Chapter Eighteen

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"Yoongi, where's my ear buds?"  Jungkook came down the stairs after scouring through his things.

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders from the couch.
"You act like I'm the keeper of your things."

"You are the last one to have them remember? You asked me if you could borrow them the other day." Jungkook crossed his arms and glared at his older brother half asleep on the couch.

"I don't know Jungkook.." Yoongi groaned, "ask Hobi if he's seen them anywhere." Yoongi burrowed into the couch.

Jungkook let out a irritated sigh, Hoseok was in town grocery shopping...

Jungkook thought it'd be better just to buy some new ear buds.

"You need to wake up Yoongi it's noon." Jungkook ripped the covers off of Yoongi's sunburnt skin.

"Ahh!" Yoongi growled and pulled the covers back over him.

"Time is an illusion and we are all living a lie." Yoongi grumbled.

"Stop being stupid and get up." Jungkook ripped the blanket completely off of Yoongi, making him curl into a ball.

"Jungkook, leave me alone!!" Yoongi tried to pull the blanket away from Jungkook, but his little brother was much stronger than him.

"You brat!" Yoongi hisses as he gave up on trying to get his blanket back.

Jungkook laughed.

"Let's go somewhere, I'm bored." Jungkook said throwing Yoongi's blanket on the other couch.

"Where do you want to go?" Yoongi sat up and ruffled his blonde locks.

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, I figured when Hobi got back we could all go to the mall or something."

Yoongi nodded his head. "Yeah alright I guess... But Hobi isn't here yet so hand me My blanket back." Yoongi reached for his blanket like a baby.

Jungkook tossed the blanket back at Yoongi, hitting him in his face.

"I swear." Jungkook shook his head as Yoongi retreated under the covers.

"I'm going down stairs." Jungkook called, but there was no answer from Yoongi.

"Well fuck you too then.."
He whispered.

"I heard that you fucking brat!!!" Yoongi yelled from under the covers.

Jungkook quickly shut the door and ran down the steps.

He let out a sigh...

"What I'm I gonna do with you Yoongs?" He smiled to himself.

There was suddenly a knock on the door.

"Yah! Be right there!!" Jungkook rushed to the door.


"Taehyung!!" Taehyung snapped his head up from his work to see Jimin in tears and frantically screaming.

"What's wrong babe!?" Taehying got up and held him tight. Taehyung could feel Jimin shivering.

"Y-Yoongi... He's in the hospital..."

Taehyung's heart dropped.

As much as Taehyung hated Yoongi and wanted to burn him alive.... He didn't want anyone to get hurt.

"Let's go."

Taehyung grabbed his things and Jimin and Taehyung sped to the hospital.

2 hours ago....

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