Haileys savior

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The chapter contains an abuse trigger warning

Hailey had protected everyone but sometimes she needs protection. Kodi had voyed to hailey to protect her from her boyfriend "I voyed" she repeated to herself helping hailey cover her neck for school "let's go hailey" walking arm in arm "your smiling, you haven't smiled in a week" "I know you won't hurt me" "hang on we have to pick up my girlfriend, stay hold to me if your scared" "ok" visibly upset, Kodi's girlfriend saw Hailey's hand on Kodi arm as she was franticly looking around giving off the look of disgust at hailey, "Kodi how are you" "I'm good, let's get going, Haileys looking scared" they were talking among themselves as hailey was content with holding on to Kodi "you'll be ok in your first class right hailey" "yes, I think so" "ok go have fun" hailey nodded and went inside the room "ill be ok, ill be ok" going through the day hailey was okay. Kodi had her hold on to the back of her shirt "don't pull too much though" "ok, but I'm really ok" "you can let go, but don't stay close" hailey smiled and stayed close "hey babe" Kodi kissed her girlfriends cheek, every time hailey saw Kodi her do that she got a little distant. They looked back at hailey "you ok" "yeah" with a slight smile "let's just get home okay, hailey" "yeah sounds good", after they locked the door "are you ok with this break" "no, I love you too much and it breaks my heart to see you with someone else" "that's why you've been not looking in my eye" a very aggressive knock hit the door "go in my room hailey, quickly go-go" pushing her "hello, what's your name?" opening the door "you know me, Kodi, come on let me in" "I can't, you hurt my friend" "what are you talking about?" "her neck!" "It wasn't that hard, let me in bitch" "no!" pushing him from the door "I woman does not push me!" grabbing kodi's arm and throwing her outside "I'm seeing my girlfriend" locking Kodi out "HAILEY!" as Kodi was kicking the door "let me in, I need to find someone" hailey was hiding in kodi's closet as quiet as she could be "oh hailey come out now" he was searching the whole place. Once he got to kodi's room he heard hailey crying "I know your in here hailey, come out" he opened the closet and looked around 3 times and closed it only to open it again and snatch Hailey's arm "now why are you hiding from me, I love you" "i... Told you to stay...out" "no you didnt, I punished you for yelling at me" "let me go, leave me alone please" "kodi's not here anymore stop the act" "I hate you, get out" "oh you hate me" raising a hand "release me...uh...ass" flinching "oh your scared now you wernt before" slapping hailey and grabing her neck "I locked the door behind me, kodi's not here and were alone, you used to love it when we were alone" "fuck off" muttering through chocking "oh you wanna be cocky, lay down!" throwing her on the bed with hailey holding her throat "kodi's gonna be back soon" "thats what you think, she cant save you" hailey closed her eyes and knew what was about to happen, kodi and the buildings manager burst through the front door "shes either in her room or mine" "I told you she would be back" hailey muttered before her mouth was covered. Hailey was shoved in the closet with her boyfriend holding on to her "don't say a fucking word" hailey bite his hand and screamed "this room sir" slapping Hailey's mouth and keeping it covered "where? Hailey make a noise!" hailey kicked kodi's shoes "the closet" "you bitch" punching Hailey's cheek. The police had opened the closet door to see hailey kicking trying to speak through his hand "help me please" muffled and trying to break free "sir release the woman" pointing a gun at him "fine" he let her go and hailey ran to Kodi "thank you, thank you" holding her tight "I'm here hailey, its okay baby" holding her crying "I'm sorry, babe" as Kodi was watching the police put him in handcuffs "let's go get you some pants, dear" holding hailey to her room "I kept telling him you'd be back but he keep saying the door was locked" "it's okay, here put these on" they girls stood in the door and watched him be taken away "this your girlfriend ma'am" "no sir, friend" "keep an eye on her, ok" "yes officer" "don't let him near me please" clinging to Kodi "you bitch" he said reaching for hailey. Hailey clung to kodi tighter shaking "she cant protect you forever" "yes I can" he yelled as they pulled him to the busted down door "I never wanna see him again" hailey wispered as kodi's girlfriend walked in staring at kodi "why is she clinging to you" "look kate she needs me right now, and why is that door busted, tell me!" "she just had he abusive boyfreind, now ex arrested and they had to bust the door down to get me back inside he pushed me outside and locked the door while I was trying to keep him out" "does she have to be so close" "kate shes scared, he threatned her life" "I dont like her so close to you" "kate, stop acting like this, youve