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   Hailey was in her office looking at old photos "i wish it didn't end that way kodi" she picked out their wedding picture "hailey are you ok" "im fine raven just old pictures" "i remember that day you and kodi were so happy" "we were" "heres one of daniels baby pictures" "oh that was one of my happiest days" "i thought your wedding day was" "it was but as soon as the ring got on her finger something must of changed" "what about this one" he picked up their picture "oh i remember that one like it was yesterday" "you wanted a tim burton wedding" "that black dress" "i think it was blue" "you might be right, its the lighting" squinting at the colors "you look so beautiful in this one" "raven i was a sweaty mess after the twins dont say i looked pretty" "but you did" "im gonna kick your ass" "theres that southern twang" "oh heres the twins, a belive they were a month old" "for damn sure they wernt 1 year old". Hailey spoted a weird one "when did this one get here" "which one hails" he looked at it dumbfounded "who is that" "it looks like kodi and a little girl" "and this one must be kodi, the little girl grown up and.. Daneil. How the hell did these get here" "i dont know" "im taking this one work with me" "why" "daneils my personal assisent",  later that night hailey was at the club "daneil could you come in here please" "yes ma'am" she took a seat in front of hailey "i was going through some pictures today and came across this one" sliding the picture infront of her "thats my great grandma and my momma" "your great grandma is kodi michaels" "oh yes she was lovely woman, my mom never had a good relationship with hers" "you know my great grandma hailey used to tell me stories about your great grandma" "grandma kodi told so many stories about hailey rose they were good freinds, i have pictures of them together" "thats wonderful, what did she tell you" "she was haileys roommate for years from kentucky to new york and then california" "just roommates" "yeah thats all they were" "ok" when daneil left hailey went down to the bathroom "kodi you gooddamn liar, you took the best years of my life" punching a wall "ah fucking bitch, i married you and we had a baby together" tears coming from her eyes she stormed up to her office and closed the blinds "i gave her everything she wanted and she still wanted to cheat and play around ahhh" throwing the things of her side table on the floor and wall, she cried against the wall "madam, are you ok in here" "im fine justin go on about your day. Raven went into haileys office the next morning "leann are okay" "why the hell would i be okay kodi lied to her entire family about us i gave her the best years of my life" "the best years of your life" "my mortal life raven" "hailey she died years ago" "i know, i wanna let it go but she told her entire family we only roommates nothing about our wedding or daniel just roommates" "calm down and have a drink" handing her a glass "your right i should calm down" he sat her down in his lap "hailey people lie even you're lying about your identity" "dont treat me like a child" getting off his lap and drinking from her glass "ill take the kids to school so you can do your business" "no ill take em, you just get to work" "mom have you seen my shoes" "check your room again raven lee" he went back to his room and hailey was left alone "i gotta tell them one day". Hailey droped the kids off "third grade already my how time passes" once she got home she got straight to work after starting the laundry "i really dont wanna go in tonight she called daneil "yellow do you need me im out shopping right now" "oh no i dont need you, just want to say ill do anywork at home  ive got a pounding headache" "well ok" hanging it up "miss leann are you done in here" "uh yes" going into her room to change "hey brian would you get me a juice box" "yes madam" she got on her float after taking off the line "i got to go grocrey shopping today" "madam your juice box" "thank you, oh brian before you leave im giving you the week off" "madam i cant do that" "its gonna be a paid week off" "oh thank you", hailey was at the market and couldnt stop thinging about how she used to have fight her children to stay close to the buggy "hello ma'am how was your shopping today" "just fine young lady, lacey" "madam rose" "i thought you were in school still" "oh no i graduated 2 years ago now im just trying find a roommate for my place so for now im paying both rents" "huh you could have asked me for a raise" "i was always to scared too" "well tommorow night check in my office" "why not tonight" "oh i wont be in tonight, time with the kids" "oh i understand how old would they be now" "9" "have a nice day" "you too lacey" hailey wheeled out of the store putting them away "i think some mall time  could do me good" "miss leann would you like help putting those away" "that would be lovely martha thank you". They finished putting the grocies up "i gotta pay the bills and then im heading to the mall" she told martha going through the mail "well i geuss im not needed, ill be on my way" she said grabbing her bags "ill see you tommorrow martha" going upstairs with the mail, "damn bills, that club costs the most. That gives me 1000 dollars