New house

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   Hailey and raven were looking at new places "hailey i think we did well" "we got an artist, a personal trainier to the stars, and a business man" "what about this place" "raven its way to big, were two going on 700 years old but lets check it out" "the only problem is its in hollywood" " i say we to it weve been in California to long" the boarded the private plane "this going to be great you my banker moved up to LA a few years ago" "bethny did, then how did you keep getting your checks cashed" "calling and sending her them" a few hours later hailey woke raven up "hailey when are you gonna come out" "when im ready" "youve been saying that for 600 years and you wont let me you or be seen with you" "ill tell them soon raven" "youve seen the news there are people that told the world they that are news casters" "i know stop tell me" they went to look at the place "you know that im seeing it we dont need this much room" "well i do have other places you can see" "hails i thing this ones perfect it has one room more than our house but imagine what you can do with this open space" "yeah i kinda like it and look at the pool down there" "its all glass and brick bathrooms in every room, kitchen with an island connecting to living room and your standing in your open space" "i say we do it" "i must tell you the house is heavily down priced because 5 families were murdered in here" "what do think raven" "well our old house was haunted so what the hell, ill buy this house hails" touching her shoulder and left her alone to sign the papers. Hailey felt the wall smiling "its gonna be a brand new start" someone popped up behind her "madam" "ahh" turning and punching the person "ma'am im the maid that comes with the place" hailey helped him up "im sorry you scared me" "i didnt mean madam,  hey dont i know you" hailey froze wondering what he meant "hey thats hailey ann rose" "how do you know" she yelled stumbling onto the sample bed "sweetheart im the butler and were lovers and vampires" "I've followed hailey and all her names carrers since you started" "you know" "everyone in LA knows but we dont talk about it, how old are you" "you dont want to know" "oh come on im 500 and him hes 600" "well me and raven are in our 700s hes only two years older than me" "we'd be happy to have you here" "im gonna tell everyone on the news tomorrow in california" "nice i felt the tension between you and your husband why is that" "for three hundred years ive been trying to keep it hidden and its been bothering me and putting a strain on my marrige" "well we're wishing you luck tommorow" raven came up behind the boys "you scared her didnt ya" seeing the maids eye and nose "yeah i made that mistake" "we'll so you two in a week" "y'all work here" "maid" "butler" hailey told raven her plan when they got back on their plane "oh thats wonderful hailey" "the problem is im scared to go alone" "ill go with you, i know how you get and that you only through those Halloween parties for me" "you know" "of course i knew your not the party type but i know because of every thing ive done for you and the kids with no complaints you know why" "why im a bitch to you" "your under alot of stress i understand and ive always loved you and the kids" "really after all the fights and cold shoulders" "those did upset me but your to special to lose" "this is why i love you raven your the most wonderful person ive ever meet". They got home and started packing up the basment with the help of their freinds "so when do y'all move in" "next week" "what are all these painting" "damage any of them and i rip your throat out those are mine" "you painted these" "yes" "you should have been an artist" "i was dipshits" she packed them up carefully with cusions inbetween each of them in the boxes "what about these plagues" hailey snatched them "just go get the sitting room stuff" hailey packed up the ledges and pryed the golden plages off the wall "why is hailey being so rough about that room" "she wants everthing very delicate with them" "im putting my paints in that box too" gathering her large paint set and carefully put them in alphabetical order "very paticullier" "dont judge me", after a week three large truck came to the new house dropping every thing off and after those threemore came while they were putting their things up "could a few of you stay back and help get things upstairs" "yes ma'am" raven payed the company for all the trucks while hailey unpacked downstairs "how do you feel now that the world knows" "i feel free i dont have to hide anymore" people started walking up to the house "hailey ann rose on of the most famous vampires is moving in" they saw her coming out with a water "hey hey hailey" "hi who are you people" "weve been following your lives and we think your amazing" "raven i need help" she yelled getting fittling with her hands and studering "he ran out to her " youll have excuse her shes not very social" "were sorry miss hailey" "i can greet you later just i cant take groups" hailey ran in the house breathing deep "just calm down, sit here for a bit" pulling a chair into the kitchen "okay" "benny can you get hailey a glass of tea calms her faster than anything, and dont let her touch any of the china until she steady" "yes sir" he poured a glass and played 20 questions with her "why did you choose to play that game benny" "dan has social anxiety too and 20 questions calms him by taking his mind off what caused it" "well thank you" "any time most my family had