Haileys art career

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   At 14 hailey was an unnamed illustrator on top of training "hailey whatcha doing" "hey dad" "that looks famiar" "i sell these to the news paper" "those are yours there funny" "cool, i finished my homework just need to work on my essay its due friday" "your so smart",  hailey was stuck in a boring class when a note got passed to her 'im about to fall asleep you' 'if it wasnt for me drawing i would' "and that students is how i got my dog" the teacher looked around the room seeing that everyone was either sleeping or not paying attention "hailey where did i get my dog" " pet co. on febuary 13th last year and its a pure blood hound" "you heard all of that" "yep" not looking up from her drawing. By age 15 she was put in all smart classes her teachers would often take her sketch book because they assumed she wasnt listening "you were talking about the cold war" she retold the entire lecture "ok" "now can i have my book back" "after class" "hailey how was class" "bitch took my sketch book" putting her things in her locker "so what were you drawing" "hell" "well the ill be waiting outside" "alright" gathering her messager bag and getting home "oh this is pretty" "drew it a week ago, i gotta go to work", when she was 18 hailey started an instagram for her  work and paintings were being sold. Kodi started asking why hailey could afford her things "kodi im an artist, i have a gallery thats showing my work tommorrow and im working on a commistion" "hey you got a letter" handing her the envelop "kodi im a little busy right now" "its from that art school" "ill read it later, i gotta finish this" an hour later "hailey pizzas here" "be right there dear" she came out of her room reading the letter "so what does it say" kodi set the box on the coffee table and turned the dvd player on while hailey keep reading "i got in,  full scholership" she screamed "oh thats great, that makes this celebration" "oh how do you put up with me, if im not at work im working on other things and you still love me" "its called growing up, ill survive" "the only problem is i have to move to new york" "hey its ok" the next day haileys dad came for his weekly visit "what new chicka dees" "i got a new job last week" "what about you hails" you know been working multiple jobs of course two is art" "nice" "what about that school in new york" "ill let you read it" handing him the letter "and we graduate in a few days" "oh yeah that too" "oh you got in, thats wonderful" "dad are you going to be at the graduation" "ill try to convince your mother to go without weapons" "that would be great". At the age of 21 she worked from home and did more commitions while taking care of daniel "no baby dont touch that" "why" "lets not start the why thing, its mommas work, so lets play outside" kodi hide something very fast wispering to it "what are you doing kodi" "nothing just making a wonderful gift for your birthday" "my birthdays not for another 4 months" "ill be inside" "mommas being weird" "aww its okay, lets just go play" hailey was in her third year of school and happy with her family "miss rose can we ask you some questions" "youve already asked one so why not sit" looking up from her clipboard and sitting down "so your 22 you own this shop and you work at the secret makeup company our sources say your president" "yes and you have the worst haircut ive  ever seen" "rude" "i thought we were playing state the ovious and im very busy" "shes right your haircut sucks and shes funny" "shut up donavan, so how do you do it all" "you forgot i have a wife and a son and im in art school, the answer is i dont sleep. I study and learn when in the morning, get here until noon then i go do my companies work and if i have any free time and in between the work i spend time with my family" "so its safe to say your very scheduled" "uh huh are you done here i have to get home" "yes ma'am" "good boy". At 26 hailey became ceo and had gave the surf shop to raven so she could have more time with daniel "hailey hows school" "graduated 2 years ago" "seen daniel" "in his room" "your wonderful" "i know" she giggled as he left, age 30 she had the twins and had her art in a couple gallerys, by fifty was dealing with an 18 year old doctor and two frusting teens staying her pjs around 100 years old she had her paintings and prints in gallerys around the world. At 120 she took her children to the museum to look at the 'lost artists' work "their so stupid like im dead" "miss you look like you could possibly be related to this artist" the curator approched her "yes, the artist is my great grandma" "oh we've been looking for surving family members" "i have a question, are these prints or the real thing" "im sorry these copies, the originals are in the smithsones of course the one we could recover" "thank you for trying to keep m.. i mean my great grandmas paintings" "its no problem at all", now 133 she went into the darkest floor of the bank "leann rose" "hello hailey your personal banker the account has all your alternate names on it too. Hailey, grace, rosey, princess, chelsea, clayton, kaylee, and leann all roses" "yes every since that bill got passed vampires have been getting great jobs" "when are you gonna tell the