Sharing the news

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Hailey made sure kodi stayed away from the freezer "oh come on hailey, cant i see the cake" "no kodi, you have to wait" "what kind of cake is it, at least" "ice cream cake" "aww my favorite" "i finally got you one, now go talk" kodi went to chat with kim "hey Cyrus" "what" "watch the freezer door kodis cakes in there" "where you going" "i had a special dress made for kodi and now i have to go pick it up" "alright, ill keep watch" hailey ran out to daneils shop "hailey my favorite customer" "look daneil, im here fore the dress" "kodis birthday huh, would you like it wrapped or" "daneil hush wrapped and the parties happening now, if i cant get this dress to her i cant tell her the big news that will change our lives forever" "oh relax, dont get your panties in a bunch" "daniel i will drop kick from behind the countour" "ok dont hurt me, here ya go" "you really need to head up there at some point" she ran out carrying the box "dick head" walking back into the apartment "did he give you any trouble" "lots" writing on tag "shes gonna love it" putting the box on the table "hello there ladies" "oh hi hailey you sure did plan a good" "thank you so much for being our..." "our what?". Kim pulled hailey aside " i havent told her yet" "well could you stay just a bit after the party" "yes" "hailey what were you trying to say just a second ago" "i was thanking kim for being our freind" "oh well im gonna talk to my dad, he came when you left" "ok dear" kodi went to the wall "did you get the other parts" "yes i have a sperm donor and if kodi agrees to this were taking hers or mine" "ok" hailey went up to cyrus "one more thing cyrus" "and" "i need you to stay after the party" "ok" "and raven out of my cake pops" "everyone else got some" "youve had 5"  raven growled "dont growl at me, boi" lightly hittinf his head with a wooden spoon. After a good hour or two hailey got the cake out of the freezer and throw on the candles "kodi" she called her to the  countour "mr.mattews may i steal your daughter for a bit" "of course" "its cake time kodes" letting her arm go at the stool "happy birthday sweetheart" hailey told her as everyone was singing, kodi leaned her head on hailey "your beautiful" "so are you, kodi, now blow out your candles" "whatd you wish for" "cant tell, may not come true" "alright, still the same little girl i remember" "dad" kodi hit his shoulder "hailey cut a peice for kodi " birthday girl first" "can i have a cake pop too" "yeah the only person restricted from them is raven" "dont say a word raven, i stand with her reason why" "traitor" "okay after cake were doing the presents" the night happened as any party "shes about to open it" gripping cyrus's hands "are you that excited" "yes i am" hailey smiled watching kodi take out the dress "i hope she loves it" "hailey you made this, you said youd never touch pink" "no daneil made it, but i wanted to get you something speciel" "i love it either way" "cyrus remind me to wear gloves when making an outfit for her" "ill try" he laughed. Later after the party hailey counted heads "ok kodi as an added surprise,you remember how you said you wanted a family" "yeah, where you going with this" "um ya see we could go the adoption route or we could another way" "honey your starting to worry me" "ok ill come out with it, i asked kim if she would be our surragent" "wait what, you wanna do this" "we can always trash the plan" "dont trash the plan id be just as ready as you to do this, kim what do you say" "i told hailey ill do it" "ill be paying her" "what about the man part that we may need" "i asked cyrus yesterday" "you had this all planed out" "i can cancel the plans" "dont cancel we can sceduele the apointment tommorrow, if everyones okay with this" "lets do it" cyrus and kim said "touch my husband i dare ya" "raven calm down" "youve seen what ive done to women in our bed" "its not going to be like that, raven" "you two gonna be okay, raven you okay with this" "oh yeah, but we should be on our way" dragging cyrus "ill be okay" "what was that about" "raven gets a bit possesive" "oh" "well i should be getting home soon" the girls yawned and just went to bed.  