Meeting other vampires

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Dove came into haileys office "mom" "yes dove my dear" "can i talk to you about what you might have heard between me and ginny" "what are you talking about" sitting at her confrence table with dove "i told ginny that i thought you didnt love us because your at the club most nights, im sorry" "honey you gotta understand im only trying to give you kids a life that would be wonderfull, and much better than mine and your fathers. Granted your father was born into a mafia family in london" "he was!" "are you kidding your father never told you his story" "no well we'll let him tell you and im going to see what i can do about work hours" "im fine with your work hours, youve cleared things up and i was being selfish and snobbish" "well im not gonna disagree with you on the selfish part, when i was 19 i started to make alot but yet i had to learn to stay humble and now i have billons in the bank and look at me now" "your right mom, i should really look up to you" "now dove im not trying to be a role model just an example now go have some fun", later at the club "hey daneil if you could kindly remind me to get out of here by 10:00 sharp" "yes ma'am but did you have to be bring your cat" "hes my fifth baby what are you talking" "fifth i thought you only had 3 kids" "daneil once you get married your spouse becomes a child too" "i wouldnt know my son came out of rape" "oh honey im sorry" "dont be he got put in jail after i reported him" "good bastard got what he deserved and your son" "hes 16 so kind of rebellous" "i geuss thats what i have to look forward to" "yeah teen years a bitch" she left the room going to the office across the hall "i remember kyles teen years, only his were terrible" hours later hailey had gathered bag and cooler "madam rose its 10:00" "thank you". Hailey walked through the back door of the blood bank " ah hailey rose how the hell are ya doing" "yes im gonna have three bags of O negatives and two bags of AB" "oh a little change up" "oh raven just wanted me to pick some of his favorite type" "thats gonna be 1,000 dollars" "heres your money and i brought my cooler with ice packs" "smart woman" they took the money and placed the bags in the cooler "the bags are labled so dont worry about mixing them" "thank you so much this is the only thing that keeps my family from killing people" "thats what were here for" "well i should be going" "im going to your club tommorrow and ill be in vip" "well i see there then" she left for home "oh hailey did you pick mine up" "yes i have a clean jug for you to put it in" she told him transporting her type im the old apple juice jug "your weird" "so are you, so hush" getting a drink "im gonna have a drink an then get in the shower" she mocked him cleaning her glass "not before you wash your glass, im taking a bath" "wait for me" "ill think about it hurry up" hailey ran a bath putting candles and essiental oils in "hailey im here and you forgot the bath bombs" "your gonna pick that one" she tried pulling her hair up "no i wanna play with it" "oh fine" raven droped one in splashing hailey "your lucky i love you or i would kill you" "i know, ladies first" letting hailey get in "good so shut up and get in" he started braiding her hair "your hairs so beautiful" "your playing with my ends" "why didnt you want to cut it after our raine" "uh i kinda liked the pastel pink rapunzal look" "huh" "speaking of witch give me my shampoo" he helped her clean her hair "where are you going" "to bed" putting on her towel robe "well damn" "oh play with yourself later" braiding her hair to let it dry and brushing her teeth "hailey i have an idea" "raven you know where your ideas have got us before" "no i swear this one not gonna get us in that place again" "im lisening" "well you were both bi" "and your point" "what if we both had someone of the same sex that is our secret lovers" "dont try me" "come on we've been married since i was 27" "and i remember asking you if your ready, this is serious" "hailey im sorry you know i love you" "and besides raven when we want someone of the same sex that is why we go to gay bars" "oh i forgot about those times" "presicly, good night" she picked up the cat and went to read while fluffy purred on her lap "hailey im sorry about the idea" "its fine, just get to bed" "i dont sleep you know that right" "netheir do i". Raven went into the lab the next morning "hails what are you doing" "getting next months potion ready" "you look tired" "i might be a bit loopy" "hey hailey have news" "yeah what is it" she turned to him taking a swig "ive decided ill be working from so i can be a house husband and be around the kids more" "so no more big fancy suits" "not unless youd like me to wear them around the house" "no i hate cleaning those" "oh put your glass down" "hang on let me put it in my fringe" putting her yeti in "come on down stairs i made coffee" he corked the bottled and put them away while hailey took of her lab coat "oh its that slut leann shes accually covered up" the other moms laughed as hailey went the stop with the kids "andy my moms says your is a slut" dove hit the boy "that