The anniversery

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Hailey got up early and left the house in her pjs "hey leann, where are going so early" "anniversery gift before he can give me mine" getting in the car and heading to the mall "leann rose, the ring" "itll be ready in an hour" "good gives me time to get the other things before he wakes up" going off buying flowers "special day" "anniversery" "would you like these in a vase" "that would be perfect, thank you" she started to look around "are you looking for something else" "yes i grand chocolater" "three shops down and that would be 50 dollars" she left the shop and headed to the chocolater find the perfect box and going back to the jewlery store "its been cleaned and boxed for you have a great day" "you too" she went back to the car "now what would he absoultly love, got it a new tea set" she drove off to the china shop "what do you have for a guy who loves tea" "i take it you married a british man, and these would be gorgous to place in your home" "oh we already have that one, what about that one" "the exact replaca of queen elizabeths favorite set, thats gonna be a thousand dollars" "its a replaca not the real thing" "of course its not the real one would cost 10 million" "ill take the set" she bagged up the things and hailey left "ok this is going to be perfect, once she got home hailey set everything out not a mistake in sight "mom are you okay" "im just fine, ok ring in place everything is perfect" she told herself fixing ravens coffee "hailey i acually sleep last night" "heres your coffee" she handed him the cup gestering to the table "well good morning indeed, when did you have the time for all this" "oh a few weeks, happy 118th year" "oh you spoil me" "and the kids" "whats this a rainbow ring" "yes sir" "what a coindencence close your eyes ill be right back" he sat her down "ill watch her dad, no peeking" "alright" she keep her eyes closed until raven told her to move her hands "you can look, i got you the same ring sorry" "dont worry i love it" "and a fluffier teddy bear" "aww" "im sorry i didnt get as much as you..." "shh, that doesnt matter raven our love does" "thats a beautiful thing to say" "im taking tonight off and daniels taking the kids trick or treating" "oh so we'll have the house all to ourselfs" hailey rubbed her hand across his shoulders "that is correct" raven held her arm "no dont leave yet" "oh why not" he sat her on his lap "i need" "suffer" she kissed him and went into the kitchen "fine" he ran off while hailey made the kids lunches. She handed off their boxes as they got on the bus "what so you and raven got married on Halloween" "yep proposed on christmas and next october we planned it all" hailey started feeling her arm burn "are you okay leann" "yeah just got to go" she ran back in the house and up to her lab "hailey i didnt expect to see you in here" "its my lab and this where you go to do that" "only this time" "come here please, while were story book vampires" he pulled her close "why not the potions can wait" putting them on the table behind him "your teasing does more than you think" picking her up and throwing her on a lab table "you evil bastard" "it must be david taking over" "shh" "fooled ya didn't i" "you jerk" she laughed "what do ya say one more baby" "i dont know raven" "well it is your choice" "raven you know after the triplets i got my tubes tied" "i acually forgot, and were having dinner with michelle and david", raven and hailey were at davids "hows married life david" "huh not bad" "why" "i suspect shes cheating" "what do you mean hes cheating" "i saw him with another woman while i was getting grocies" "its only been a year are you really sure" "yeah and to make matters worse im pregnant" "well ill make you a deal michelle i can watch every move he makes" "how" "let me handle that" hailey and michelle came out of the room "michelle you look gorgous baby, and hailey you look good" she jabbed a camera into his eye using her speed "well thanks david" "i just got a major headache lets get going". After the dinner hailey got through the door and let raven check the rooms "what a night" she shut the door and put her bags down "your mine now" raven grabbed her hands and held them up "seems like your right" she told him before he planted a kiss on her lips and picked her up and put her on the countor "your perfect in my eyes" she grinded "shut up you've already won me" "im in charge tonight" "if you say so, quick someones coming" daniel came through the door "forgot my hat" he didnt see them when he walked out "that was close, to the room", daylight crept through the curtains "too bright, turn off the lights" raven stepped out off the bathroom drying his face "could you put your wings away hailey" "i cant put them away but i can fold em" "why" "once their out its a bitch to get em back in" she got up to take a shower "why what are you going to be tonight for the Halloween party" "well since these are out ill be a demon im closing club tonight again, well were closed all week because the janitors just stand around" "did you bring someone in" "oh yeah, someones thats gonna teach the poor bastard" "do you have to go in" "yeah got a few meetings and paperwork" "oh can i go, ive never seen the place empty" "sure, hey can you help me clean these" she sponged down her dark red wings. Raven looked around her office "its so big in here" "check the closets" she said making them a drink "whats this" "blood cocktail, drink it" a knock came at the door and hailey answered "madam rose we were practing and saw your wings" "were they distracting you" "no, well kinda because vampires dont have wings" "yes we do" raven flashed his large bat wings "put those away raven" "so if vampires have those kinds of wings why do you have different ones" "i became a demon at 10 years old, is