Chapter 17: Bad memories

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Reader Key:

(Y/N) = Your Name.

(H/L) = Hair Length.

(H/C) = Hair Colour.

(E/C) = Eye Colour.

(N/N) = Nickname.

~Words~ = False Memories.

Author's Note: This is a Spinoff from the main story and no they are not from the movie. That comes later. :)

(Third Person P.O.V)

Alternate Lloyd was sulking he was envisioning Cole's death the same as when (Y/N) had died.

"Are you all right, Lloyd?" (Y/N) asked the boy.

Any relief at seeing (Y/N) was quickly stamped out with horror the moment Alternate Lloyd saw her face and a cold dread swept through his blood.

He remembered her covered in blood...

He remembered her coffin being lowered into the ground...

He remembered crying day and night for her...

He remembered begging her to come back to him...

He remembered Zane promising that they would bring her back...

Alternate Lloyd burst into tears, throwing his arms around her in a desperate and needy hug.

He sobbed and cried while she smoothed down his hair. "Lloyd I promise I'll keep you safe, Zane will never hurt any of you again."

"NO!" Lloyd screamed at shoving her away. "NO! NO! NO! NO!" Lloyd continued to scream over and over again.

Alternate Nya and Alternate Jay ran in and restrained Alternate Lloyd. "No more promises!" Alternate Lloyd howled tears running down his face. "No more." Alternate Lloyd quietly wailed into Alternate Jay's arms.

(Y/N) was left just standing there completely unsure of how to help him. But she knew one thing Zane was losing it and someone had to stop him before he hurt any of the others.

(Third Person P.O.V)

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