for the shopping" hailey started looking at a wonderful two peice "woudnt this be great to wear to the club, it would be nice to try something that i didnt make myself" "miss would you like any help" "oh no, im just looking around" she tried on a few things and eventully left with two outfits and jewlery. Hailey picked up the kids "how was school" "ugh" "why do you even ask" "oh i understand" "mom you went to the mall" "yes and i bought everyone at least one thing" "thats makes the day so much better" she got home and dug out the kids things "these are awesome" "thank you mom" "hey can me and raven trade, you got my size wrong" "oh sure, what is your size" "im a medium" "ok ill keep that in mind, so i take it ive your day" "heck yeah" "ok go get your homework done and you can go for a swim" "yes ma'am" she went stairs with the remaining bags and put her outfits up "wait until raven sees this one, i just hope he'll acually wears it this time". Ravens secretary came into his office "mister rose these papers need your attention" "how bad did they screw up" "sir nothing bad" "good" looking at the forms carefully he stared at the door "did someone say may name" seeing a younger him burst through the door "i was blindly in love even after all his cheating then hailey came along, she was so broken" "what was that sir" "oh nothing, ill head to the warehouse and fix this" he ran out and got to the warehouse looking out the window he was teleported back to their first date "i dont think i can" "come on ill hold your hand. She was so tough but scared of drowning, shes so beautiful makeup or no makeup, no matter what she was wearing i see her inner beauty" "well thats sweet for you to talk about your wife" "oh did i daze off again" "im sorry you did sir" "im sorry about that, what were you saying" "oh just going over what we can do to fix the issue" "can you go over them again im really sorry, i must seem off my rocker" "oh i dont mind going over them again". Dove and the others were in the pool "shh watch this" "andy dont you dare mommas gonna kill you" "oh do it this is gonna be funny" andy snuck up to the float and flipped hailey over "who did that, andy you little devil" she yelled poping out of the water "im in trouble" andy went under the water and held his breath "mom i told him you'd kill him" "dove im not gonna kill him, thats one of the best ways to get used to the temperature" "mom what are you gonna do for our birthday" "as far as im telling you is theres going to be a party" she dove for andy "son be carefull doing that, you dont know what can happen" "yes ma'am" hailey went to lay in her chair while the children played, a little while later "whos up for learning about potions" "awesome" "ok go get changed into your lab clothes and meet me up there" hailey played acrobatics going up to her room "oh i remember teaching kyle and rayenia that move" raven and dove were the first ones to meet her "sit and dont forget your robes" andy ran in holding journals "you guys forgot your notebooks" putting on his robe and sitting down "ok you two get your dads old book and dove mine, look in the index and find the love posion turn to the page" "yes teacher" raven got home to find an seemingly empty house "leann, dove, little raven, andy anyone home" he popped into the lab "oh there you are" "raven silent they need to be absolutly still while pouring" "oh im sorry to interuppt the lesson what are they learning" "love posion, easist one" "mom did i do it right" "you see you've adding three extra drops of wolf blood thats why its green, my dear andy you have just created zombie  repelent" "im sorry" "oh dont be, its just one mistake you learn from em and raven lee" "how bad is it" "a sprinkle over recemended of powdered werewolf tooth that just made it not as strong but very good job now dove" "i think i added a bit to much of everything" "dove posions isnt for everyone, when we get your wands your father can teach you about charms" "dads gonna teach us" "you relax andy ill be putting your posion in my case just incase the zombies come, once poured around the disired area it stays for 5 years" corking the beaker and putting it away "cool" "ill be putting raven lees up too and testing doves to see what she made" "its not in the books" "im sure its somewhere but i dont know the amount of the ingredients you put in" putting the bottles "well that concludes todays lesson leave your robes on the coat rack and go have some fun" "and be careful" they left with their notebooks "hailey, my love i couldnt keep my mind of off how we meet could you remind me" "raven stop it, go look on the bed" "why something waiting for me" "yeah now go" pushing him to the elavator "i need to change so im going with" getting in with him. Raven was laying in bed "hailey what are you doing in there" "catching rabies what do you think" she stood in the doorway holding her toothbrush "hailey your weird" "and you should start brushing your more often" "you know what your right" he got up from the bed "hey maybe  you should put on some pants just incase any of the kids come in" "well your no fun" "pants and get in here and catch rabies" "oh im coming hush" raven laughed and went to join her

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