Chapter 52

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"Here sweetheart, this should ease your headache." Namjoon said as he gave Jin two ibuprofen and a bottle of water. They were both waiting in the airport lobby for Jimin and Taehyung to get here.

"Ugh, thank you Joonie, you're my hero." Jin groaned and swallowed the pills and gulped down the water.

"I know baby." Namjoon smiled and kissed Jin's temple. "I can't believe you let me drink like that last night..." Jin said as he leaned his head on Namjoon's shoulder.

Namjoon giggled, "what did you want me to do? Stop you?"

"Uhm... Yes?" Jin said squinting up at Namjoon with a quriky smile.

Namjoon laughed like a squirt bottle. "Okay." He said sarcasticly, "I'm sorry but the last time I tried to stop you from drinking you chased after me with a broken vodka bottle saying that if I didn't show you where my scotch stash is you'd slit my throat."

Namjoon raised his eyebrows with a cute quirk of his lips.

Jin pouted, "And?" He crossed his arms and snuggled closer to Namjoon. "You showed me where the scotch was didn't you?" Jin smirked.

Namjoon nodded, "of course," Namjoon leaned over to Jin's ear and whispered silently, "right after I put you in your place."

Jin's cheeks blushed a deep pink as he felt Namjoon's warm breath brush against his ear.

"S-Shut up you big dummy!" Jin whined and shoved Namjoon a little. Namjoon giggled and moved closer. "Ah come on, you know you enjoyed it." Namjoon smirkes.

Jin scrunched up in a ball blushing like crazy as Namjoon grazed his hand on his thigh.

"N-Not here Joon..." Jin mumbled and put his hand on Namjoon's.

"That's what I thought." Namjoon said kissing Jin on his cheek.

"Uh, I hope we're not interupting." Taehyung cleared his throat, and both men's heads shot up.

"Of course not." Namjoom said with a sly smile. Jin huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Jinnie~" Jimin beamed to his older brother, wrapping his arms around Jin's neck and squeezing him.

"Hey Jimmie!" Jin fought through his throbbing headache and ringing ears to hug his little brother.

"I'm so glad you two are here!" Jimin bounced over to Namjoon squeezing him equally.

"Glad we could make it, Jinnie didn't wanna get up." Namjoon ruffled Jimin's black locks.

"I can tell." Jimin laughed. "Hey Tae," Namjoon gave Taehyung a quick hug, "Hey Joon." Taehyung smiled as the two did their secret- not so secret hand shake.

"You look like shit," Taehyung laughed at Jin, gesturing to his dark bags under his eyes.

"Bold of you to assume i could ever look like shit Kim. Even if I did, I'd be the prettiest piece of shit you'd ever lay eyes on, sooo yeah." Jin flutteres his eyes and locked arms with Jimin.

Jimin laughed as Taehyung rolled his eyes. Namjoon just stood back smiling and thinking to himself. "This is why I love him."

The four men stood talking for a few mintues, until Tesu came through the door.

"Okay Jimin, time to go, say your goodbyes or whatever and get on the plane."

Silence fell over the group when the dark rooted blond opened his mouth.

"Uhm excuse me but who the fuck are you?" Jin stepped forward with a questionable look on his face.

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