Chapter Twenty Seven

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It was late, Taehyung sat up with a dry throat. He glaced at Jungkook and Hoseok passed out on the floor, Jungkook had a piece of popcorn on his lip. And Hoseok was cuddled next to him.

Taehyung wished Jimin was cuddled next to him.... Just breathing the same air as Jimin... Was a privilege...

Even though it was only for three months... It felt like forever.

Taehyung got up and walked down the steps into the kitchen.

He drained the cup of water with a few loud gulps.

"What are you doing up so late Taehyung?"

Taehyung flinched as he turned to see Yoongi leaning on the thresh hole of the living room.

"Yah! Don't do that you scared the shit out of me!" Taehyung leaned against the sink and sighed.

Yoongi gave Taehyung a satisfied smile.

"I came to get something to drink what's it to you?" Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I just asked a question, no need to be so sassy." Yoongi bodded his head mocking Taehyung.

Taehyung's glare dug through Yoongi's as they both stared at each other.

"You miss him?" Yoongi suddenly asked out of the blue.
"That's a stupid question." Taehyung said sitting a the bar.

"Of course I miss him, he is my world." Taehyung said twittling his thumbs.

"I wish he still loved me...." Yoongi said with a sigh.

"He does love you... Just not like he love me." Taehyung smirked.

"He used too." Yoongi glared.

"Keyword:used." Taehyung gave him a cocky smile.

"I haven't given up yet Taehyung.... Just remember that." Yoongi frowned.

Taehyung's smile dropped.

Taehyung leaned forward.

"If you even think for a second... That you will come between me a Jimin... I will fucking break you..." Taehyung's voice had nothing but seriousness in it.

Yoongi reconized the look in Taehyungs chocolate eyes. That look Yoongi used to get when bullies were picking on Jimin....


Yoongi loved the fact that he got under Taehyung's skin.... He loved to think that every second of the day Taehyung was thinking about how Yoongi and Jimin used to be together.

Yoongi's lips on Jimin's.

Yoongi's hands have touched where Taehyung has touched...

And Jimin's body belonged to be Yoongi's hickie canvas.

All of these thoughts rush through Taehyung's head....

Yoongi scoffed, "I would like to see you try." Yoongi smirked and got up walking up the steps to his room.


Taehyung went back up to Jungkook's room, seeing Jungkook sitting up in the middle of the floor.

"Tae?" He asked rubbing his eye.

"Yeah? You okay?" Taehyung went back to his spot in a comfy bean bag chair.

"Yeah, Hobs woke me up drooling on my face..." Jungkook's face scrunched up as he looked at Hoseok still passed out.

Taehyung chuckled, "I was just getting some water." Taehyung got the soft blue blanket and covered uo his legs.

Love you ALWAYS Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora