Troubles coming

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  "Madam rose theres a group of sharply dressed men out here should i sent them in" "of course daneil" "leann rose or shall we say madam rose" "what do you kind fellows want" rubbing on one of the mans shoulders "madam rose, you've been open for 2 months and hadent payed protection" "oh sweethearts i know your angle and you cant beat me at my old game" she pulled down the blinds and smiled "well we thought youd need protection" "oh sweety dont make me laugh, i am protection" one of the guys tried attacking her as she sat on her desk "nah haha" grabbing his throat and throwing him down "how are you so calm" "i know about your business,  my great grandma did axceding well in it" "ah you know about your familys empire" "duh, bottom line no protection is needed from you" "are you sure" "back up buddy" she knocked the leader down to the ground and held her heel above his throat "you shouldnt know how to do that unless you hail.." "hailey ann rose, shut your damn trap before i stab your pretty little throat and drain all your blood afterwards" letting him up and slapping his cheek "so you know us" "no but im aware of your tricks i was the stantons interagor" "the stanton mob, they went of the grid in 2020" "yes thats great, you got my answer and its ill kill ya if ya ever come back" "so thats a no boss" "of course ya idiot tommy she hailey ann rose, she could kill ya with a snap" "oh shits right danny" "get out of my office and call me madam rose dip shits" clearing them put out and pulling up the blinds "those assholes wanted to play with me" "madam rose what was that about" "mafia wanting protection, i am this clubs protection" "is it true your the legendary hailey" "not true one bit, the names leann not hailey, get back to work" she drank from her glass staring out of the window. She went downstairs to get more water and bourbon for her office when she felt someone grab her ass "dont try me" "its me leann" "ah raven, dont sneak up on me" gently smacking his cheek after picking him off the floor "im sorry but your ass is near hanging out in those shorts" "well shit, could have told me and i would have pulled them down" "thats my baby" pulling her down kissing "that reminds me, what the hell are you doing here this late" "boys night out and the nannys at home with the kids" "honey go on with your night, im just down her refilling my water and bourbon" "ah well ill try to have fun knowing your watching" "oh hush im not always watching, just have fun. Thank you  dave" taking her bottles and heading back up "i spend all night in this office only have good night video call to my kids" "madam rose your night video call home is in a few minutes" "thank you daneil" she sat at her desk and waited for the call "hey babies momma loves you" "story please" "of course" she read them a story and watched them fall asleep "i love you" "madam rose theres a mister raven wanted you to join him" "tell this man ill be right there" she ended the call and headed to him "well mister raven, its a pleasure to see you again" "gentlemen this is my wife leann" "who we shes hot" "hey thats my wife your talking about" "all the guys do it sweety, they can look but touch and you might die" "do you tell all the guys that look at you that" "yes because looking isnt gonna harm anyone, i broke a mans wrist once for touching" "ouch and you married that" "i love her and she knows how to protect herself" "raven dear can you help me with my leg, i think i hurt my ankle earlier" "sure ill look at it" he checked out the ankle and found minor bruising "i should be ok in a few days untill then were your the heels that have  the ankles covered and wrap it up" "i havent told you lately, your a doll" "you tell me all the time" "i know because your my bitch" playfully tugging on his chocker "hey told you not in public" "i know just like to play with you a little" she giggled and went from his veiw point, instead of going straight to bed hailey visited rayenias painting "its only been a month and i tried my best to cure you, the posion wasnt enough" "baby doll" raven stumbled into the house "raven your drunk, lets get ya to bed" she helped him up the stairs and into the bed "go to sleep" "why not join me" "no raven not when your drunk" she went and took her shower prepping for bed "hailey" raven was reaching across the bed while hailey through on her shirt "raven ya knuckle head im right here" she climbed in bed and was pulled close to raven "my hailey" "raven you drunk and tired fool" she passed out in his arm. Hailey put an asprin and a cup of water on ravens table before getting up the kids "oh i know your grumpy but get up for school, i made your lunches" "mommm!" "dont do that to me and get up" they all got up angry while hailey made a small breakfast "hailey your a doll, thanks for the asprin" "ive had plenty of hangovers" hailey went through her daily routine and dawned her nightly outfit "momma i cant wait till summer" "neither can i, now be good for the sitter" she drove to the club only to find sharply dressed men blocking her way "what the hell do you want" "join our gang" "hmmm no, get out of my way" "tommie get her" she pulled her gun