Twenty-One: Violet

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As soon as I saw that man, I knew exactly who he was. Something about him seemed so familiar, despite me not seeing that picture in so long. He had aged, the picture of him and my mom was older, but I could still tell it was him.

"Oh my god," he breathed out, and I noticed someone behind him. She had slightly darker hair, obviously dyed, but she was the spitting image of me. Or maybe I was the spitting image of her. "I never thought I would find you, Madison." he went to pull me in for a hug but I stopped him.

Sure, he was my father, but I didn't know him. He gave me up as a baby, I never even knew his name growing up. I nodded at the girl behind him questioningly, and he pulled her forward.

"Madison, this is Violet. Your twin sister." I gaped at them. I had a twin sister? They she greeted me shyly, the opposite of me really. Sure I'm awkward, but I sure as hell wasn't shy.

"Why'd you give me up?" I ask irritated. Sure, I was adopted by the boys and all, but he kept my twin?

"Your mother and I.. We could only afford one kid at the time. We were young, and we just couldn't have two. I didn't want to give you up, but while I was at work she dropped you off at someone's doorstep." he sighs, putting his face into his hands.

His backstage pass said Emmett Greene, so at least I knew his name. I nod slowly, understanding.

"Where is my mother?" I ask nervously. I see their faces fall.

"She passed about three years ago. Breast cancer." he said sadly, looking at the ground. I bite my lip, deciding the boys are probably worried about where I've gone.

"Well um, follow me. We'll go see the boys." I don't apologize for the death of my mother. She was my mother too, even if I didn't know her. They followed me swiftly, and I opened the door to see only the boys. They looked confused at the man behind me, and fore seeing Violet.

"Uh, boys, this is Emmett and Violet. My father and twin sister." I introduce them and I can feel tension in the room. They both had Australian accents, so I assumed that they came to America to meet me.

The boys asked my father a lot of questions, and I bring Violet to sit next to me on the couch. We don't really talk, not knowing what to say. We kind of ignore what the boys are talking about with Emmett.

I'm not going to call him dad, he hasn't raised me at all. I would probably be more likely to call Calum dad than him, and that is not going to happen.

"So Violet," I start. "Was he a good dad?" she nods.

"He always cared so much, despite being a doctor he always made time for me. He still makes time for me." she smiles and I frown a bit. What did I miss out on, for almost 14 years of my life?

"How have the boys been? Can't really trust what the magazines say about it."

"It's been... Interesting." I laugh, looking over to the four boys who changed my life.

I smile at them, they've changed a lot in these two years since they adopted me. I mean sure, they're still the same dorks and all but they're a lot more responsible now. They also seem like they genuinely care for my well being a lot more. You know, despite being overreacting assholes. But I've learned to deal with them, sort of.

I look up to the boys and Emmett talking and listen for a while.

"Well can Violet and I see Madison? We live in Adelaide but we're willing to move to Sydney so we can be in her life." Emmett pleads and they look at each other, thinking about it.

"Yeah, okay. That's fine." Luke sighs nodding and Emmett looks relieved.

"Thank you. Violet and I have a plane back to Adelaide first thing in the morning, so we should go. We'll start house hunting as soon as we're back. Thank you." he breathes and the boys nod. Violet and I exchanged phone numbers, so we can talk.

This is crazy, I never thought I would find my dad, never mind even having a twin sister. My life changed in two seconds, and I have a feeling this is just the beginning.

"Let's go back to the bus Mads, we can talk tomorrow if you like." Ash says, motioning for me to get up.

"Carry me," I groan, not wanting to move. The boys chuckle as Luke scoops me up into his arms and carries me out of the room, bringing me to the bus. "Thanks Lukey." I grin and he rolls his eyes. I change and climb into bed, but I can't help think about tonight.


Woah guys

I wanted to name her dad John so that he could be John Greene and I could laugh but I didn't so we're good. I've been watching Law and Order all day. It's fav. But I watch that show all the time so I guess it's no different than usual

I might update again later, we'll see :3 I don't want to update so much because I don't want this story to end ever

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