"Dumbass why didn't you dodge!?" Zoro screamed, shaking Luffy back and forth by his red vest. Anoki cleared her throat and pointed downwards towards Luffy's legs and shook her head in exasperation at the bewildered look on Zoro's face. Anoki and Zoro turned their attention back towards the fishmen, leaving Ussop to struggle with Luffy to pull his legs out. Anoki twirled Shi around in a half circle before pointing the blade towards a fishman in the back of the group. 

"You, come with me, we're going to fight." The fishman sighed and pushed himself off the wall and followed the tall woman as she walked out of the Park's grounds. Her crew looked on in mild disbelief at this before returning back towards their own opponents. 


Anoki lead the fishman towards a small clearing and spun Shi in a circle. 

"You ready?" she gruffly questioned out, cocking her hip out to the side as she watched the fishman' s expression range from cockiness to a look of calm. 

"Yes. Though I am absolutely positive that you will win this, you are injured so perhaps before I fall I can take a limb of yours with me, perhaps your other eye?" Anoki ignored his mockery and raised Shi upwards, the blade glinting in the sun. In a powerful swoop, Anoki unleashed a powerful energy of dark, shrouded mist. 


The fishman dodged her attack and sprinted towards her with his fingers spread like he was getting ready to slash at her with sharp nails. And that's what he did, but Anoki blocked his appendages with a flick of Shi's blade to the side and pushed upwards, forcing the fishman' s arm upwards. Anoki took advantage of his exposed chest and slashed her fingers into his side. Her long bone claws easily caught onto his flesh and cut through it like his skin was hot butter. He rasped out a pained breath and straggled backwards before lunging towards her again with a furious vigor. 

Anoki's jaw unhinged like a snakes as she pressed a powerful bite into his shoulder. Her large canines plunged deep into the flesh and Anoki shook her head back and forth in quick motions much like a rabid dog. The fishman screamed out in pain and pushed at her skull, which unattached her jaw from his flesh, but it also took a large chunk of him with her. Anoki slide a few feet away and rose to her full height while spitting out the gore from her maw. The fishman stared at her with blurry eyes as her jaw popped back into the right place with a sickening pop. Half of her face was drenched in blood, along with her arms up to her elbows. 

She looked like a complete monster. 

The fishman shakily stood to his feet again and lunged towards her again, albeit much slower this time. Anoki watched his sloppy from with a disinterred eye and didn't bother to move to dodge or reflect his attack. She simply raised Shi's blade up and let the fishman completely skewer himself before he even knew what happened. Blood spewed out from his mouth and from the open wound in the middle of his stomach as Anoki tore her blade from his gut. Blood dripped from his lips and from Anoki's tall from. 

Her eye held no emotion as she watched the fishman drop to his knees and keel over on his side dead. She turned back towards the location of Arlong Park after she saw that his chest was no longer moving up and down. 




Anoki's vertebrae snapped and popped as the skeletal figure who granted her Shi came from her back. Half of his body was outside leering over Anoki's shoulder while the other half of him was somehow still inside the body of the brutal woman. 

"You are so absolutely perfect for my Devil Fruit. You can kill without mercy, how fitting for the fruit that means death itself." Anoki only hummed in response as she tried to wipe the blood off her face, only resulting in it just being spread around even more. The skeleton chuckled at her silent misery at the drying blood. 

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