Chapter 45

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Hoseok couldn't stop thinking about how sad Yoongi looked before he and Jungkook left the house. Hoseok knew why he was sad... It was because if Jimin. Hoseok can't even remeber the number of times he's tried to cheer him up because of Jimin. Don't get Hoseok wrong, he loves Jimin as one of his close friends, but he can't help but blame Jimin for Yoongi's constant depression.

Hoseok hates to see any of his friends sad or depressed... Especially Yoongi.

Before Hoseok met Yoongi, he wasn't the ball of sunshine he is now... He wasn't the smiley, bubbly, encouraging friend. He was just a guy, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, tangled up with the wrong people...

So many things could've went wrong the night he met Yoongi...

Hoseok used to be an undrground rapper, he was just a young adult at the time, but he was well respected each time he came to the underground hide out, because no one could beat him. He was the undefeated champion. The more and more he visited the hideout the cockier he got, which in the end would be his down fall.

It was a stormy night, the rain was pouring out of the sky like a thick blanket of wet.

Hoseok was sitting patiently at the bar in the corner of the crowded room. He took a sip of tequila, leaning his head back, letting the alcohol burn his throat.

"How are you doing J?" The bartender asked as she dried off some glasses.  "I'm fine Su." He said with his raspy voice.

She walked over closer to him and thumped him on the forehead.

"Ack! What the fuck was that for?" He hissed and balled his fist into a tight ball. She smiled brightly and took his glass. "What did I tell you about drinking before your battles huh?" She raised a perfectly arched brow at him as she toyed with her purple lip peircing.

"Shove it up your ass.." He mumbled and looked around the stuffy room. "You act like any of these losers can beat me..." He smirked.

"You're gonna eat your words one day little brother." She said with a smug look on her face. "I heard the guy that's coming tonight is the real shit." She said looking at Hoseok with an excited smile.

Hoseok scoffed, "I'm as close to the real shit as this place is ever gonna get.

"Hoseok," Su put her hand on Hoseok's hand, he looked up at her. "What?" He asked running his fingers through his thick black hair.

"I know why you're here every night, to get the money for auntie... But you can keep hanging around these people." Her brows knitted together with concern.

Hoseok closed his eyes and sighed as he ripped his hand from hers.

"It's the fastest way Su, I'm almost done... Only a few thousand and I'm done with this place... I promise."

"Yah~ah! Pinky promise!" She whined and hit the back of his head.

"Son of a- yes okay! I pinky promise!!" He whined back and gestured for Su to get him another drink. She smiled and handed him a bottle of water.

"Good luck tonight." She said as Hoseok grabbed the bottle off the bar.

"I don't need luck, I have god teir rapping skills." He said before walking over to the ring where the battle would go down.

"Eeeekkkk! J! Ohmigod! It's J!" Hoseok looked over at the group of girls squealing over him. He gave them a glance before shooting them a half assed smile. He stepped into the ring and rolled his shoulders feeling the tension seep out of his muscles. He cleared his mind and only thought of one thing: Winning.

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