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   Hailey caught raven about to faceplant on stairs "not on my watch buddy" "hailey im home" "oh im sorry i didnt make your drink yet" "i understand hailey, and you dont have to do that" "i know but you work now and i dont, for now" "i dont douht that" he kissed her forhead and went to make his drink "once this summer is over mommas making a job for herself" "cool" after lunch she put them in the play room and started working on setting up the main supplies for her night club "whats up with andy, hes always by himself" "hes not like raven and dove, he likes to paint and read and play with doves toys. Set aside time for him hes different" "ok so set aside time for his activites" "exacly, now run along im getting basic supplies for my night club" "oh rose bud huh" "get out of here raven" "fine fine" he went into the play room and rejoined the kids "hey there dumplings" "raven are you mocking my accent" "a little" "well then why dont we just get a spot of tea" mocking ravens accent "well that levels the playing feild, tea time it is" "we dont have time for tea time anymore". Summer finally ended and haileys working mom scedule started "well isnt this  place lovely open the doors and keep it dark, theres alot of day drinkers and college parties" hailey made sure the bar was stocked and all her employees were there "hello miss rose" "hello, now do your jobs" "large group coming in" "ah hello and welcome to the grand opening of rose bud to what should i honor your visit with" "booze and alot of it" "im miss rose owner and founder of this magnificent club, ladies and gentlemen we are open for business and enjoy" she went up to her office and over looked more crowds come in "miss rose, theres some people with cameras out side the entrance asking for you" "ill me right there" she stepped downstairs gretting the customers "tell your freinds about us, oh hello" "are you the owner of this club" "why yes i am call me madam rose" "from the legendary rose family" "thats correct" they Interveiwed her in her office "hows did you get this turnout on a sunday evening" "my family comes from great sucsess and ive inherited there money from them" "may we ask your name" "leann" "well leann rose have you seen your familys history" "oh yes ive read up on it and its a long a glorous history" "well this interveiw was great madam rose" "thank you for dropping by" she shook the ladys hand and let her out "jeez its a hassle to keep up that sharade" "madam rose the vip has come" "ill be right down to join them" the man closed the door and hailey put on her coat putting her hair up going down the stair "hello kind gentlemen" "there is no way a beautiful and captivating young woman could own this thing" "names madam rose" "do you have a first name to go with that" "im sorry sir but im in a relationship" "oh you knew what i was doing" "when i was young i heard this all the time" someone walked behind her and slapped her ass "im sorry sir, touch me again and i might do worst so get a move on" twisting the strangers wrist "what a woman, madam rose your partner sure is lucky" hailey smiled and gave them the best wine "this is the finest wine in the cellar" "your an absolute doll madam rose" "well i should be getting back to ordering my supplies, and before you ask you can look but if you touch you saw what happened" "yes ma'am" she walked away and felt there eyes on her "men, they never change" she laughed up to her office "kyle anymore things for my day" "your free madam rose" "well thank you, i should be getting my children from school, just give me a call if you need me" "yes ma'am will do" she gathered her things and left to go to the school "mother of raven, andy and dove" "momma" "my babies were you good for the teachers" "yes ma'am" "get in the car dears" as hailey was straping them in she heard voices behind her "how does she take care of three when i can hardly care for my 2 month old" "people are funny". Raven got home to snacks and a drink "why are you dressed so fancy" "i was at the club and the news came to interveiw me today, my names leann rose if anyone asks" "got it leann" she fliped on the news and watched her interveiw "leann rose or madam rose how she likes to be known around this newly populor hot spot for college kids to middle aged women 'rose bud' only opened a week ago and its already so crowded were gonna have to fight to get to her office" "damn it its the club calling" she picked up her phone "theres a woman asking for you madam rose" "jesus harold christ is it a karen" "she dont look like it" "ill be down there, raven call a nanny" "i got em love" "well if you need help call the nanny agency" she rushed to the club and through the crowd "danny water now" "yes madam rose" he handed her the glass and she poped into her office drinking the red liquid "hello kyle, send the woman up" a woman who looked about in her 40s with a short haircut "damn it a karen" she sat on top of her desk "your service is unacceble" "how would that be ma'am" "i brought my son in here and your bartender refused to serve him" hailey stirred her drink "how old is your son and what did he order" "my son is 12 and he wanted a whiskey" "well theres your problem, your son was far to young to be in this club to began with and too young to be wanting wiskey" "but your service is highly unexcceptable" "would you please leave my office "no i wont stop till i  get justice" "justin, brutus get this woman out of here please" "why" "she claiming our service is terrible because the bartender wouldnt allow her 12 year old a whisky" "oh i hate these types come on