"Would you have stopped if you knew I had a girl?" I asked curiosity laced in my voice.

"No" she says and the way she said it I know she was being truthful.

"I wouldn't of stop but you could've always pushed me off, I didn't held a gun to your head"

"I know, I know man but Ay I have to pick the kids up, I'll catch you later" I threw up the peace sign before leaving the studio.

I'll just call Wayne telling him that I left.
Beyoncé's POV.
I was in rehearsals practicing my choreography, this was the way I lost my baby weight.

"Take 2 ladies!" I shouted.

They hummed walking off to probably get water or whatever. I walked to my duffle bag taking out my phone.

I clicked on Onika's name to FaceTime her, surprisingly she picked up on the first ring.

"Beyon-" I held my hand up for her to stop.

"Where are my children?" I asked.

I knew today wasn't the weekend but I needed Onika to look after them while I finish up some business and since she wasn't busy today there wasn't any problems.

She sighed shifting the camera to my sleeping babies. I gushed hearing them snore.

Onika turned back the camera to her face and I couldn't help but to roll my eyes.

"I will pick them up at 3:00 okay?" She nodded and soon as she was about to say something I quickly press the red button.

I still had love for Onika and I hated myself for it but if being a single parent is the option then I'll take it.

I heard my dancers gushing over someone that walked into the room, I put my phone away before standing up. A lot of flirtatious hey's was passed around the room.

I raised an eyebrow seeing it was just Sean, why was they acting like he was the sexiest man alive?

He walked over to me with much swagger in his steps.I crossed my hand over my chest, he lowered his shades smirking at me.

"Wassup Bey?" He bit his lip eyeing my breast that was basically hanging out of my tank top.

I rolled my eyes pulling my top up "What do you want?" I asked irritated that he just walked in here like he owns the place.

"You" he licked his lip eyeing me up and down.

I felt uncomfortable under his gaze, didn't he take the numerous hints that I wasn't into him?

"Boy bye. You know I'm taken" I turned around but I felt him grab my waist pulling me into him.

When did niggas turn this bold?

"Now why you lying? After she had a baby on you, you still with her?" He whispered in my ear pressing his front to my back.

I scrunch my face up unwrapping his arms from around of me then turn around mean mugging him.

"First of all that's not your business and secondly it shouldn't concern you if I'm still with her or not" I pointed my finger in his making sure I got my point across.

I was very much single but that doesn't give him the right to question Onika's and I relationship.

He held his hand up in the air "Feisty I like that. I'm going to get you just watch" he says before turning around on his heels.

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