Chapter Twenty Two

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  Taehyung and Jimin weaved through the sea of celebraties, Taehyung wasn't enjoying himself as much as Jimin was but at least he's spending time with Jimin right?

All that mattered was the bright smile on Jimin's face, And since Taehyung and the others were only gonna be there one more day, he wanted to see Jimin smile as much as he could.

After Jimin was tried of running around, they both decided to take a seat at the bar and share a drink.

"You tired?" Taehyung ran his fingers through Jimin's soft brown hair.

"No, I'm just tired of talking to people..." Jimin smiled and took a sip of the martini.

Taehyung smiled.

"I can't believe you gonna be gone another three months."

Taehyung said giving him a sad smile.

"I'm sorry... Idol life." He said with a small pout. "I think about you everyday baby." Jimin scooted closer to Taehyung, resting his head on his shoulder.

"I do too." Taehyung kissed his hair.

"I promise, when i get back home we'll throw a big ass party." Jimin pulled away and smiled brightly.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Taehyung smiled, "I'll be right back, I gotta use the restroom." Taehyung got up.

"Okay, don't take too long!! the dinner is about to be served!" Jimin called after him.

After Taehyung got out of the restroom, he was walking down the hall.

It was oddly dark as he continued to get an eary feeling in his gut.

"Kim Taehyung... What a beautiful man you are."

He flinched as he turned around to see Sung-Ji leaning against the wall, arms crossed holding s half full cup of red wine to match her dress.

"Excuse me?" He asked and turned turned towards her.

"I said you are a beautiful man," she smirked and pushed off the wall.

She swaggered over to him.

"Ya know, I've always admired you Taehyung."

She walked behind him.

Taehyung felt like prey being stalked by the predator.

"Really?" He asked turning in her direction.

She nodded, "Yes, you are such a hard worker, and Damn..... Look at you." She bit her lip.

"To bad Jimin beat me to you." She smiled abd held the glass to her lips.

Taehyung chuckled, "I see... Well thank God he did." He smirked.

"Oh please, any man would kill to have me, so why not you?"

She leaned closer, ever so slowly getting closer to his lips. Taehyung could feel her warm breath on his lips.

"Because I love only one person..." Taehyung gently shoved her away.

"And that person is waiting for me at the bar so if you would ex-"

"You know he still loves Yoongi right?"

Taehyung stopped.
"Yes i know, but he told me he only loves him as a friend." Taehyung bit the inside of his cheek.

Sung-Ji smirked again, poor wittle Tae.... That's not what Jimin told me a few days ago."

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