Chapter Tweleve

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Jimin knocked on the door of Yoongi's mansion, Taehyung's heart was beating fast. He was trying to burry every
Ounce of rage that was pounding in his chest.

Jimin squeezed his hand, and Taehyung let out a sigh. The door opened, and they were greeted by a smiling Jungkook.

"Hey!" He smiled and pulled Jimin in for a hug, "Hey Kookie!" Jimin smiled back.

When Jungkook pulled away he looked at Taehyung,

"Hey Tae." He waved,"Hey Jungkook." Taehyung said dryly.

"Whelp, come on in!!!" Jungkook opened the door wider and they both walked inside.

"Woow!" Jimin beamed at the mansion's interer. It almost looked like theirs but a little smaller.

"Oh they're here!" A slender and tall red head jumped up from the couch and rushed over to them.

"Hi! I'm Hoseok, nice to meet you!" His smile made Taehyung want to put on some sunglasses real quick.

"Hi, I'm Park Jimin, and this is my boyfriend Kim Taehyung." Jimin shook his hand, Taehyung doing the same.

"Welcome, I'm glad you could make it, Yoongi is taking a shower right now, but we'll start the movie when he gets down here."

Jimin nodded his head, and Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Food is in the kitchen, we have some coke there too, help yourselves." Jungkook's bunny smile welcomed them into the kitchen.

"Wow!! So much food!!" Jimin squealed and pranced over to the table, already filling a plate.

"You want some hot wings babe?" Jimin offered his lover a wing, but Taehyung refused. "I'm saving room for popcorn." He put on a smile.

"Okay more for me then!"

Jimin continued to eat, and talk with Hoseok and Jungkook, all the while Taehyung noticed something about Jungkook.

He kept glancing over at him, and everytime they made eye contact, Jungkook's eyes will jerk away and go back to the conversation.... Taehyung just shrugged it off.

"Jimmie you made it!"

That voice made Taehyung's insides curl. They both turned around to see Yoongi in yellow duck print PJ's .

Jimin busted out in a cute giggle, but Taehyung...

Stared daggers into his chest, Yoongi gave him a sly smirk when no one was looking...

Teahyung Was about ---- <--- that close from losing all his shit, and actually killing Yoongi.

"How do I look?" Yoongi came down the steps acting as if he was a model.

"Cute." Jimin continued to giggle.

"Stupid," Jungkook almost choked on a wing, along with Hoseok. Yoongi shot them a glare.

Taehyung just kept quiet, it was safe to say that it Taehyung started to insult Yoongi now.... He wouldn't stop until a fight broke out.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get this movie night started!!" Yoongi clapped his hands and walked into the living room.

Hoseok sat in the recliner, leaving the couch to Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi.

Jimin snuggled up to Taehyung, making him smile.

Jungkook was awkwardly playing with his fingers as the previews came on.

"What are we watching?" Jimin leaned over Taehyung's lap and tapping Jungkook's leg.

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