Two months later hailey woke up to a loud alarm "shut it off" slamming her hand down repeatedly "hailey just get up" accidently hit her face "ouch, fine im getting up" rolling off the bed "are you ok" kodi peeked over haileys side "im fine" rubbing her eyes sitting up "grr" getting her coffee "im awake" hailey entered the room to get dressed "let me cover my eyes first" kodi throw a pillow on her face "i was just gonna use the flash light" grabbing it off her nightstand "oh" hailey yawned grabbing her clothes "where you going" "im changing in the livingroom, sleep kodi" she shut the door leaving the room "damnit whered that other shoe go" her shoulder straps falling off and pants not completly on "did you lose your shoe again" "kodi i didn't want to wake you" "oh please i wake up with you every morning and im got morning practice" "found it" "let me fix this a little, and may i say i love them pants on you" fixing haileys straps "your sweet kodi" "are you going to be wearing a blazer" "yeah ill grab it 5 minutes before i have to leave" "oh yeah dont forget your brothers's party tonight" "oh yeah at the club, thats gonna be awsome". Later at the office, hailey was getting some orders done " miss ann theres a women here to see you" "send her in" a woman sat in front her as hailey looked very confused "do i know you,  i mean you look like a family member but i can't tell" "um its abel" "really what are you trying to tell me, drag queen, trans, help me here" "um it started out as drag but then i never wanted to take it off none of it" "what is your name dear" "im sasha ann rose" "bitch stole my middle name" raven went through the side door "hey girls, " hisetently "whos this one" "this my beautiful sister,  sasha" "oh hello, im just here to take haileys bottles were almost out in there" "he does this all the time?" "oh yeah" hailey giggled "are you gonna make it to the party tonight" "oh yeah, does cane know" "yeah, he acually stoped me from telling you when you" "why on earth would he do that" "he was afraid youd hurt me" "girl i married a woman, i would not throw a brick at you" "i kept telling him that" "well he was just trying to protect you im not mad" "see you tonight hailey, i gotta get back to work" "love ya sweety" "oh i forgot to ask ya something" "yes" "i have nothing special to where tonight, would you mind if i raid your closest" "not at all" "ok" she ran out laughing "shes gonna think im a whore" hailey laughed until cyrus checked on her "hailey are you dieing in here" "no my sister wants to raid my closet for something to where tonight and shes gonna think im a whore" "why" hailey got up from behind the desk and took off the blazer "my god she will" "now see why i was laughing" "yes i do, with those one legged pants and a shirt that only covers your chest" "hey" covering back up with the blazer "jesus ive seen worst walk into this building" "water" she offered him "nah, i got to get back to the computer" "alright, so do i" "well that and ravens in there" they both went back to doing their jobs "there seems to be a lonely t-bird in this room" kodi walked as the clock changed "is that a pink lady i see" "im hear to walk my cinderella home" "oh hush, more like punkerella" kodi laughed and took here arm "your right, abels in the apartment in what looks like full drag" "ek ill let him tell you" they finally got to the apartment "sasha i do belive you..." sasha made the cut signal "well anyway come on, raid my closet" "why is abel going to raid your closet" "i got a drag show tonight and all my outfits a bit boring now" "oh, alright" sasha starting going though haileys clothes "my god you dress like a slut" "you should see what i wore to work" "anyway thank you for not tell in kodi" "oh no problem, not mine to tell" "hey i like this" holding a colorful dress "you should know just by looking at that, it is not mine" "hmm i thought kodi bought it for you and made you wear it" "no its kodis, we share a closet" "ill ask her" sasha went and asked if she could bollow the dress "yeah i dont mind" she had walked out and ran  down the stairs "what were you going to say" "oh something i shouldnt of even started to tell about abel" "i mean we all have secrets until we cant hold them in anymore" "yeah" "well we got an hour till the show" "ya know it really sucks that he has to perform on his birthday" "that does blow" they watched tv for a good 40 minutes "hails, are you going to wear that blazer" "oh yeah forgot i was wearing it" hailey throw it over the couch" "you may look a little slutty but its your favourite dress style, that and you dont ever call me