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      Hailey was a normal girl, born on June 20th in the year 2000. She lives in Kentucky and is being raised on a farm by hypochristians with 5 other siblings; the year 2010, Hailey is a sweet little girl who respects her family and friends. Hailey's dad works at a fancy office job, her mamas a stay-at-home mom; Haileys is the youngest of the 6 Jane, John, Cane, Abel, Laina, and Hailey. Jane is 18, John is 16, Cane and Abel are 15, Laina is 11, and Hailey is 9. Hailey opened her eyes and blew out her candles; her family and friends were clapping "congratulations Hailey" "do ya feel older, darling" she laughed "no, mama, where's dad?" "Oh, he had to work late, sorry, sweety." She looked down " mama, can you excuse me? I gotta go cry," she whispered to her "go talk to your friends, dear." Hailey's friends hugged her "I know; papa wasn't here for my last 2 birthdays. you get used to it," Hailey's sister told her; she cried herself to sleep that night. The next morning,  it was a Saturday morning; her mama had asked her to chop the wood; as soon as Hailey finished, she slammed the ax back on the stump, but something knocked her back forward, leading her forehead to hit the ax, she bounced back and hit her cheek. Hailey opened her eyes and saw flames and buildings, smoke, and fire. She cried, touching her forehead, "I can't," but she saw a demon watching her "why am I in he...e..ell?" "Oh shut up, we get this all the time. Name?" "Hailey ann rose" "ah ten years old as of yesterday and died because of ax to the forehead and cheek. Happy birthday, by the way" "thank you, but why am I here" "says here you and your mother have done acts against the man upstairs willingly" pointing to the white clouds above "but I'm too young" "yes we have solutions for that" "this is dave, he'll be leading you to your building" Hailey deadweight him "you'd like to go back would you" "yes with every part of my being" "you mean soul, and id have to ask the boss man if I can let you continue living" "please don't take me to a building" "if I'm going to the bossman you will be coming with me expressly if your a child" Hailey smiled "your to gentle for hell come come" she couldn't believe she was running toward a demon "thank you, thank you, thank you" "back off child" "ok." The devil told her she could come back to earth to live on. Still, she has to be a demon "ill do anything to be alive again," Hailey hugged the devil, and he actually blushed "ok, back to earth with you," he snapped. Hailey woke up in a hospital, her whole family crying, "mama," she said meekly; her dad, mom, and siblings all looked up. He hugged her "you're alive!" her father cried out "what day is it" "you've been unconscious for 3 days" "I love you, dad" she went in for a full energy hug "can I get outta here now my back hurts" "we'll see what we can do" they laughed and went to find a nurse. Later that night, the nurse finally came in "I'm just checking on you dear would you like anything" "to be outta here" "we can't do that anything within the hospital walls" "fine, some pillows for my back, and I have a real 'splitting' headache, I'm sorry, but I do have a headache" stoping her laughter looking at the nurses face, "well I can get you those and it nice to see you can still talk and have a sense of humor, ill be back" the nurse pulled up a chair next to the bed after adjusting "I'm curious what did you see child" "I was in hell, they tried to drag me to builing for my torture but I deadweighted him, so he didnt move" "oh my how did you get out" "they took me to satan himself to plead to continue living, it felt like only 12 minutes before the snap faded away I heard him say 'live on child' " "oh my was the cheif rude?" "he was very nice to me at least, he told me 'he believes children are life's gifts, they shouldn't be taken young' he's charming" "I have to go but ill be back, ok?" Hailey smiled as she watched the nurse. Hailey turned on the tv and waited; a good three hours later, the nurse returned "curious question Hailey, I won't tell a soul. Not even your parents, what do you believe in religious wise" "I was a Christian, but I'm no longer 'religious' for saying because in turn of me coming back to life... I can't disclose the rest, sorry" "did he make yo... you a d..demon? I won't tell" "What if he did? and since you asked me, what do you believe in" "oh um me, I'm a satanist which just means I pray to nothing" "oh cool," she smirked.

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