How time passes

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"Daniel behave" "dear im not going to fight with you" he reached  for candy "momma said no, now hold on to buggy" smacking his hand then putting it on the basket "but momma" jumping "do you want mcdonalds sweety" "yes ma'am" he stayed by the basket, hailey finished her shopping and stoped by mcdonalds for daniel "see what you get for being good"" can i eat now" "now wait till we get home dear" he kicked playing with his leap frog toy "raven would you and cyrus help with the grocies "momma i wanna help" "ok" handed him the lightest bag grabing what she could "wheres cyrus" "oh hes in the room" "lazy ass" "yeah" closing the back door and going onto the house "would mind watching daniel, im gonna go check the laundry" "sure" starting to put up the grocies. Hailey folded the clothes and brought them up to the room "cyrus i got your laundry" puting the basket on the bed and looking up "oh my dear im so sorry" cyrus was quickly up with a towel "oh im sorry hails" "i didnt mean to barg" half-way out the door, hailey ran down stairs "hails ya look like you've seen a ghost" "i think i did" "what happened" "i went up to drop off cyrus's clothes and he was uh, wow" "he was getting out of the shower wasnt he" "uh huh" "trust me i reacted the same way the first time i saw it, help me out here" "seems like that would get my mind off that" "ow, yeah good luck" "shut up raven" smacking the back of his head "my lips are seals" cyrus came down stairs clothed "hey guys,hello dani" kissing his forhead "hey cyrus" "hails ya look like ya've seen a ghost" "shut up" she throw a peice of bread at him "what did i do wrong" "follow me ill tell ya" raven dragged him into the hall as hailey picked everything up "daniel you beautiful boy, how old do you think youll be" he held up 3 fingers "no honey your gonna be 5 years old tommorow" holding up 5 fingers "can you count to 5 for momma" he tried "no" "aw dont worry momma will teach you to count to 10, come on" she putted him out and sat on the floor with him as the boys came in "ha ha she really went white" "yeah, i remember when you went that way, you wanted to run out" "can you two hush im trying to teach to count" "he already knows how to count" "to 4, im trying to show him to 10" "dont say anything". That night the boys went out to the beach, hailey woke up to loud laughter "why can't people just be qeuit at night" going to see if daniel was still asleep "well im up now" she hung out in the kitchen on her computer "shhh, haileys asleep" "what are you two doing" "we thought you were still asleep" "some loud as laughter woke me up, was that you two" "no" "your lying raven" "yes that was us" "idiots" she closed her computer and walked up to her room with it "are you ok" "you woke me up, what do you think" closing her door "cryus what the hell are you doing in here, get out" "but," "i dont care your one of the assholes that woke me up" "but, why are you angry" "im awake when i shouldnt be, NOW OUT" "ok" he finally walked out "i told ya dont try it, not when shes angry" "well not loud enough" "will you two shut up" "yes ma'am" they almost saluted trying to run back into the room hailey did some inventory on the shop and fell asleep, waking up to a knock "hails i think i left something in there" "go to bed before i tackle you" the door opened "momma" "yes sweetheart" "i had a bad dream can i sleep with you" "climb on in, honey" he climbed in a snuggled close to hailey. The next morning hailey got up and saw the boys in the kitchen "what are you two doing" "trying to make for waking you up last night" "sweet but shut it" "she harsh every morning" "yeah" "shut it" taking her coffee, after daniel was asleep "hey hailey, would you like to go dancing" "some other time" "what about here" "sure but be quiet about it" he turned on music and held her close "im sorry about how i was acting this morning" "well i was kinda our fault" "aww you took the blame" "dont expect that too often" "trust me i wont" "ya wanna know what we were doing last night" "what" "beach sex" "oh really" "we can go in your room" "later, lets just enjoy this" he pulled her in closer "are trying to dance or make me feel your..." "shh, i should problay tell you a weird remote fell out of your pocket during the party" "oh dear, please the love all that you hold dear dont press it" squirming around "ive been turning it on and off all day" "so youve watched me squirm all day" "sorta, but your one who wore it" "only so i dont scream went we finally do anything" "oh" he turned it on high pulling her closer "give me that damn remote" she snatched it away turning it off "take this to the room, what do you say" "hmm only if you hold the remote" handing it to him and running off "where are you going" "somewhere" "do you have any idea why she just ran" "she tends to" "oh well, better follow her" going after hailey. He pressed the on button and heard the sound come from a bathroom "hailey where are you" he opened her door to see her in booty shorts and extra small shirt "hailey are you wereing your old clothes" "maybe" "wheres the.." "shh its in the bathtub" taking the remote and turning it off "why are you being like this now" "were 2 years into this adventure, you got me during the first week" "really" she pulled him to her and kissed him "shut up, raven told me what you do with him and i was intriged" "i can go get em" "please do" she watched him go into his room "why is cyrus being so strange, oh ill leave you be" raven caught how she was dressed and walked away