and pointed it at her "get any closer and i shot, stay away from my club" putting it back in her bag as the men walked away "douche bags" "madam rose" she went strait to her office "i cant wait till this weekend ill get to spend time with my babies" later on that night "daneil im taking 30 minutes" rubbing her head walking down to the bar "lacey, bourbon on the rocks" "right away madam" "your angel" she was handed her drink "madam rose, can i have the weekend off im in my cousins wedding" "sure" a few chairs away "thats the bitch that broke my wrist for touching her ass" "yeah some women dont like to be touched" "oh you should have seen  the way she was dressed she was asking for" "i doubt that, and your drunk" "no man just look at hows shes dressed go get her man" "i mean she is hot" he got up and started gliding his hand up and down her thigh then hailey horse kicked him "ouch you bitch" "uh huh" turning to him "your madam rose, im so sorry ma'am please forgive me" "you've only used up 2 strikes now shu" he walked back to his freind "you groped the owner you asshole" "i didnt know" "were getting out of here" he and his freind scaddled out "stupid men" "tell me about it when i was waiteressing, got it alot" "its one of those moments you have to know how to knock them on there asses" "i hear ya there", hailey was overlooking the club when her assistant came in "madam rose i have a burning question" "ask away" "what is that juice your always drinking" "special drink that helps me stay sane" "oh" "paychecks are on the desk take yours" "thank you ma'am" hailey went down to the breakroom and handed out the rest "lacey dear have fun at your cousins wedding" "your so sweet" "tell anyone and ill kill ya" "what!" "its a joke" she went back into her office and had a video call with the kids "mommy" "hey angels im gonna tuck yall in tonight" "yay" "i love you and be good for daddy" "hey sweetheart" "raven you behave too" "yes ma'am" she laughed closing the computer "madam rose the men are back" "ugh let em in" "ah madam rose, ill give you one more chance to join us" "you get one more to leave my business alone" "hailey my dear" "brutis the blinds, and then out" hailey watched him carefully "so whats it gonna be" "you dead if you dont the fuck out off my business" "quite ballsy" "quite ballsy indeed" she had her heel on the bosses neck "what are ya doing ya crazy broad" "uh huh" she placed her thin heel gently on his forhead "dont move jackass" "so you've learned new tricks hailey" "madam rose dumbass" "yes ma'am,  we'll leave you alone" "then go and shut ya fucking trap and dont come back" "boss i thought you werent scared of anyone" "i am of her lets get out of here" "idoits" pulling back up the blinds "madam rose what did they want" "oh nothing" hailey throwof her shoe "the last time those bastards were in this office they stabed my ankle, how bad does it look" "not to bad" "thank you" she wrapped her ankle back up and put on her shoe "what are those guys" "mafia they either want protection money or for me to join them" "are you" "no, im pushed to almost killing them to get them to stop" "oh im sorry" "nah im used to it". Hailey got through the door and throw her bag down "mommas home" "raven why are they still awake" "tommorows saturday why not" "and you promised youd tuck us in" "thats right i did" pinching andy's cheek "stop it" wiggling his face away "ok go up to y'alls room ill be right up and tommorow we can play" "yay" the kids ran the stairs "how was work hailey" "mob bastards came back and tried getting me to join" "what did you do" "put my heel on the bosses forehead and told him to get the fuck out, they wont be coming back" taking off her coat "ill be waiting in the livingroom" hailey went up to the room and peeked in "momma" "ok pick out a book and get in bed" they fought over the book then hailey just got them in bed "how bought i make up a story" "yeah" "ok calm down" after a few minutes hailey got into the livingroom "their a handfull arent they" "they fight like siblings for sure" she sat next to raven on the couch "whats wrong with you raven, your almost avioding my touch" "i dont have any idea what your talking about" "alright well im gonna go to bed" she headed upstairs and got in bed "i would have thought he'd have this on him" picking up his phone and going through it "its clean , theres something going on with him" putting it back on his nightstand, raven climbed in bed an hour later when hailey rolled over and touched his arm "what is he doing" getting flashing images rolling off the bed "the guest room should be clear" she stayed up all night thinking of the images "hails its 4 o clock are you okay" "dont talk to me you dick head" "what are you talking about" "after every thing weve been through, you cheat on me" "i told you there was nothing  between me and my receptionist" "thats not it, you remember when you introducted me to your freinds" "yeah why" "i touched your arm last night and saw you and your freind, being a little overly freindly" "oh no, im sorry you saw that" "the guest room is yours tonight so prepare" "what, i mean ill tell him we cut that off" "thats not gonna make me trust you"

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