Chapter 6: A Second Chance

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Reader Key

(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/L) = Hair Length

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(N/N) = Nickname

~Words~ = False Memories

Author's Note:

This is a Spinoff from the main story and no they are not from the movie.

(Third Person P.O.V)

(Y/N) slowly blinked frowning as she carefully took in her surroundings to try and understand where she was. Her head throbbed painfully and her field of vision was blurry but she perceived the objects vaguely.

(Y/N) gritted her teeth and said nothing. Till (Y/N) made eye contact (E/C) eyes meet electric blue eyes.

"Zane?" (Y/N) questioned.

"Good, you recognise me." Alternate Zane said with a sigh of relief.

"Of course I recognise you." (Y/N) grunted and pushed herself up in a sitting position, arms trembling under her own weight.

"Lay down." Alternate Zane ordered.

"What happened?" (Y/N) inquired reaching up to feel her head. "You took a nasty hit during a fight while shielding some children." Alternate Zane said adjusting his lab coat.

(Y/N) looked tired and frustrated as she got out of the bed. "(Y-Y/N) you really should stay in bed." Alternate Zane pleaded but (Y/N) ignored him and headed out to get breakfast.

As (Y/N) walked down the hall to the elevator she passed a few nindroid dressed in white who saluted her as she walked past them.

(Y/N) was about to question this when she felt another headache coming on.

~That was right Zane had taken control of Borg industries after the overlord was defeated. Maybe nasty hit Zane was talking about was worse then she taught.~

The elevator finally came to the correct floor and (Y/N) headed off towards Kitchen in the tower.

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