The second end

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    The triplets were a year old and hailey already moved the history hall to old house "should still be under force feild" they moved back in after the kindoms fell "hailey their coming we need to strenthn the barrier" "let me check the supplies real quick. Blood tablets, old potions and wand, rayenia daine we'll protect the house please watch the children" raven and hailey made the barrier stronger and a demon hit it "ouch son a bitch" "what do you want with us" pointing wand at him "hailey is that you" "shut up whats your business here" "yo its me tom, the demon that lead you to satan how long has it been" "im 110 and a vampire" "hows the family" "i have 3 seventy to eighty year old children and new triplites" "well your safe hailey" "get away i will protect my family at all costs" casting a spell hitting him "ouch your a tough woman ill see ya when you decide to die" "get a move on tom" he ran to the next house over and hailey went back into the hill house "who was that" "i never told you what exactly happened when i was ten" "you dont have to and we heard him" "good" she hugged her family crying "im not ready to lose you" they stayed cooped in the house for another month "yes i know andy but we have to ration" "miss rose i think im sick" "we have to go out there anyway for whatever food we can find food, juice, water, and now medication" "you dont have to" "i want you to be okay, for rayenia" "okay", when hailey returned from scavenging there were bullet holes in here arms "what happened out there" "fuckers are shoting out there, raven the twizzers and gauze" putting the groceries on the countor "hailey let me get these out for you" "be careful or ill kick your ass" "why are you so tough miss hailey" "when i was 15 i was being trained as a killer so im pretty rough, start putting that stuff up" "yes ma'am" "motherfucker i may be able take this but stop the torture" "sorry hailey, didnt realise i hurting you" "think about it more, im not going to lose an arm because of you" she  taking the twizzers and taking out the bullets. She went into the bathroom and sewed up the wounds wrapping them in guaze "hey hails im sorry hurting you" "raven i shouldnt have went off on you im sorry i got mad" "hey dont be to hard on your self" "no im short to anger and i need help" "we'll get you help when civalization comes back" "aww your wonderful raven i love you" he picked her off the floor hugging her "momma" "oh hello dears" she sat raven lee and dove down with old coloring stuff "wheres andy" "hes asleep on the couch" "aw lets get him to his room" hailey carried him from the couch to the childrens room "i never thought id be a parent in the apocalype" she kissed his forhead "miss hailey theres someone here for you,  their waiting at the force feild" she suited up with knifes, guns and anything that could kill "tell them ill be right there" covering the weapons up "hailey, your gonna go like that" "raven its the apocalyplic you cant ever be to safe" "that sounds right" she went the edge of the barrier "who are you and what do you want" "you dont remember me, get your hand out of your pocket and come on out" "why should i trust you" he flashed his real face "ya see im trustworthy" "im not an idiot, im not ready to die yet" "im not here to kill ya hailey, i just want ta talk" "talk then" "come out of your barrier, i know your armed and i wont harm you" she stepped out slowly "make it quick people are shotting out here" she pulled a pistol and shoot behind her "yeah you heard right im a vampire" "hailey im glad i gave you a second chance at life, you make me proud. Not tell Tom but hes the worst demon on our force" "i wont can i get back in my barrier before i get killed" "well it was nice checking in" hailey went back in with the empty weapons "who was that" "Satan he wanted to chat", hailey looked outside "well looks like its nightfall, time for bed" "why" "we need all our strenth for tommorrow im on night watch, bed" hailey stayed up watching with an eagle eye "back away bitch" pointing a bazokka at a woman walking by. The next morning aliens brought new buildings and shops "what happened last night, why does it look like nothing happened" "aliens droped new buildings, shops and cleaned the earth up" "im not putting my weapons up or the barrier down just yet" she started heading upstairs "where you going mom" "check on my potion" hailey throw on her lab coat and happily drank the liqiud "tastes terrible but keeps the voices away" "hailey are you ok" "im fine schizophrenias at bay" "thats good, the little ones want there morning hug" "oh my babies are awake" hailey rushed to them. Daine onto rayenia's hand "i love you and i've held on to my life for as long as i could" "daine just let it be known since the moment i saw you ive loved you" holding her close, hailey brought in a tray with soup on it "mom, its no use shes gone" she put the tray one the desk and hugged rayenia "im so sorry" "its okay, mom it happens. And youve lost everyone from the original rose family" "thats alot of heartbreak that i never wanted you to see" "i understand she a year though, she was happy in her final days" hailey had finally gotten used to the new