my mom idiot" "and she is not just cause she works in a night club doesnt mean she is one" "yeah sure the slut with kids" "look here im not hurt by words like that but please dont teach your kids those things" "your the kind of person we keep our children away from, from the way you dress to how you raise your stupid kids" "talk about me all you want but DONT talk about my kids like that" getting in her face "leann honey you forgot your coffee" raven came running out with a cup "dont touch me raven" "thats why children are like that, is this your boy toy" raven moved hailey away giving her the cup "ma'am im her husband and those are my children" "how pathetic your 'husband' had to save you" "ma'am were not here to fight, we just want to get our children on the schoolbus like you" "carol i really think we should be going, im sorry about my girlfriend mr.raven" "oh now look whos boyfriend is saving them" raven cleared his throat "um leann hush we're not trying to go to jail" "your right" the boys keep them seperated until the bus left "lets get inside leann" "dont patrounize me" "when we get inside please show why you almost started fighting" "yeah yeah shut up" "dont you have a nail appointment today" "oh yeah with my girl" "oh can i join" "why not i scheuled the full pamper deal and i got hair appoint too" "no dont cut it" "im not im getting it colored" "no i love this" "oh im dyeing it purple and with my hair this long i got a full day planned" "and ill be with you" "no you can go home after your nails perhaps" "eh i guess your right, you need your alone time too" "and you have work to do trust me by the time im home your be begging for a rub" "is it that bad" "yes and im buying grocies for the kids, we have our food" hailey went inside and changed "hailey i want to see the new outfit i bought ya" "oh shut up" she came downstairs wearing camo cargo pants and a black crop top with one sleeve "so what do ya think" turning around for him "absolultly gorgous as always, and a yeti with some sweet tea tell me how it is" she took a drink of it "huh its perfect" "please i grow up in london we had tea there just not as sweet as where you grew up" "hey come on, were taking both cars". Hailey stepped in the salon "oh miss leann back again, its been months thought you'd never come back" "oh no work caught up to me then i couldnt get here so i postponed it" raven popped in "room for walk ins" "yes sir what would ya like done" hailey laughed at him while sitting the pedicure chair "leann is so nice in here" "i know, so what are ya getting done" "pedicure and" "full beauty package, ill be here a bit", the nail tech saw her "leann your usual" "yes jenny long, sharp, and black" "oh leann look at me" "raven you always have been the colorful type, now stop prancing around" he sat and watched her "hes funny" "hes a child but i love him" "anything else planned for your day" "oh im going to get my hair down and then grocies" "oh well those stylists are gonna have fun with your hair" "oh yeah and then i got work tonight" "full day indeed, i was starting to think that you found another nail tech" hailey laughed "i would never, you heading to the club tonight" "you know it" "well be leaving ya here leann" "have fun baby". Hailey stepped into her office "ma'am you shouldnt go in there without madam roses approval" she turned around "i am madam rose, daneil" "oh im sorry" "your forgiven, i just made a few changes today" "oh madam rose before you get too comfortable the vip room" "oh someones in there waiting" she set her things down and headed to the room "leann so great of you to join us" "vannesa and the old crew" "leann we want you and raven to join us on a special vacation" "oh i couldn't" they slid her a paper 'our annual vampire retreat' "you gonna come, it would be just like the old days. This retreat is for the wealty vampires" "well id have to talk it over with raven but id love to go" "take this pamflete, dont worry to human eyes it looks like the bahamas the vacation is in the shadow lands remember that land you and your husband ruled the lands" "i know vanessa but keep quiet about that everyone thinks haileys dead" "i know hang out here with us, caugh up" "ok but let me fix my own drink" she went to the bar station and mixed her vodka and coke "did you by any chance go to bartender school" "no im just very selective about what i drink and i limit myself to one glass of booze a day" "well thats good heard ya had a couple kids" "well newest ones are triplets" "oh nice did you tell them your secret" "they seemed pretty stoked about it" "excited, well they'll enjoy having to lie about there identity" "yeah thats a joy" they laughed clinking glasses "well i should be getting back to my office fluffy must scared" "fluffy you got a big hairy cat" "oh no it a hairless cat" "oh ironic naming" "yeah like the 3 stogges" "someone gets it, i had to show raven the movies and he thought they were stupid" "those kinds of jokes stoped being funny when were around 70 to 90 years old" "jeez now im feeling old" "your 130, thats not old for a vampire" "oh hush" she closed the door behind her.

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