world you were the weathest and kindest vampires in history" "when im ready why am i hear" "wait a second hailey ann rose shes my favorite artist" "excuse her shes new" "can i have an autograph" "right after i get done young lady this is a business call" the young vampire ran off smiling "any problems daine" "no just wanted to bring your attention to the amount of money in your account" "uh huh i should be getting back to the club soon" "well you have two hundred billion should that be right" "yes" *swush* he wings popped out "what just happened" "i was turned into a demon when i was 10 and the wings react when im excited or stressed" "we can get you help putting those back" "no ive learned to control it, did you know vampires have wings" "only the only ones born pure blood" "haha well i should get going" pushing in her wings and getting to the front door "leann how does it make you feel that your bankers a vampire" "i could care less" "what you being up there and dealing with them licking their lips" "they dont dipship now leave me alone" she slammed her limos door "hailey arent you worried about them finding out" "oh please what do they have on me daneil" "nothing really" "exactly just get me to the club" "whats happening there" "you know shooting that commercial and your playing my assistant" "but i am your assistant" "i know" she brushed her hair in the mirror "what is this gonna turn into" "alot of money for the club" "madam rose were here" "thank you jeremy, get in already how do i look" "good" fixing her coat they burst through the door and seeing a huge crowd of actors "ah leann your early and you brought your assistant" "she is playing my assistant am i right" "well acually we hired someone else to do that so if you could please stay out of the cameras way dani" "its daneil" "who cares" "hey daneil could you please make me my special cocktail you know too many beats in here" daniel winked and went go up "now miss rose lets get you into hair and makeup so you can go over your lines" "yes sir" she followed him to the area "madam rose i brought your drink" "did you put everything back in the refridgerator" "no ma'am i can go do that" "you better i dont want spend 800 dollars to get it replaced" "yes ma'am" she ran back into the office "open, were doing your lips" "can i get a straw so i dont competly ruin his work" "yes ma'am" she was given her script while getting her hair done "golden berry vodka now being served at rose bud, thats all i have to say" "the director gets angry if one thing happens expectly if it happens on the dance for" she did her scene around 15 times "ok what keeps missing up" "someone on the floor reset" hailey stood back infront of the window "and action" "madam rose i brought your drink" hailey took a swig and sat on her couch "thank you miranda that would be all, golden berry vodka now being served at rose bud and in your nearst liquor store" the camera panned back a bit "and cut, what do you think director" "perfect take we can wrap this up" "oh thank god, those words are going to be eched into my mind daneil would it be to much to ask for a massage" "not at all" hailey laided on her stomach and let her rub her back "miss leann thank you for shooting with us" the director came in to shake her hand and hand over her check "daneil hold off for a second, now what the hell was happening downstairs" she sat up "someone in the crew keep getting the shot, a drink to boosting your service" he poured a shot for himself and they cheered "tonight is the most ive drank in 4 years" "well get home and have fun" "thank you but i gotta stay daneil continue" she laid back down and let the crew clean up the place "your really tense madam rose" "please you know my secret and no bodys here just say hailey" "alright hailey" "do you have any experence being a massuse" "no why do you ask" "you dont want waste your life here" "i enjoy working for you what are you talking about" "sweetheart get in school further your carrer i cant employ you forever" "i geuss your right" "i mean hell when i was 24 i got my art degree and i do comitions on the side" "wait the famous hailey rose" "yes i get money from gallerys, this place, and my husband made to where i own half of sweet tart" "thats how you can afford the stuff you do" "that and i have alot of money from prevous names, my banker is a vampire so they know me by my many names" "huh intersting" "well i should be going" she got her coat and went into the limo "home jeremy" "right away". Raven was on the news "hey hun how was it" "terrible" putting her coat and purse on the rack "come sit down ill rub your back" hailey sat on the couch and layed on his lap "that bad" "please im suprised my wings didnt react" "next up celebrity rumors" "why do these assholes humor people" "come on it is kind of interesting" hailey went into the kitchen and chugged her bottle "hailey are you okay" "im fine you imagine being in a room of 15 fucking beating hearts and trying to control yourself" she sighed putting a half empty vodka bottle on the countor "calm down and get to bed" "i should go get some work done" "okay, as long as it calms you down" "i love you" "love you too go have fun" she grunted getting up the stairs

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