lady" "and ban her too" "yes ma'am" "i might be here all night" kyle came into the room and gave her paper "i have to do this all tonight" "sorry ma'am" "oh its fine my night receptionist should be getting here soon so have fun at home" "thanks madam rose" "no worries hun" she got straight to orders, she was awoken by a knock "huh, oh im sorry" "im just gonna be tonights entertainment" "oh i remember the contract if you are greeted well enough we hire you full time" "ill do my best tonight ma'am" "if you excuse me i have to go home and get some sleep" "no problem at all madam rose" "ya learn fast i like ya kid, now get out" she yawned heading out "hailey whened you get home" "just now, the club needed some stuff done last night" "im sorry ill take the kids to school today" "i need to set work hours for myself,  you have fun" "oh stop it" she passed out on the couch and woke up an hour before  she had to pick up the kids "i gotta skip the shower and get ready for my night" "miss leann im here" "snacks are prepared and im going to drop off the kids, you will be here until my husband dismisses you" "yes ma'am" "thank you", hailey walked into the club " bartender, im low on water in my office so in your free time please fill that" "yes madam rose" she finished her walk to the office "kyle tell the night staff my avalible hours are 4-10" "ill write that down" "thank you" she shut her self in the office "ok kids are dropped off, raven will be home at 8 and my nanny came is active" she made her drink and overlooked the dance floor "madam rose, the new potential employee is here" "send her in" the woman walked in and started looking around "miss" "honey sit down and speak up your in a club" hailey walked back to the desk and  took another look at her application "ok you seem qualified to be a new bartender and your background check came back clean but can you work in this environment" "yes i can im really looking for a job to help pay my tution" "ah theres the passion in your voice but would you be settled for a waiteress" "yes madam rose" "you learn quick ill call you if your hired" "oh thank you ma'am" she ran out excited "thats why i do this" she did her paper work and sceuling "i have an hour left here, hey kyle ill be on the lower level if im needed" walking down the narrow stairs "wait madam rose" "wait kyle" turning back to him "there are other people coming" "oh damn" getting back in her office "so your here for the extra security guard, you look qualified and everything checks out" "oh please oh please oh please" "hmm your hired, now get out of here and am known as madam rose around here learn that quickly, your shift starts at 3 tommorow and youll be on the scheule" "madam rose, its almost 10" "i gotta make one more call, hello is this lacey" an excited voice came through "yes this is lacey" "im calling to inform you im offering the job, if your interested be at the club in my office at 5 o clock tommorow" "oh yes ma'am"  hanging up the phone. Hailey stopped by ravens office "hey raven since its my off day i brought you lunch" she looked up and saw he was in the middle of something  "hailey its not what it looks like" "oh heres your lunch douche bag" throwing the bag at him and walking out "come on just listen to me" "try me raven" she stood in the hall waiting for his explaination "i can give you the tape hails" "your not off the hook yet" she waited for the tape to be in her hands "it has sound just watch it, thanks for the lunch" she walked out of the building steaming still, she watched the tape and realized what he meant "hes clean" putting it away till he got home "well raven, i reviewed the tape and your clean for now" handing it back to him "oh" "ill be checking in with those cameras" she steped into her office and stayed "yes are you the security man of the sweet tart office" "yes" "do you have the tape for after i lelt my husbands office" "i belive so" "ill send it back once im done reveiwing" "oh i saw that too and it was cruel ill get you the tape as soon as it can get there" "your lovely sir" "its accually ma'am" "im sorry ma'am, good bye" "have a lovely day you sweet angel" "hailey can i come in" "ill think about it" hailey went into the kids room and set the kids up with an activitie "why isnt daddy in here too" "lets just say he did a really bad thing" "oh" "honey id like to apologize for that thing again" "youve apologized enough stop already and your not proven innocent yet, i requised the tape for after i left" "ok, you did say im not off the hook yet" "i did and your not mad at me for doing that" "no your intitled to know what happened" "im sorry for going behind your back" "shh, and let me play with the kids while you do your thing" "oh screw that, their mine too" "so for once your skiping a work out" "shut up i did my rotiune after i dropped the kids off" "i should have known". Raven watched her reveiw the tape "i told you the truth i did nothing" "it was all her, your clear" she shipped the video back to the building "hold me raven, its been forever" "aww im sorry come here" hailey curled up in his lap "this is perfect" he carried her to the room and laided her in the bed "no cuddle please" "ok, good night angel" "far from it" "no matter what time period were in, youll always be my queen" "aww shut up and if you ever cheat on for real, your heads gonna be on a wall" "ouch, now my neck hurts" he rubbed neck looking worried "try this" "a choker no" "do you want your neck to stop feeling weird" "yeah" "then put it on" putting it on him "does this mean im your bitch now" "yes" kissing his cheek

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