Seventy: The End

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My arms wrapped tightly around all my friends, knowing this would be the last time we'd see each other for a while. All of us were going off to university.

We'd spent the summer hanging out as often as we could, but leaving was still hard. James had a flight tonight, Josh was leaving tomorrow morning, Xander left yesterday, and Bri was leaving in the evening tomorrow. Danny, Nick, and Zoe were staying here, and I had a long flight in just a few days. The time difference would be 16 hours when I got to school—there'd definitely be an adjustment period.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," James sighs, all of us pulling away from the group hug. "We still on for spring break?"

"Obviously," Brianna snorts. "We'll talk about hotels and booking flights soon."

"I'm calling all of you as soon as I get to the US," I grin, only half-joking. With time zones they might be asleep, but as soon as I could I was planning on it.

James has to get home to make sure he's fully packed, and most of us have to get home as well, so we hug one more time before saying goodbyes. It was bittersweet, but I knew we'd stay in touch.

I get home right around dinnertime, finding that Michael and Luke are playing games in the basement and Ashton and Calum aren't here. After putting my things down, I wander downstairs where they're having a very competitive match.

"Mads!" Michael grins as I take a seat. "You're just in time to see me kick Luke's ass,"

"Shut up," he mutters, just as he loses.

Michael teases for a few minutes before they pause and turn to me. "Cal and Ash should be home soon. We were thinking of going out for dinner and catching a movie?"

Knowing that I'm leaving in a few days they've been trying to spend as much time as possible with me too. Which obviously I'm okay with.

It was really just hitting me that in a few days I'd be in a different country, on my own.

Despite our issues and me wanting space, I wasn't looking forward to being away from them. I knew after I adjusted I'd get used to it but I was pretty worried about missing them. After the trial we were apart for too long, and the thought of being apart like that again wasn't exactly fun.

But I knew we'd be able to be in contact this time, and it's not like I wouldn't see them again. I just thought going off to college would be more exciting.

It probably would be once I got there. I was just having jitters.

Just as I sit down next to Michael, we hear the front door shut upstairs, and footsteps come toward us. That must mean they're home.

"Hey, Mads!" They wave, popping their heads in. "They told you the plan, right?"

"Yeah, are we leaving now?" I hum, climbing back up to my feet again.

"If you guys are ready," Calum shrugs, glancing toward the screen. "They look a little busy."

"They're fine, Luke's just losing again. Come on, guys," I grin, heading up the stairs behind Calum and Ash. We're in the car before they even come upstairs, but they eventually come strolling out, Michael having won again. "Luke, why do you bother? He always beats you,"

"One of these days," Luke rolls his eyes. "What kind of movie do you wanna see? There's a few good ones out,"

"Horror," I say, without missing a beat. "I can't wait to see you guys freak out."

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