that all" "yes ma'am" jacky walked away from the door "is that the band you told me about before" "the vampire band yep they play here once a year" "you mean thats rocky winters" he told her excited "yeah i gave em their first gig and that night a manager approched them" raven was already down stairs talking to them "jacky im such a big fan" hailey was walking across the room her wings spread out "raven their practicing im sure you can get their autograph later" "those are your wings their beautiful" "well im formaly inviting you to our Halloween party at our house" "we'de love to but were outplayed" "not as entertainment, guests" "absoulty we'll go" "no come on raven, back up stairs" she lead him up "why cant i go down there" "raven their busy, just sit there and be a good fanboy" "i can do this downstairs" "ok just dont bother them please" "i wont" he ran downstairs and sat in a booth "finally quiet" "madam rose the sponser is here" hailey went downstairs and greeted him "we'll talk in the vip room" opening the door and gesturing them to sit "you may be asking why were here" "im not gonna lie, im kinda scared" "were not droping you but we have a new flavor that you could sell alot of, bobby pour the lady a glass" "i really shouldnt" "nonsense on sip wont kill" bobby gave her the glass "i dont think i should" "well we dont only want you to sell it but we would like to shoot a commerciel here and your the star" "wait a second you wanna do commerciel here that would be great for business" "well a drink to that, just lose the wings" "yes sir" hailey ran out of the room so excited she didnt notice her wings "what happened in there" "they wanna do a commerciel here, ahhh" "calm down and fold your wings" "their unfolded, sorry" she kissed him and walked to her office to put the papers away "daneil what are you doing here" "finding out the truth hailey" "get out of my files" "you lied to me about your identity and my grandma" "so what, yes we were married" "you lied im gonna tell everyone" hailey closed the door and blinds "so you know past sit the fuck down" "your scaring me, and you have...have wings" "thats right hailey ann rose is a demon" she backed her onto the couch "whats wrong with your eyes madam rose" "i have many secrets that arent on file, now get out and tell no one what you saw in here or i sew your fucking mouth shut" "thats so cruel ive never seen you angry" "theres a reason for that, im sorry just please dont tell about those records" "ive seen worse anger, i wont tell anyone" "ill tell the world im a vampire when im ready" "whats the issue your husbands told people" "ive only told select people" "look i have to say something" "let me guess your an angel" "how'd you know" "did you already forget i was married to your grandma for two years" "so that would make you how old" "133, now please open the blinds and never go through my files again" "yes ma'am", later at the party "hey, your paints coming off" "its only been an hour" "hello my sexy demon" "raven stop it" she turned around "mom im gonna go to bed" "ok good night" "can you go tuck me in" "sure gets me away from this party" she followed raven lee up "mom do you like parties" "not really i got into alot of trouble because of parties, i just did this one for your father" "well thats nice to do" "your fathers done so much for me and the family over the years a Halloween partys nothing" she told him tucking him in and leaving the room to check on the others "ahhhh demon" he picked up a cross and held it up "please put that down its your mom" "sorry" "andy get in bed its 12 a night and your still human" she left the room and went back to the party "hailey your a demon, why" "the wings came out this morning so i said fuck it and did a demon" "whats raven" "hes a drag queen today, vannessa. And by one everyone whos not a vampire has to leave" "oh yeah i told the vampires to break their bathingsuits" "good" she turned the music down "why did you do that" "its almost one get the fuck out" hailey went upstairs and wiped the red paint off and hopped in the pool "the wings still wont go back" "havent tried yet" "well sorry" watching her attempt fail "ill live with it" "you bastard i cant believe i gave up my job for you" "how could you possibly have known i was cheating" "i had some help" "who helped you" he grabbed her arm "hey david you wanna know how helped her, i did" she got out of the pool covering michelle with her wings "what did you do you stupid bitch" "i think you made a mistake calling her that" "big mistake hold still, flashlight raven" she jabbed into his eye and took out the camera "you were watching me with that" holding his eye "oh yeah for weeks and every night there was another woman none of them michelle, oh yeah and grab her like that again and ill kill ya" she pushed him in the pool "hailey you didnt have to be so rough" "oh he needed to be brought back down to earth instead of his male ego" "you stupid bitch" he swam close to the edge trying to stab her "not a chance bastard" kicking him in the teeth "hailey thats kind of not good" one of the other guys pulled an unconcous david out of the water "i didnt want to kill him just make him regret what hes doing to  michelle" "was kinda brutal" "michelle you know how i get when im protecting someone" "yeah" "then why did you let me help you" "i didnt think you'd do that" "sure yeah didnt" she went into the house to her office "hailey wernt you having fun" "oh yeah just didnt want to be critized anymore" "what are you drawing" "look at the computer" "who is that" "some random characters i came up with" "not bad" "please not bad explain why i have people wanting commisions" "thats over a hundred orders" "and ive filled most of them" "this is what you do when your not at the club" "sometimes"

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