always been jelous when she was around" "yeah shes always smiling around you" kate pushed hailey off kodi "stop touching her now, bitch" hailey was still shaking "dont push her!" kodi blocked kate "its ok, hailey wait for me in your room" hailey stumbled to her room "why are you protecting her?" "because I promised her I would" "no wonder he was trying to rape her, look how she dressed" "how dare you to say that about her, I done with you were done, get out. she needs me" pointing to the open doorway "walkout where you came in" "whatever I didn't need you anyway" as she was walking out. Kodi walked back to Hailey's room "are you ok hailey, its ok ill call your father" in a comforting voice "it's time I will be the big person" hailey smiled "wheres your phone angel" hailey grabbed her hand and lead her to her closet pointing to the floor "on the floor" hailey nodded "can you get and unlock it please" she smiled and got it showing Kodi the password "ok thank you, can you bring up his number" hailey pulled up he dads number and handed her phone over "thank you, dear" "hello sir" "your not my daughter, who is this?" "its Kodi sir, do you think you can come over tomorrow" "it's not Sunday yet, why isn't hailey talking" "shes gone quiet" "gone quiet?" "Sir, I can explain tomorrow" "ok ill be over before yall get out of school ill be inside" "that may be an issue, the manager is putting in a new door" "what do you mean?" "That's a part of the story" "ok, we all have to go to the front office for the new keys then" he hung up "he'll be here tomorrow hails" hailey shook her head "oh is that what he called you" she nodded "oh sorry hailey" "it's okay," hailey said quietly. The manager was putting the new door on "girls, come see me in the hall" they went out in the hall "ok here are your keys " hailey try this one and give me a signal" hailey quickly nodded and tried it, she thumbs up "ok, now Kodi" she tried it "it works" "I do have another one for Hailey's dad, kodi do the honors" "it works" handing the key to hailey "angel make sure to put this under the mat before we leave tomorrow" hailey nodded smiling " would you text your dad about the key" she gave a thumbs up "ok, time for bed" hailey smiled and held on to kodi "thank you so much ma'am" "yall be safe, good night" "good night" as they had closed the door "do you wanna try to sleep alone" "yes" she softly spoke "ok, I love you" kissing her cheek as hailey made her way to her room and kodi stayed in the livingroom. Kodi had woke up 2 hours later and checked on hailey "shes looks like she's doing okay" she went to her room and found one of her big stuffed animals "this will be perfect for her" Kodi snuck into Hailey's room and slide the stuffed animal next to hailey "ok, shh Kodi don't wake her" tiptoeing out and slowly shutting the door "I have to stay alert even in my sleep" she said climbing into bed yawning. Kodi woke up an hour earlier than she had to "check on hailey before i do anything" she opened the door and saw hailey holding the large stuffed animal "thats my baby, im going to make breakfast" hailey woke up a few minites later carring the big animal smiling "hey howd you sleep" hailey was pointing at her wrist "whats the time?" hailey noded "4:30, im making breakfast so if you wanna watch to tv go for it" hailey sat down to watch her after putting the animal on the couch "here you go beautiful eat up" putting a plate of eggs and bacon "what about you" softly "oh mines right here" putting a plate next to her "ill be sitting right here and i found something else for you to hold in class" haileys face lit up as kodi pulled up one of the small stuffed animal "this ones for class and do you have the extra key" hailey ran to grab the key off her nightstand "ok, ill put it under the mat. Today is Friday" hailey clapped "you always happy on Fridays" hailey had walked to the sink to put the dish away "you wanna do the dishes together like we used to" hailey smiled wide "ok wait for me to finish" hailey started to really look at the smaller stuffed animal and started to boop it "ok ready" "yay" once they finish the dishes they start to get ready for school "ok here's your meds and water" hailey took those and covered what she could "alright of to school" they hide the key and went to the principal's office to tell him what happened for reference "hey hailey I have a class you do too go" clinging to Kodi "hailey, you have the stuffed animal" hailey pulled it out of her bag and walked to class "hailey before you take your set we've been made aware of your speech so here's a whiteboard and marker "thank you" she said quietly. Hailey was now being bullied for another reason "did you hear she needs a whiteboard to talk right" "stop the muttering class, to address the rumor yes one of your classmates is unable to speak like they used to due to traumatic events recently" hailey stared down at her animal the day went that way until they got home.

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