Fun times

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    The family was at disney world "Okāsan, sugu tonari ni ikemasu ka" "Mochiron tenshi, raven after this tatum wants to go on the plane ride" "ok hayden is about up" "hello little...boy whats your name" "my names hayden and im a girl but i dont mind correcting you" "thats sweet what do you eant to do when your grown up" "i wanna be like my mom an actor, dad can we get a picture" "no problem" "Okāsan, shashin o totte mo īdesu ka" "go on its your day too" tatum ran and got next to hayden "would you like to get in to hailey" "oh no, let them have fun" she smiled watching the children going around the park and dragging them "hey not to be mean but wasnt tatum learning English too" "yeah but he told me last year he didnt want to anymore so i pulled him out" "oh, then its good i learned Japanese" "Verdammt, sie haben sie" "huh" "they have the desserts ive been looking for" "hell yeah those were the best" hailey started to breath oddly "are you okay hails" "im having trouble breathing call daniel" "tatum hayden we have to start home" they got in the car and raven was on the phone with daniel, he checked out her throat "well its not throat but from the suddenness of strange breathing i believe the bottom of moms lung is crushed" "are you sure dani" "dad it can fixed with a small surgey to remove that part, ill schedule it and all you have to do is drop her off" "ok thank you this is the date and time, just keep her calm or her breathing will get worst" handing raven a peice of paper "ok the surgery is in three days and last time i checked her planner shes free the whole week" "she still uses that planner" "no its a hologram planner now" "well i should be going, derricks waiting at the house". Hailey was laying in the recovery room with the family around "miss rose im just gonna say it, its not easy to operate a vampire because you cant know if their still alive after it" "shut up and tell me if my wifes alive" "its a waiting game sorry daniels a damn good surgeon but.." "we heard you i just want the only mother i ever knew" hailey slowly opened her eyes as the doctor left "mama" "hey dont sqeeze me yet, it hurts" "oh your alive the doctor keep making terrible jokes and surgery on a vampire" "that is why i stay out of hospitals before this the last time i was in one, was with my twins" "youve had other kids" "yep when these JERKWADS release me, ill pull out the pictures and show them to you" daniel came into the room "hey mom, your gonna have to keep your voice down, it can hurt you" "dani i just want to go home" "well your gonna have to stay overnight so that your stitches fully heal and im increadbly your alive mom" "wait a minute hes one of your kids" "yep i had raven turn me when i was 30, hi im daniel lee rose you must be hayden and.. i assume tatum" "Īe, watashi wa teitamudesu" "damn little ones got fire, Gomen'nasai, teitamu" he bowed "when did you learn that" "mom once knew how to teach others, and the little one does he know English" "he dont want to, we had him in the classes but he stopped going" "well at least you tried" "dani your perfect and ive always known it" "i know mom" "Gomen'nasai, min'na no tame ni dizunīrando o dainashi ni shita" "acually mom can we do an allergy test because looking at your medical records youve never had one and it could have been something in the air" "yeah id like to know that, lets do it" "ill let you have a moment and we'll the test tommorrow" "ok" "well your starting to breath normal again" "okay you have to get back to work mom loves you" "i acually have a question for all of you, i used you old ring mom and i proposed to derrick with it" "oh thats beautiful what did he say" "he said yes and i was going to ask you and mom if you would me down the eisle and id like tatum to be my ring Barrier,  hayden would you be our flower girl" "yes" "we'd love to, tatum?" "Shōchishimashita" "im so happy and i hope your you'll be ok by then" "oh ill be fine go on im sure your a busy person" she spent the time with her family until they left. Raven watched hailey carefully the next time they were in public "im fine raven have fun damn, neither of you repeat that word till your older" "if you say so hailey" she laughed finishing her cinnimon roll watching the family "should you have eaten that" "im fine every since i was hospitalized youve been very careful with me" "because i feel like i need to, you've watched out for me" "fine but don't treat me like a child" "oh I'll be a little less watchy" she went off to sit down "we've been looking for hours, excuse me you seen a woman in all black, red eyes, pink short hair" "an ambulance can and picked up a woman of that discription about 2 hours ago" "whered they take her" "memorail" "ok thank you" he ushered the children in the car, rushing to her "hailey ann rose, what room" "306 whats the panic" he went through the door crying "i thought i lost you hailey" "raven you were right to worry, im allergic to cinnimon im waiting for the call of the others" "oh im just happy your alive, dont scare me like that" "miss rose ,a little bit of after care" "where are the kids" "i dropped them off at derrick and daniels, just incase your the worst" "i dont tell you enough