Fourty-Eight: Tattoos and Interviews

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I tugged the sleeve of my Twenty One Pilots sweatshirt down over my left hand, hiding the finger tattoo I had gotten. I hadn't found a good time to tell the boys yet, I decided to wait until we were home.

Conveniently, we were getting ready to go to the airport and fly home now. I was so happy tone going home this weekend, not that I didn't have fun with the boys in LA this week, but I missed the house. The smell of it, the look of it, just everything about it.

"We're gonna have to visit you soon." Jack smiles, him and Alex watching us grab our bags.

"We're gonna miss you too, man." Calum laughs, slinging a backpack over his shoulder. Jack and Alex scoff.

"Not you four, Maddie. We didn't get to know her all too well." Alex rolls his eyes, teasing the boys who chuckle.

"We'll see you soon." I sigh, smiling a bit. I'm wearing my one pair of black skinnies and converse, because they're more me than any of the other clothes I have with me. Calum and Ashton both have on some shorts today, but all of the boys have big baggy t-shirts or muscle shirts on. It's incredibly warm.

I give Jack and Alex quick hugs as the boys and I walk through the airport, being guided by security. The fans are all lined up and quiet, so the boys quickly take some pictures and meet with them.

I smile, watching them interact with the fans. Who, by the way, are incredibly happy I'm back with the boys. They're back to being happy, bubbly, and active on all forms of social media and meeting fans as often as they can.

I stand next to Dave, waiting for the boys. They're being quick, knowing we have to go, but the fans appreciate it.

Before I know it, we're flying back to Australia. Lying down, I fall asleep quickly. I know I'm going to be very jet-lagged. It's like a seventeen hour time different from California to Australia.


We are almost back in Australia. Almost.

"Hey um, Mads? I know you haven't been home in a while but we have a short interview tomorrow morning." Ashton informs me, but I just nod. I don't care if we go to an interview, I'm just happy to be back.

"Aren't you hot in those clothes?" Luke laughs, gesturing to my outfit. I look like I'm getting ready to go out for the first snow of the year, and we don't even get snow.

"I'm okay," I grin, wiping the sweat from my forehead. He rolls his eyes with a sigh, watching me walk around a bit, before sitting down next to Calum, leaning my head onto his shoulder.

"Why have you been wearing such heavy clothes all week?" Michael laughs, thinking to what I've worn. Especially to the concert, I mean I wore a sweatshirt to that too.

I just shrug, getting skeptical looks. Maybe I should just tell them now. I huff, sitting up a bit, seeing their full attention on me.

"Um-" I start, pausing. "I got some tattoos?" I mumble, looking at the floor.

"Wait wait, what? How?" Michael asks, confused. With a sigh, I pull my sweatshirt over my head, revealing my white tank top and tattoos.

"Emmet took me to get them. I also have a nose piercing that I took out and covered up."

I had covered it up everyday, but also had it in for a bit at a time so it wouldn't close up. I've had it for a while, but I was still worried.

"How many tattoos do you have?" Ashton asks, examining his one tattoo, Luke playing with his lip ring. He didn't have any tattoos, Michael and Calum both had a few. I didn't have any big ones though.

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