Love has many ways

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Raven snuck up behind hailey "damn it raven, i was folding" throwing shirts in the air "im sorry hailey" holding her "shouldnt you be at work" "i know but i took a sick day" "your not sick" "i am of work and id like to be around you" dancing her away from the couch "honey as much as i would love to do this i have to finish these clothes" "oh your turning into the thing you hate the most" "i am not turning into a house wife" "hailey look at yourself" "oh god your right my life has became so planned, save me raven" "i would love to" carrying her to the room "i have a gift for you" "oh raven with you the gifts range for a puppy to lingerie im scared" he put her down and covered her eyes "dont be scared, you remember how you told be you wanted a cat" "whats your angle slick" he uncovered her eyes and showed her a black sphynx kitten "aww what an ugly yet insanly adorable gift" "you like him" "oh hes just precous" "i know right and i have another gift" "oh no, not the second gift" she managed to find out how to pet the kitten while raven pulled out a decrative box "im preping for the lingerie" "its not what you think just open it" she put the kitten beside her and opened it "oh it is but not revealing, i think ill name the kitten fluffy" "the hairless" "ironic name like curly the bald stooge" "oh i get but i dont know why show your refering to" "how dare you, i have their best episodes and were watching them" "oh no the torture" collapsing on the bed "oh raven get up, go on fluffy get him" she put the kitten on him "ok im getting up, but what about we go get fluffy the essentalls" "lets, but your driving" picking him off the bed "ill take it" , they went to the mall pet shop and grabbed the things needed "leann isnt this your favorite store" "i really dont need anymore outfits or jewlery" "then come in here, im picking up a few things from here for you and the kids" they walked in the store the kitten in a wrap on hailey "yes i have some pick up orders for raven rose" "well have that right out" the cashier went in the back leaving hailey and raven to look around "have you seen these price tags, why did you shop here" "because i thought that the family deserved something that was priceless" "thats sweet raven but it almost like your rubbing your money in my face" "no baby thats not what im trying to do, i promise" "im gonna belive you, and thank you for fluffy but i have clothes that need folding at home" kissing his cheek "ok we'll go home after this because we also have to decorate and have the food ready for the party", raven started the decorating while martha finished the cooking "leann wheres that funky shirt you bought me" "why are going to embarss them" "its my job" "well its right here" handing the shirt to him laughing "hailey im gonna prep the pull side" "no i hired a pool boy for today and ill get the the coolers ready theyll be here any moment, you look very nice in this shirt not at all goofy" pulling and flattening the shirt "oh stop it hailey" "i cant help it, still this old and shredded to the gods" "oh stop it before something happens" "ok im getting out" she laughed going to the backyard with sodas and popcicles "raven downstairs now" she saw a flash come from the ledge "oh yes before the kids get in, your box" "an amethyst necklace" "if you look closely it has the name hailey ingraved on it and didnt you say the amethyst stone makes you feel safe" he put in on her "your so sweet is this a real stone" "yes anything for my baby" "stop buying me jewlery i have enough" the front door opened and a flood of kids "happy birthday kids" "its a pool party so i hope you brought your suits". Dove tapped on haileys shoulder "mom, can my freind ginny stay over" "yeah sure" they ran off laughing "whos ginny" "doves freind" "oh", "raven would you get your foot of me" "my foots not on you" she turned over and found fluffy curled up on her arm "im sorry raven, it was fluffy" "oh its okay, just shh i got a headache" "okay, love you" she pet the kitten and put him in his bed. Raven was going through some old boxes in the corner "hey leann look what i found" "one second raven" "mom look at this" "how do you have this talent andy" "lots of practice" "oh im proud of you" she hugged him and went to raven "so what did you find" "remember this" "put that away before the kids see it" "well then" "yes i do remember that" "where are the kids" "andys awake, dove and raven lee are still asleep, hey speaking of that watch fluffy im going to check on them" "i will" hailey opened their doors and woke them "raven dear its almost the afternoon" "ahh no, i dont wanna" "dear i dont want you to sleep all day" "im getting up" hailey closed the door and headed to doves room "i love my mom but shes always working at night" "dont be too hard on her dove, shes trying to get you a better life" hailey had gone away from the door and into her room "i wanna die" faceplanting on the bed "what happened" "i heard dove talking about how much i work" "hailey come here" "whats the point, im a terrible mother" raven picked her up "look at me hailey, your not a bad mom" "thats sweet of you to say but dont sugar coat it" "come on hailey, ill bring you downstairs" "dont patronize me raven" "i wont i love you and fluffys here for you too, ill go make breakfast" "ahhh" she screamed as he walked out of the room "have fun in here, im locking ya in" pretending to lock the door "daddys weird isnt he fluffy" "meow" "ok get on my shoulder were going to the kitchen" holding fluffy on her shoulder going down the stairs "mom why are you holding a rat on your shoulder" "this is fluffy" "dad the rat meowed" "its a cat dove" "ugly little thing" "dont say that fluffys adorable, may not be on the outside but hes perfect on the inside" "well if you say so mom" she put him down infront of his food bowl "mom