world "hailey i did the shopping" "ok" she unloading them while fighting the kids "momma watch out hex" "oh no" she ducked and started tickling him "momma i wanna do charms like daddy" "alright dove ill see if daddys up to teaching you" "what was that about dove" "raven, dove wants to learn charms" "sweetheart their not old enough their only 4" "when your old enough well get you 3 wands and me and your father still have our books, i never told your daddy but ive mastered every class" "hailey you sly dog" "i know, please go play with them while i finish this and ill join you" little raven stayed "momma i wanna help you"  "ok let me see what i can find for you" he cheered and started dragging a bag "honey dont rip the bag, heres somethings for the bottom self" "yay" "now when your finished with that go play with your daddy" "mom what are gonna do about daine" "il make a few calls and see if theres a morge if not we can bury her in the family plot" "you'd put her in the family plot" "shes family isnt she" "oh your an angel" she hugged her "oh rayenia you already know im far from an angel" "its a figure of speech" "i know" hailey eventually got an answer from a morgue and got the childrens cups ready "well i got a morgue coming later today and if ya need me ill be in the play room" she carried the 3 cups and gave to the kids when she got a call "miss can we have you come down to the bank to update some things" "sure ill be down, babies mommas gonna be right back" she took the new car for a spin and got directions to the bank "ill never understand these new cars" getting out and heading to get things settled "miss rose i see youve had an account with us since 2016" "yes can we skip the questionare" "ok your secrets safe with me, ive read the stories vampire queen" "hush" "dont worry we keep species secret" "good better stay that way no what do you need to update" "eye scan, and finger print, and ive read about your entire life" "dont remind me" she did the scans and left "hailey what was that about" "they needed their updated scans" "alright now what is in those cups" "blood tablets, they need something like of blood at their age" "well fair, but you should see this" he lead her to the play room "what kind of tornado happened here" "they went crazy and passed out, you tell me" "your natraul hair color hair is gorgous, you should let it grow out more" "because you say so i will, and the morgue came for daine earlier" "thats good" hailey went and put the kids in their bed "hey hailey, you know how you wanna teach the kids about the magical world" "yeah" "i agree to that and we speak in your office" "sure". Hailey was in the kitchen making a small dinner "what about little ones mom" "ill make their drinks, that room looked like a nightmare" "ok" rayenia started getting plates ready "rayenia why arent you more worried and daine" "ive watched you when you lost someone" "dear thats because its hard to get tears out of me now, you still have tears baby doll im sorry i gave you a messed up preseption on lose" "i quess i looked up to you a little to much" "just get the table set, ive turnd and gave you a bad version of lose" hailey keep her eyes away from her, "hailey i got an idea" "what is your idea" "we havent been doing so well with our relationship" "i know and ive been trying" "well what if we have a weekend to ourselves every month" "what are you suggesting" "im saying in that weekend were still married but were seperated to give each other breathing room" "id be willing to, if it would help us but a weekend, if we do this make it a week out of every month" "lets just stick with the weekend" "alright effective in two months" they shook hands and went to bed, rayenia was in hailey's lab the next morning "so this were you would disappear to" "when did you get in here" "i knew daniels lab was in the house but your takes up a whole floor" "are you trying to scold me because i am starting to feel guilty" "im not trying to make you feel quilty but i would like to know if you have a posion to cure cancer" "if i had that potion i would have sliped it to daine" "momma i dont think you understand, i have cancer" "baby girl please let this just be a cruel joke" "not a cruel joke mom" in haileys down time she rummaged through daniels old lab and found the vaccine formula "hailey what are you doing in here" "uh nothing" "well im of to run sweet tart, honey have a good day" "ok have a good day" he left out if the room and hailey started drifting off "i remember when the day he found these, he was so excited, i remember it like yesterday" raven lee and dove ran at her legs "hey angels wheres andy at" "hes off playing with my dolls" "would you two make sure hes okay till i get in there" "yes ma'am" they ran in the room while hailey put the formula somewhere safe "andy dear you look upset" "im okay momma" "baby you can tell me" "i just like to be alone momma" "okay dear" she went and played with em till lunch "your the best momma ever" "theres are better mommas out there" "their right momma you even when your playing with them you can still make time for me" "come here andy, your all beautiful and dont forget it inside and out" she teared up and hugged him

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