Thirteen: Reunification

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The boys immediately agreed to me seeing friends and getting out of the house, but I wasn't allowed to walk down the street alone. I sighed but nodded and told my friends that and immediately Brianna agreed to meet me here and we could walk down to the park to meet James and Josh. I excitedly said goodbye to the boys and waited on the front step for Bri.

This is exactly what I needed to get my mind off my argument with Luke. Surely it was about almost nothing, but he pisses me off.

As I see Bri walking down the street, I jump up, ecstatic. I slowly go down the steps and meet her at the bottom as I still can't run because of my legs, and we meet each other with a warm embrace. Not tight enough to hurt my ribs though.

"The boys were skeptical with me even leaving the house after what happened, never mind walking to the park alone." I note, seeing her giggle before taking in my appearance.

I lift up my shirt and show her the scars on my stomach and she flinches. She then carefully traces my nose and black eye, not wanting to hurt me.

"I missed you so much Maddie. We were so worried when we found out you had been kidnapped." she says sadly as we walk to the park together. We talk about mindless things, wanting to save the tour stories and near death experience for when we're all together.

As we come up on the park, it looks almost empty. we climb through the tunnel areas, to the castle at the top that's exposed to the sky and has no ceiling, but nobody can see in from the bottom. I spot Josh and immediately hug him, taking him in. He hasn't changed much, except his voice has gotten a little deeper.

James climbs through the tunnel and I rush over to him, hugging him in silence for a while. That's when he takes in my appearance and cringes.

"I missed you, so fucking much Maddie." I nod as we join our friends in the circle, Bri and Josh both smirking at me as we roll our eyes.

"I missed you all. How has school been?" They immediately tell me how terrible school is without me, and how Lacey did end up plummeting from power while still being a massive bitch to everyone.

"So tell us about the uh, kidnapping. You've already told us about tour." James speaks nervously, not wanting to upset me.

I tell them everything in detail, from the moment we got on the plane to the moment I woke up in the hospital.

"The boys left you to almost die because they didn't check their freaking mail? They were too busy sulking instead of looking, or checking the fucking mail?!" Josh exclaims and I nod.

"I would show you guys my scars and stitches but I have these jeans on. I have some on my stomach though too." I state and pull up my shirt as they wince, James reaching to trace the bruises gently.

"I also have two cracked ribs and a concussion. It's not as bad as it sounds though, don't worry I'm fine. I promise." I assure, sending a real smile to them all.

"So Maddie," Brianna starts. "When do you have to leave again? We don't exactly get to spend too much time together since what happened." she frowns and I sigh sadly.

"We leave again in a week. The tour is over a couple weeks before my birthday, so I won't be back until then after. But we can text, a lot. I promise. We can also FaceTime and Oovoo more now. Once my concussion is gone anyways, I'm not supposed to stare at a screen too long." I tell them and they look down sadly.

"Well guys, my parents are out of town visiting my grandparents for a week after tomorrow." James says and I raise my eyebrows. "Maybe we can have a sleepover at my house?" he questions, grinning hopefully.

Touring with 5SOSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora