nice ill see you at 7:00" "ok it 30 minutes till 5, i should be going" she hoped in the car and made it 2 minutes early to her commercial "hailey you look beautiful, did you change your diet" "as much as my husband hates my diet im doing it" "lets get you ready" she was pushed into makeup "hey hails" "raven what are you doing here" "im a makeup artist" "and you never thought to tell me this" "i told you i got a job related to cosmetology after i got out" "well you didn't technically lie, lets get this done". A couple years passed and the couple was in japan "im so excited to kids in the house" "raven calm, the Japanese are calm people" "mr and  mrs rose you've selected Teitamu and Heiden the two beautiful boys" "yes when can we take them home" "lets get you down to the orphanege, and mr rose would you stop crying" "serously raven im not even crying" "im just so happy"  "well then again your were the only one who cried with the kids were born, i was only crying because i was sweating" "you didnt cry" "i cried when i was alone raven" patting his back "your an increadably strong woman" they meet the children one last time "we've watched them  grow up" "ok ill bring the papers while you get more aqainted" he left them in the room "you know whats funny" "what" "their names translate to easy English names tatum and hayden" "fun" "mr and mrs.rose the papers are ready" "oh sweetys we'll be back" they back to the hotel "so when do we get to take them home we've been visiting them for years" "tommorrow, when we get on our flight" she opened the door to find the man waited with the children and their bags "but i thought we were going to get them tommorrow" "well change of plans you've had everything checked and signed their yours" "really" "come in come in" "do they understand English sir" "barely" "ok i got this (Japanese) come on in dears" taking their bags as they came in "you can speak Japanese" "ive visited this place like 20 times and youve never heard me speak when im here" "no" "well thanks but we should be getting to bed soon" she closed the door and tried to figure out whos is what "(Japanese) Teitamu, Heiden can you help momma find out whats yours" hailey held up each item and had them pick "hailey what you telling them" "just asking them for help on whats theirs" "oh" "raven label the bags so i can get their clothes ready" she put them to bed and folded the clothes "hailey im so happy" "shh they need to sleep" she put their folded clothes in their bags "where are we going to sleep" "we don't sleep, you like read dialogue right" "yeah why" "i can turn on the subtitles on the tv for you" "cool" he laughed and sat next to her on the room and hailey turned to watch the kids. Raven and hailey strapped them down and got in the car "how are we going to explain our different cultures" "very carefully and slowly, im going to get them an English teacher" "why" "so you can understand them" "about the animals" "the cats and your dog, very carefully" she looked over and checked on the kids "what are they doing" "(Japanese) hey you two behave" snapping her fingers  when he pulled up into the driveway "are you ready to see your home" "you are way to excited" "(Japanese) momma whos this guy" "(Japanese) thats your daddy, he's weird" "(Japanese) i think hes funny" Heiden laughed pointing at him "(Japanese) yes he is Heiden, but i love him" he walked through the house and eventully got to their room "raven did you really have to give them a full tour" "no but i had fun" "Heiden was laughing at you and Teitamu thinks your weird" "well theres time to change that, and you do and say that stuff everyday" "im sorry it hurts you" "no its fun, but i want them to think im fun" "they'll come around" "ill start lunch" dusty, midnight, and bones came into the kitchen "dusty get off the countor" putting him on the floor "its just about ready" "ill go get the kids" she explained ravens history to them and they started asking about about haileys. She was tucking them in that night "(Japanese) your fathers having trouble understanding so i have an  English teacher coming tommorrow" "i didnt want to tell you but i know English but he doesnt i just cant understand mr.raven though his accent" "between me and you sometimes i cant either im from kentucky and he confuses me" "good night" "(Japanese) good night little ones" she turned out the lights and left the room.

Live on dearTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon