Chapter Three

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  "Thanks for all my new stuff Tae!" Jimin chirped as they got back in the car, they'd been at the mall all day long. They bought clothes, watched a movie, and ate at Panda Express.  Jimin was satisfied with his trip to the mall, he even saw some of hid fans there. Fangirls at that, it made Taehyung kinda uncomfortable. Seeing all those girls cooing over HIS Jimin. But he saw the smile on Jimin's face and he knew that his fans made him happy.

  Jimin let out a yawn as Taehyung pulled out of the mall parking lot, "Are you tired?" Taehyung smiled at him. "Mmm Hmm?" The tired baby leaned his head over on the window and went to sleep. Taehyung's heart was practically melting. The whole way home, Taehyung glanced over at Jimin, his sweet sleeping face.  He couldn't help but smile.

"Jimmie, we're home." Taehyung put the car in park and shook Jimin's shoulder. "Hmm..."  Jimin whined. "Come on you sleepy head!" Taehyung laughed.  "Carry me?" Jimin pouted at Taehyung. Of course he was going to carry him, his baby was tired, and he wouldn't dare let him walk up the steps if he was tired. 

"Comer here."  Taehyung opened Jimin's door, and scooped Jimin up like a bride. "Whee..." Jimin said in a tired groggy voice. "You're so strong Tae." Jimin leaned his head on Taehyung's shoulder. "Yeah I know." Taehyung smiled and kissed the top of Jimin's head. "Let's get you to bed."

  "I wanna take a shower first!" Jimin said as Taehyung put him down on the kitchen floor. "Okay take a shower." Taehyung smiled at the sleepiness that made Jimin seem like a toddler. "I want you to take one with me..."  Jimin's cheeks flushed, and so did Taehyung's. "Okay, I'll be right there, go get the shower ready." Taehyung said after a moment of thought. Jimin smiled and ran off into the bathroom. Taehyung's heart was pounding. He went to his room and got his clothes ready for his shower. "Taehyungie!" Jimin poked his head out of the bathroom, "It's nice and hot!" He chimed. "Okay, I'm coming!" Taehyung called back with a thick swallow.

  Why was he so nervous?  He just had sex with Jimin last night, so why was this any different. Oh right... Because Jimin... He's like a drug to Taehyung, the more of him he gets, the more he wants. Taehyung is scared he might take it to far, and hurt Jimin if he's not careful. 

   He opened the bathroom door, the room was already fogged with steam.  Taehyung could see Jimin's figure behind the shower curtain ready for Taehyung to join him. Taehyung slipped off his clothing, and got in the shower with Jimin. Jimin was facing the shower head like Taehyung wasn't even there. Taehyung stepped forward and wrapped his arms around the thin waste of Jimin. Taehyung gave Jimin's neck rough kisses, but not rough enough to cause a hickie.  Light moans escaped Jimin's lips as Taehyung continued to explore Jimin's neck. The hot water was nothing compared to the heat that was radiating off Taehyung and Jimin. And seeing Jimin like this, his pink hair sticking to his forehead, his whole body wet from water, made Taehyung want Jimin even more.

"Tae." Jimin whispered as he ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair. Every sound.. Every movement Jimin made... Taehyung was about to lose it. 

Taehyung finally gently pushed Jimin to the wall of the shower, he picked him up to where Jimin's legs wrapped around Taehyung's waist. Taehyung smashed his lips into Jimin's, biting Jimin's lip, and letting his tongue discover just how wet Jimin's mouth was. Jimin's moans were muffled by the deep kiss that neither of them dared to pull away from.  They were both already heavily breathing, "What are you waiting for Tae?" Jimin looked at Taehyung in the most seductive, sexy way, that  Taehyung almost forgot how to breathe, how could something so cute and innocent... Be so damn sexy.

So Taehyung wasted no time in thrusting himself into Jimin, he let out a loud moan and gripped into Taehyung's back. Taehyung knew there were going to be claw marks on his back in the morning. "Harder..." Jimin whispered into Taehyung's ear, motivating Taehyung to do just that. Making Jimin moan louder. Jimin didn't care how bad he'd hurt in the morning, the pleasure was all worth it, especially if that pleasure was coming straight from Taehyung.

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