social anxiety" "well can you help me put these away" "why not" they put up almost more than 100 tea sets "why so many" "lets just say most of them are ravens" "saw that one coming" "ravens a british man who loves his tea sets" "hey im not judging so if you come with the house do you live here" "yeah we can find somewhere else to go if your not okay with it" "not at all the only thing im saying we've claimed the master bedroom" "alright" "you know ive never had live in help" "hey we're good and quiet dont worry" "oh good and none of them hearts beat" her phone buzzed on the table "you should get that" "your right, youve reached hailey rose how may i help you" "hey we saw you on the news and we'd like to let you fulfill your modeling career" "id like to take you up on that i dont have a portfolio" "we can do that for you for free" "when should i meet you" "black heart building tuesday 3:00 pm" "tuesday next week" "exactly" hailey smiled putting her phone down "did you here that benny" "im proud of you" "ahhhh" hailey was in the open hall looking at her portfolio "i cant belive black heart signed me" "hailey this move has changed everything" raven spun her around "look at them" "this ones pretty sexy" pointing to the picture of her sports clothes "i havent explained the nude picture rules yet"  "and you know what" "what" "its almost tea time" "oh your perfect" "i still havent decided what i might do" "open up rose bud again" "it was fun being there while open so why not" "benny would you and dan join us for tea" "we'd love to" raven brought up the tray "so why do both of you have an office" "have you seen the portrait room i did all of that im an artist and if i make potions to keep me and raven safe in the sun" "well multi talented". Hailey was being told to strip for the picture "no no no nudes will be tasteful and im not changing infront of all of you" she hid behind the clothing rack and put on a robe "now i will follow directions" "you'll be posing with a male model" "oh great" "i dont bite, much" "im married so keep those eyes above the neck" "yes ma'am" "good boy" they got the day over with, "howd it go hails" "they made me pose nude with a guy" "no" "i told him above the neck and off the chest, i think it scared him" "thats good" "what you watching" "extended news story" "a week ago this woman told the world what she was after years of suspecting heres how it all  started from her new book" "you put a book out" "yep to clear things up about my life, i need lunch" she got her vodka bottle filled with blood and poured a glass "we need to refill those, im gonna watch this" "hey have you heard what their planning" "no what" "their making plans to make 'the hailey story' isnt that great" "uh huh, ill be in my office" "ok ill bring something up soon" "ill be waiting" she was about tired of looking at her screen when raven steped in "hows my little bug doing" "tired i need a book" "oh its nice" "its not finished, its the 17th picture ive done since ive got home" "take a rest and go for a swim in the new pool" "let me have this first and your joining me" "deal" he ran off to the room and got his swim suit on "your a dork raven" "grr" "oh bite me" "maybe later hails" he smiled at her "oh keep it in your trunks, they shallow your skinny ass too" "you think my ass is skinny" "no you have a nice butt" hailey jumped in the pool and sunk down in medation form "mom we can see your hair" "ill see if shes okay" he went the bottom of the deep end holding a sign 'the kids are here love' "shes coming up" "it'll be great to see her again" haileys hair trailed behind her as she got out "hey mom" "hey dovey, andy, little raven" "daniel got caught up at the hospital, were here for our weekly dinner" "well i hope daniel can make it" "can we see portrait hall" "sure, just dont touch any of them" "we know your rule" hailey stormed to the kitchen and grabbed a pair of sissors "no hailey what are you doing" "cutting it" she sniped off most of it "what happened to your hair" "i was tired of it getting stepped on, hurt like hell" "so now how long is it" she unbraided it and it fell to her feet "good because today we're shooting the vampire queen venue" "oh damn i had to live through that" "rumor has it you would help farmers" "yes i did" "ok warbrobe get her ready" once they  started shooting after a few hours they brought in a man dressed like a farmer "hello" "your hailey arnt you" "why yes i am" "the stories say that you did wear dresses unless a certain guy was there" "king douce bag, he was a real pig, now can we get this done i dont know how the hell to walk in a dress" a woman from wardrobe ran holding a prop axe "kevin you forgot your prop" "thats fake right" "yes ma'am" "ill try to remember that" she froze in some frames while staring at the axe "hailey you should be looking at him like hes cute not that your terrified" "um can i have a minute" "sure" she ran off touching where her scar was "hailey your gonna fall" kevin caught her before she fell "thank you" "sit down, why are you crying" "why are you crying" "its the axe, i used to have a scar on my forhead because an axe" "well ill make you deal, focus on the wood" "okay" she took his hand and touched up her makeup "lets go get this over with" "im with you on that one" "dont trip on that dress" "ill try not too, okay hes raven" she took his deal and got it done "hey hailey if you im here, and dont worry im gay" he handed his number to her "thank you have  a good rest of the day" "you too".

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