Sixteen: Late

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When I woke up on James' living room floor, it was completely dark out. I panicked, bolting up and seeing everyone else still asleep. In my panic to get up, I failed to realize James was close enough to me to wake up if I moved suddenly, so he wakes up too.

"It's almost eleven! We slept all day," I tell James and we quickly wake up Brianna and Josh, them worrying about the time. Josh's parents probably won't care, but it's still late. They quickly text their parents and apologize, asking them if they can pick them up while I check my phone.

17 missed calls from Calum

31 missed called from Michael

23 missed calls from Ashton

Well at least Luke hasn't called. Normally he leaves me like a billion missed calls. How did these not wake me up?

"Shit, I've gotta get home. Uh, James can you walk me home when they get picked up?" I ask, holding he will. The boys really don't want me walking home alone, and I don't really want to. I always feel like I'm being followed now.

"Sure. Their parents are parked in the driveway, so grab your bag and we can go." he smiles and I sigh in relief. As we walk out, he grabs my hand after we wave bye to our friends. We rush back to my house as quick as we can, not speaking much.

"Bye James," I smile as we reach the doorstep. He leans down, placing a chaste kiss on my lips.

"Bye Mads, good luck." he waves off as he starts to jog back home. I quickly head inside, seeing its only a few minutes after 11. The boys of course are sitting on the steps waiting for me. Well, Luke is just watching a movie.

"Madison! Why are you home so late?"

"Why didn't you answer our calls?"

"Did you really think you could just sleepover James' house?"

I'm immediately bombarded with questions from the boys. "Look I'm sorry I-"

Calum cuts me off. "No Madison. We're getting really tired of this." he sighs.

"But just-" I attempt to speak again.

"You can't ignore our calls all the time. This is why you have a phone." Ashton says in an orotund voice.

"Can you please-" I huff, being interrupted again.

"Madison no. First you went and slept over your ex-boyfriends house dressed completely slutty, then you come back the next day at 11 at night? Hand over your phone, since you obviously don't use it." Michael holds out his hand and I scoff.

"I wasn't dressed slutty! There wasn't even an inch of my stomach showing! You guys always overreact!" I shout, going into the living room and handing Luke, who as turned off the tv and was peaking his head in to watch the argument, my phone. "You guys can have my stupid phone. Thanks for trying to let me explain assholes." I storm upstairs and slam my bedroom door so hard it echoes throughout the now quiet house.

I lock it and quickly get in the shower, washing the chlorine out of my hair. As soon as i'm out, I dry off and change into pj's, before putting makeup on my neck again. I can't risk the boys seeing those.

I know I just woke up recently, but I'm emotionally drained now. I fall asleep almost the second I get comfortable in my bed.


When I wake up I go into the bathroom and tie my hair up in a messy bun. I also reapply the makeup because some of it rubbed off in my sleep. I look at the bruises and cuts and see they're healing pretty well, but they're still very prominent. I sigh, tracing the bruising on my ribs and wincing, pulling my shirt back down.

I sigh, but decide I should go downstairs. I don't really want to, but I didn't eat at all yesterday. I quietly shut my door, going straight into the kitchen and getting out the blender. I throw in strawberries and orange slices deciding in a strawberry-orange smoothie today, and as soon as its done I go sit next to the pool.

I hear the back door slide open and look to see Luke walking over to me and give him a small smile.

"Here's your phone. Do you wanna tell me what really happened?" he questions and I nod, but see the other three boys walking out too. I put my phone down next to my smoothie and look at the boys.

"The reason why I came home so late was because we had all just woken up then. We slept all day because we were up all night." Three faces soften.

"What were you doing up all night?" Luke chuckles and I shrug.

I see Luke stand up and smirk before picking me up and holding me over the pool. No no no, he can't drop me in the pool. I cannot have that happen.

I feel myself hit the cool water and swim back up slowly, wishing I could just stay down here forever.

"Madison Greene, what the fuck is on your neck?"


Well the boys know now wowow

It's like 11:30 now and I started this at 6:30 what the fuck happened how did I get so distracted guys shit. If I stay up v late again I'll probably update before I go to bed. If not then illmuldate sometime tomorrow.

It was so hot out today I wanted to die my screen was like sweating and I was v confused

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