what are you doing today" "i dont have much planned but i should clean the house" "leann isnt that why we have the maid" "i gave martha and the butler a week off" "well how about we all pitch in and then we can go to the carnival" "the carnivals in town" raven lee came running down the stairs "oh now you get up" "ahh rat" "raven thats moms cat" "ok" he jumped off doves arm. Hailey and raven were covered head to toe "god its hot out here" "calm down hailey just protection just incase the potion weres off" "i know but that doesnt mean i have to sweat my ass off" "i know, but calm yourself" "i will" she watched the kids smiles "you think their old enough to know, they are asking why were dressed this way" "maybe once we get home" "did you take your medicine this morning" "yes, perhaps you should check your nose" "why" "its bleeding" "damn it" "raven how long have you not taking your pill" "a week" he muttered looking away "raven a week really, its a good thing i brought the bottle just in case" she pulled it out of her bag "why would you bring it, dude you watch out for mine i watch out for yours now take it" putting a pill in his hand "now" "yes now, quick the rides stopping" she waited for them "mom were hungry" "ok we'll go to a consestion stand" "ew" "we will not have that languge" "yeah dove" "mom you know im vegaterian" "dove im sure one of the stands have something for you" "im sorry mom" "please dont act or be snobby" "we swear" "okay lets go" they had their food "ya know when me and your mother were kids we didnt get all this fancy stuff, consider yourself lucky" "dad you say that everytime one of us acts snobby" "for a reason kids" "why are y'all wearing full on black" "youll know later on, chill out", the kids looked shocked " your vampires" "yes like i told you, your douche bag dad turned me" "then how old are you" "130 id say" "so then your great grandma is a lie" "look i shouldnt tell you this but name isnt leann its hailey ann rose" "so great grandma is you" "and so is my 'mom' " "do we have anymore siblings" "um daniel is a brother and um i had twins years ago named kyle and rayenia" "should i get the pictures" "that depends would you like to see the pictures of mine and your fathers lives" "that sounds cool" they started by childhood pictures to where they were now "i didnt know that mom came from such a big family are any of these guys still alive" "im sorry id rather not answer that one" "i wouldnt ask your mom that, she gets emotional thinking about that" "oh that means there.." "yep, hush about that" "did you have this conversation with your other kids" "i had to" hailey was looking at the picture again "hailey let me have that, and im gonna go put these pictures away" he grabbed the box and ran off "hey mom, now that we know what we are, can you tell us what that weird juice is your always drinking is" "human blood, i have to keep it refrigeratorated" "and you cant tell a soul what we told you" "our lips are sealed mom and dad" "what is your moms name to the public" "leann michael rose" "good" "then how can you be in the sun" "special potion, of my own design" "oh" "now get to bed me and your  father have to talk" hailey watched them go up "hailey what do you want to talk about" "i didnt really want to, just when my siblings were brought up i couldnt take it" "thats the sad think about our life" "everyone thinks im so heartless because i cant cry anymore" "i lost the ability to cry around the same time as you" "wanna a glass of blood before bed" "sure, where do you get that stuff from" "i buy from the blood bank at night" "dont people get suspesous" "no the people that work at the blood bank at night are vampires too" pouring the glasses "really a martini glass" "makes it more fun" "what type is this, it tastes good" " o negative my favorite" "well mine is ab" "im not judging". Raven was taking a bath while hailey stood at the mirror in her towel "hailey i think your potion is wearing off" "you might be right, i had to feel for peircing, ill start the potion in the morning and tommorrow night i need to drop by the blood bank" "can you pick up a bag or two of ab" "i will" giving him a kiss and then changing "your wearing it" "as a night gown its too damn comfortable, see ya when you decide to get out of that tub" she left the bathroom laughing and heard a knock on their door "come in" "mom i still have questions" "sure just as long as you dont ask about my siblings" "it acually was, what were they like" "oh they were wonderful people, it just hurt like hell when they started getting older and i had to lie about how i could stay young" "was anyone ever rude to you in your family" "my mom, from the day i was born she held back her urges to kill me and when i was ten she always throw knives at me and insults" "what would you do if any one of use turned out Christian" "dont let a cross touch you at all not even tattoo form and dont try to walk into a church but you can read the bible" "why cant we go in a church or have a cross on use" "well your not only a vampire,  your demon too because when i died satan turned me into a demon in turn in return for bringing me back to life" "ouch who killed you" "the mother that hated my guts" "oh" "now was that all andy" "yes ma'am" she kissed his forhead "get back to bed and remember momma loves you" "yes ma'am good night" "good night have good dreams" he left the room and closed the door "do i have to brush my teeth" "yes raven your like a two year old with this, do i have to watch" "no im 132, i can this on my own" "good then do it and start taking your medicine" "i dont have to be babied" "well start acting like it" "i will its about time time i start being an adult" "good boy" she laughed putting down her book and going to sleep "hey, your laughing it me" "i am not, and dont talk to loud" pointing down at fluffy

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