Thirty-Four: Marshmallow Guns

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When I came downstairs in the morning, I was so glad only Ashton noticed Luke staring at my butt in the yoga pants. If Michael had been in the room, he would have murdered him.

I was glad that Luke had sort of accepted the whole Michael can't know thing, despite not being happy about it. I wasn't exactly happy either, but it had to be done. I was also still unsure about everything with James and Luke. James was my first everything, well almost everything. I was still a virgin.

I grabbed an orange and just had that for breakfast, along with a glass of milk. The kitchen was quiet, because it was just Lashton and I awake. That wouldn't last too long though, maybe another hour or so. Calum stumbled into the kitchen, and I smirked to myself at the idea I just got.

I rushed into the back room, digging through my extra bag and finding exactly what I needed. I also grabbed the caution tape do we could make an area for what we were doing. I left them in there and rushed upstairs, changing into something that would be harder to see me in with a black beanie. I'm pretty sure it was Calum's, but oh well. He can just deal.

I walked into the kitchen with my new outfit and four marshmallow guns, a few bags of mini marshmallows, and the caution tape. I also had put some black makeup on as war paint, a smirk plastered onto my face.

"Anyone up for it?" I offered, the boys heads turning. Us four were still the only ones awake, which I was grateful for. Calum grinned, and I tossed him a gun. He came and joined my side, us obviously being a team.

I took my black lipstick and drew lines on his face, my tongue between my teeth as I concentrated on making them straight lines.

"Irwin? Hemmings?" I held out the other two marshmallow guns. "They're just marshmallows. You can have war paint." I assured with a grin, them finally giving in as I gave them the guns. After drawing on their faces, we set out for a place to tape off.

"You're one, Greene." Luke chuckled roughly, grabbing a bag of marshmallows as he went to find a place to start. Calum and I split up, ready to win the first round.

I kept my gun loaded, stood behind a large tree. I saw Luke's quiff dart by and shot, but missed as I felt him hit me with several marshmallows and laughed, giving him the middle finger and sticking my tongue out.


We had played five rounds, Calum and I won two, Luke and Ashton won two. The last game was a tie, as everyone else had finally woken up and came outside, disrupting our game. Plus we were out of marshmallows, yelling at them to bring us more and then to leave us alone.

I heard Calum cry from nearby, Ashton cheering. While Ashton was celebrating, I shot him several times, one staying in his hair. He grumbled, sitting next to Calum as I ducked behind a tree so that Luke wouldn't hit me. I saw Luke standing behind a tree, smirking at me with his gun up to his mouth.

I loaded my gun, looking at Luke's appearance. He was sweaty from running around, muscles slightly flexed at his position. His shirt was sticking to him a little bit, and his stupid face with his stupid lip ring had a stupid smirk plastered on it. The black lipstick had smudged, as had mine. Luke looked good. Though I would never say it out loud.

I'm sure I was sweaty and sticky like he was, but not nearly as attractive. I darted out from my spot, getting to another tree with a different position. I tripped on a root, shouting an ow as I heard Luke drop his gun.

I looked up from my ankle which didn't actually hurt at all, to see luke running over with a worried look on his face. It was cute how worried he was, but I got up and shot him with my gun. He stopped, glaring at me as I laughed. I reached my hand out, him rolling his eyes but helping me up anyways as I grinned.

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