Were not perfect

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   Hailey was putting on her bangs for her first day as a senior when Kodi walks in "you're covering your scar again" "I have to, I don't want to get into another fight" brushing it down "oh I brought your medication and some water" putting them on her table kissing her cheek "love you, hailey" hailey smiled and kissed her back. While at school the girls hear a yell before hailey is slammed against her locker "hey bitch, you think you're safe now. fucking lesbian" Kodi was being held back by the other girls "let her go!" "you must be Hailey's lesbian lover" dropping hailey to the ground "don't talk to Kodi like that" hailey began to stand up "WHAT?" "I said don't talk to Kodi like that" throwing a punch but missing while Kodi kicked free "guys we just want to get to class, please stop" "oh please stop" one of the girls mocked hailey got past the first girl and punched the others until they let Kodi go "let's go Kodi, run" "but our bags" "leave em just run" they ran to the nearest classroom huffing "hide us, please" pressing on the wall away from the door in an empty classroom as they heard "where are those lesbos". The girls saw a teacher walk in the room " what are you two doing in here? don't you have class?" Hailey and kodi both sushed her "they're looking for us please be quiet" wispering "come in here" ushering the girls in a small room with a desk, as they sat down "answer every question I ask" "yes, sir" they both noded "what were you two doing in here" "hiding" "do you have a class right now" "no, sir were both free" "ok who are you hiding from" "kim and her possy" "now why are they trying to find you" kodi explained it all to the point they ran in the empty classroom "ok, thank you for answering my questions" "can we stay here sir" "well yes but since you told me a secret ill tell you one" "oh shit" "nothing bad, but none of the other teachers know this but im gay myself" "oh, cool". The class bell rang and the girls were instructed to go get their things and get to their next class, once seated the girls take a deep breath "our first day and were already gets beat down" "I know fucking blows" "quiet down everyone, I'm ms. Harrison and ill be teaching advanced history" the girl's spot one of the Kim possy "fuck" they mouthed to each other hailey wrote a note to Kodi 'stay calm and ignore her'. Hailey and Kodi walked as fast as they could and avoid being alone the whole school day, Kodi walked out of school with a bloody nose and a shiner "are you ok, Kodi" "I guess, they even tried to cut me but you weren't there" "let me clean you up, sit sit" she sat down as hailey as hailey dabbed a wet rag on her nose  "you know if you would have been there you could have hurt them bad" "I will not be seen as the menace of the school" "why didn't you beat them when you had the chance " I know" trying to stay calm "why didn't you?" "what don't you understand I couldn't even see fully,  my vision was still blurry from being slammed against my locker" she yelled slamming everything down and storming off to her room. Kodi stormed to her room after flipping off Hailey's door, an hour later they both came out of their rooms ready for work still not looking at each other "shut up, pussy" hailey flipped her off. A week later they finally made up "I'm sorry I called you pussy" "I'm sorry I didn't try harder to protect you" "cuddle and a movie" Kodi asked "yeah why not since I have a day off" "ill leave for work in about an hour" hailey had fallen asleep during the movie and woke up alone "ill wait for her" she got up and looked around finding a note 'hey baby you fell asleep but ill be home with food and gifts' "the food needed, but the gifts your a dummy. But my dummy" hailey smiled as she turned on a different movie. After a few more movies walked through the doorway holding Chinese food, chocolates, and roses "you dummy, I didn't need any gifts, your apology was enough" helping grab the items "same for me, and the chocolates are to share" putting them in the freezer "so you cleaned" giggling "I got bored Kodi"  after they finished eating and doing the dishes "I'm tired, come cuddle me to sleep" "ok" following her "tell me if you get uncomfortable hailey" "I will" they both fell asleep, during the next few months they became more open with their relationship along with more fights and beating. "You know what we need a break,  lets just be freinds for a while" "i hate to admit it but we need this" they both went of to their rooms when there was a knock at the door, hailey got up to answer the door "hey dad" "hey baby, who hit you and why are you so upset" "kids still beat me up and i just broke with me parter maybe a minite ago" "you mean kodi dont you, i knew you two were together i could see it in your face when she was near you, are you gonna let me in" "oh uh yeah sorry but we never told you" "you didnt have to tell me she made you happy, i experimented in college still occisally meet up and were good freinds" "dad, im still your kid" "thats fair" they heard soft cries from kodi's room "how long ago was the breakup?" "literally two minites ago" "my first breakup i cried for 1or 2 days" "aww dad you were sensitive" punching his arm "were what do you mean i still am" whining "come here to hang out again?" "yeah your mothers being a real pain in the ass and the preist is there trying to convert me again" "wheres everyone else at " they wanted to come but their spending the night at freinds houses" "even they hate mom" "yep their constintly telling me they cant wait to get out but their not responsable enough just yet to be alone" "and i was" "your mom was also trying to kill you everyday and i stayed with you for two years" "fair enough", after maybe a month both hailey and kodi had found new parners " hey hailey, you left your ba..." knocking on the door holding haileys bangs as hailey opened the door the door wearing nothing but a blanket and a man in her bed "yes kodi" kodi turned red droping the pink bangs running back to her room "who was that hails" "um my roommate returning my bangs" bending down to pick them up "shes weird aint she" "no shes alright" closing the door turning back to him "she looked as if she seen your body before" he told her angry. Hailey slammed her hand on the  dresser droping her blaket "shut up you over bearing dickhead, you cant control me! Now get dressed and get out of my apartment!" "you've never said that to me" putting on a large t-shirt hailey turned around "I'm tired of you controlling me, my job, my friends, even making me go off my meds because you don't like me taking them news flash the voices have been telling me to kill you, GET THE FUCK OUT!" he looked at her in disbelief getting off the bed and walking to her staring her down "you think you can talk to me like that, the voices are bullshit, your bullshit" hailey pressed against the hall as he grabbed her throat "Kodi!" hailey meekly tried yelling before she passed out, hours later she woke up with Kodi by her side "hailey, hailey what happened you're bruised. What did he do?" still trying to gain her vision "who? Where am I?" meekly speaking "hailey, your neck is bruised who did this?" "he did it, we had an argument and he choked me till I passed out" "honey you're really bruised and you have work tomorrow" "I need my meds Kodi, wait is he her" holding her shirt "no he left an hour ago, your safe" when Kodi came back and gave hailey her meds "don't leave Kodi" Kodi put the glass on the nightstand "I won't hailey, there was a time you protected me, it my turn to protect you"

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