pretetios or mormon" "that and you dont have to worry about me going to asking 'wanna fuck'" hailey joked in a terrible katya vioce "oh hush, " pushing hailey "your right though" "you know people talk about us when we walk down the street right, i got supet hearing" "yeah i do too they say some stupid and valgur stuff" "down right nasty" "oh shit we gotta be on our way" checking her watch "oh we do gotta go" turning off the tv and getting her coat "how do i look" kodi asked as hailey throw on her cloak "you look beautiful" kissing her cheek going down the elavator "going out you two" "yes"  walking each other out arm in arm "oh look theyre out of the house, the one blacks a asshole" "walk it off hailey, walk it off" kodi reasured her about to walk into the club, the girls walked in and spotlight landed on them "ouch" "allow me to introduce our very own celeberties t-bird hailey and pink lady kodi" "thanks for annoucing us" they found cane's table "well you two here" "sorry about that" "hey kodi and hailey, the usaul" "yes the usaul" "why they call yall the local celebrities" "anytime we go out this where we go" "oh, well abels going on tonight" "sasha told me" hailey whispered to cane "we bring on, our birthday queen Sasha ann" "telling ya bitch stole my middle name" hailey laughed. Sasha caught her family and smiled "i see my family back there, ya see i was raised in family where my youngest sister was a total bitch and she asked older than me, whore" the crowd laughed "sasha is a insult comic" "so my mother was such a whore that she didnt know who to treat better, our father or her lover" she had a drink throw at her "i see the whore is here herself" she finished your think "its been wonderful" bowing and exiting the stage "damn she knows how to put on a show" "i sure do hailey" hailey turned her head taking a drink "you bitch, you called me an asshole" "was i wrong for that" "not at all, you spoke the truth bitch" "happy birthday man" "hailey im surprised you didnt rip that up" "honey if i ripped this outfit up, it would end up being x-rated in this bitch" "i wanted all of you here, to tell you something" holding hailey and canes hand "im a trans woman" gripping their hands "its okay" breaking the silence "this is what you two were talking about, and you look fabulous in that dress" "thank you kodi, it is yours" kodi giggled. Cane pulled out a box "mom sent this last night and we were to afraid to open it because of what hailey gets" "mom hated me, she loves you two" "go on open it up you two" they opened it up looking scared "guys im pretty sure its safe" "oh shes right" cane peeked in "its a hate note" "and book, the bible to be exact" "damn preist" sasha rolled her eyes "im sorry,  i really didn't know what to get yall, so i got cards" "its the thought that counts hailey" "same" "its fine were both adults" the waiter was coming around "a round of whiskey" "yes sir" "well it doesnt matter we have family" "feel free insult me anytime, its funny sasha" "a toast to family" they clinged their glasses as a woman came up to the table "yes to family" they all looked over "mother, what are you doing her" "yes what are you doing here" "the cheating whore" "well i wanted to see my loving children again" "you throw knives at my head as a kid, fuck your love" "your a cheating whore and didn't ever think of dad for anything" "i am still your mother and where did i go wrong raising you abel" "mom why are you really here, " hailey said gettinv in her face "and you didnt raise us dad did, and you spent all your time with that fucking preist get your lying ass out of here" "hailey you didnt have to be so cruel" "i know but she always shows up just to ruin things" "hailey just sit down" "so what are you doing here" "oh this is my club, i work here full time" "yep and im a waiter here, so what do you two do" "im vice president of secret makeup" "and im an exotic dancer at a club, ive recently been signed to an acting contract" sasha was called back onstage "well we should be on our way" "tonight was fun through, tell sasha i want my dress back" "ok, i will" "wait" hailey stoped "i want sasha measurements" "why" "i wanna get a couple costumes made for her and her color prefres well basicly anything that she might like" "and keep that a secret" "alright, ill get those and give them to you" "thank you" the girls ran out

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