as cyrus was heading back "oh really do have alot of those" "i qeuss" he said nervously "dont be nervous, its just me. Go sit at the head of the bed please" she shh'd him taking off his shirt "what are you doing" hailey sat on his lap grinding on him "didn't you want this cyrus" "id like to do this how i do when im with raven" "shh" hailey keep on as cyrus grunted "stop please stop" he grabbed her hips and put her aside "now whyd ya do that" "it feels awkard when someone else is in control" he unbuckled his pants and throw them down "is this howd youd like this to go" "for now" he picked her up off the bed and put her on the floor kissing her as both of them sliped a hand in the others garments "hailey what are you doing" "just feeling what im working with" hailey pulled off his underwear "ill admit, im scared but intregred" as she hit her knees and held his cock "i should take a seat, maybe" sitting on the bed, a few minutes gone by. The door was locked and raven was asleep, cyrus lifted her head "lets get on with this" "what do you have" "ill handle that, just get up there" hailey got on the bed rubbing her knees "it depends what would ya like to try" she picked a few things out "ok keep still i dont wanna hurt you" "i will" "get in potision" "what one" "ill help you" cuffing her in "oh" "shh, would you like the word master or sir" "sir" "you could have choose neither" "i know" cyrus left to get a towol "alright" he climbed in the bed behind her "i wont hurt you on purpose" "yes sir" kissing her neck as he pulled off her shorts "are you alright,  your shaking" "im fine" "ill take your word" he slowly pushed himself in "you sure your alright" "yes im okay" grabbing her hips as thust in, holding her close as he blasted his cum in her "im sorry i was a little fast and i didnt..." "its okay, i just need to lay down" he let her out and stroked her hair as she fell asleep playing with himself "im way to curios" he told himself lifting up her shirt and putting it back down when he heard a knock. Cyrus scrambled for his pants "would someone just open this door" "hang on" throwing on his pants and swinging the door open "would you bring  your ass to bed" "let me clean this place up and ill be in there" "fine" he went up to hailey "im gonna clean up, darling" "i have to get up" "yes dear" hailey rolled out of the bed and headed to the bathroom "idiot waking me up" "hails i know your calling me an idiot" "shut up, im cleaning up myself" she went back in the room to find proper night clothes "i dont think we'll do this ever again" "id be okay with that" changing real quick "but i do love you just not in that way" "get the hell outta here, ravens waiting" "that right there is why i love you" "ah shut up" flipping the comforter over and laying down "cyrus im missing you" "im coming, good night hails" "ah shut it and close the door". The next morning hailey went downstairs wearing some clothes for before the baby "what the hell made you wanna wear those again, you havent worn that in 5 years" "shut up your making me feel old" "you've always looked like you were in your 20" "well she was tecniclly turned into a vampire at 22, and whos your potion guy i want to be able to see how i look and go into the sun" "what do you mean" "i havent seen my reflection since i was 5 years old" "really", hailey took daniel to pre-k " ill be right back" hailey had managed to strap daniel in and he pointed to the white limo "daddys car" "you dont have to call him daddy angel" looking at his ruby eyes smiling "i wish you got a change to know your mom by mom instead of aunty" telling herself on her way to the driver's seat "i do have to tell you he hates stories" "momma i dont wanna go" "sweetheart, you make friends at the beach all the time" he hugged her leg crying "no i dont wanna go" "what if momma walks with you to class" she held his hand as he was lead to the classroom "go on angel, look in there those children look friendly. Go make some friends" hailey pushed him softly in and watched him go up to  some kids and left, "my sweet angel is out" hailey headed home to clean the house and get work done "hails we cleaned the place up" "well i hope you cleaned the room, cause i have other work to be doing" she answered emails amd calls cleaning daniels room, and doing the laundry "mrs.rose" "yes" "its kodi" "i havent seen you in 2 years, what makes you wanna call" "i wanted to see if i can see dani" "when, id gladly let you but he just started pre-k today" "oh little angel, hes only 3" "5 dear" "oh  my ive missed alot, ive heard cyrus and raven moved down there with you" "yeah the company even got moved down here" "anyway about the timing, can i have him for the weekend" "depends where do you live" "im still trying to live the california dream" "well tell me your address, ill right it down" kodi told her address "honey thats just down the road, i can bring him after school" "thank you so much" she finished folding the clothes and seperating them. Hailey carried three baskets around to the rooms putting up daniels clothes and carrieing up the baskets "boys got your clothes" she went in the room and dropped off the basket "assholes" closing the door, she droped off her clothes and began to put them away "hello" picking up her phone "daniel has already punched two kids and cut a girls hair" "um punching kids he probaly got that after watching me in the gym, i never let the kid touch sissors" "well were gonna need you to pick him up" "ill be right over" dropping everything and getting him.

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