but your a good dad you always were" "tais-toi mon amour" "you learned french , tu es si belle" she kissed him "in other news, you've had a allergy test did you get results yet" "no im waiting on those" "well we have them so would you like to..." "just read em already" "ok so as you know cinnimon, dairy, and peanuts" "damn, well when can i leave" "give it a few hours" he left the room and raven called hayden "im sorry for yelling at you for trying to take care of me" "its okay, i know you just dont like to be watched" "thank you for trying raven, i have to find diet i can do" "lets go get the children" they stopped and went in the house "mom" "hi dani" "i thought you died and so simple as an allergy" "oh stop it, ive heard enough crying from raven. Im alive im good" "your being so relaxed about this" "please i gotten shot in the heart before heres the scar, ive excaped death daniel" she showed the dotted scar to him "but one day you wont" "im 706, excaped death on multiple occaitions, im a trained hitman, and ive had a wonderful husband and kids to go along with it, the day im ready to die is when ravens gone. The point im a fighter" "i didnt know all that" "yep, ill be there for your wedding and im ready to go home" "tough woman" "shes always been that way" "damn right i am", the family had fun waiting for the wedding to start "hey dove hows the personal trainer thing going" "we havent talked for years why now raven" "children stop it" "oh mr.mister artist thinks he can stop us" dove punched raven lee "dove, andys right stop fighting" "my job kinda failed so i married rich" "oh shut up you two" "dove, stop it this is your brothers day" "whatever" daniel got his suit completly on and left the room "would all of you behave damn it, you dont have to be around each other for to damn long" raven watched everyone go down "ok calm like nothing happened back there" he and hailey walked with him "have a good time dani" hailey keep her eyes on dove and dani "you may kiss your husband" dove was put in between her brothers and the familys table and hailey heard them apolize to each other during dinner "come on ma, its the mother son dance" "i dont dance" "come on for your boy" "oh ok, those damn puppy dog eyes" she laughed as he pulled her on "i wish aunt kodi could have been here" "dont cry dani, my baby boy" she wiped his eyes "im not a baby mom, im around the 200 mark" "you'll always be 5 in my eyes and maybe 7 in ravens" "oh now your crying mom" "i cant help it, your also taller than me and im wearing heels, ok that raven or a sibling" she laughed sitting down "alright" hailey watched him drag everyone out to the dance floor and was eventuly pulled back on by derrick "mrs.hailey your awesome" she pulled him by the shirt and lifted him "hurt my son and i will personaly kill you" "yes ma'am" he awkwardly laughed flattening his shirt "good now that you understand, congradulations my sons very happy with you" "how do you switch moods like that" "easy learned it when i was 19" "i wont hurt him but what if he hurts me" "when i say ill kill you, what i mean is ill give a swift talking to with demiontion in the case one or either of you did the hurting" "ok thats alot better than what i was thinking" "i havent killed anyone in eons, since i finished of the stanton mafia" "that was you" "yep they made the mistake of training me as a hitman". She had just put the kids down to bed and into the family protrait room "the very first one. Mom, dad, jane, john, cane, sasha, laina, and a little me before the dying thing" "well damn i thought i was the only one who came in this room" "how often do you come in here raven" "everyday, i was thinking about digging out my old family pictures" "yes more painting work, stop trying to convince me ill do for a trip to the mall" "for all off them" "yep, i just want to paint again" "well then, ill get the pictures out tommorrow" hailey picked him up off the ground and spun him "i love you, i love you, i love you" "well if you love me so much, why dont we go for a quiet swim" "deal" she finished her walk through and got changed "so you did want to join me" raven said as he floated by "throw me that floatable chair" hailey sat in the floaty and laughed at raven on the duck "quack quack" "raven not to loud " quack quack right behind you" "im gonna mess up the ducks feathers if he gets me" he jumped off the duck and dragged her down by her feet "you bastard" she ruffled up his hair "hey now its in my eyes" "aw poor baby" "mama" "look what you did, Nedoko ni modoru" she wrapped her towel and went to read tatum to sleep "Mama wa dorekurai watashitachi o sukidesuka" "Teitamu watashi wa anata to anata no kyōdai o onajiyōni aishiteimasu, probaly just raven" hailey heard footsteps down the hall. Dove knocked on the door holding a pan "hailey their here for dinner" "oh great" she smiled setting the table while raven let dove in "this place is nice where can i set this down" "kitchen countor, theres a list of things your mom cant have so your gonna want to check it" "how does she write so well with only one good eye" "very careful for i want to 9 years" "that long" "well if you look at the color of it, she cant get her eye back"

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