Sixty-One: Recovering

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"Mads? Wanna come downstairs and eat with us?" Ashton asks quietly. I lifted my head up from my pillow to see his head just barely peaking into my doorway, and although I didn't want to go downstairs and eat, I knew I owed him this at least.

I hadn't left my room in 9 days, and I had barely been eating. They'd bring me food, come to check an hour later, and sigh as they took the almost full plate back downstairs. However, it was only lashton who would do that because I wasn't speaking to malum and I didn't want to see them.

Ashton smiles and watches carefully and I brush through my surprisingly clean hair. I showered earlier today for like an hour, just to get my mind off of it. Plus the burning water almost made me forget about his calloused hands.

I kind of felt like I was overreacting about what happened; I'm safe and I'm home and that guy is behind bars.

But, I was just scared. I was already on edge after what happened with Calum, which could've been much worse. And, honestly, I was more worried about what happened to him. Now I was just scared, because they hadn't found all of the guys yet. I was sure that I'd feel much better when they were found.

And I was still pissed at Michael and Calum for deliberately going behind my back and hurting Paul. Especially because it was happening while I was in that alley. They were kicking Paul's ass while I was like that. I didn't mind seeing Paul like that, but other factors and the going behind my back upset me a lot. But, they were the adults and I didn't get a say.

"Hey, Mads! C'mere," Luke grins and hugs me. Michael and Calum's eyes lit up when they saw me, and I noticed how shitty they looked.

It looked as if they hadn't slept in days, the bags under their even eyes darker and puffer than when they were touring. They both had chapped lips that formed frowns, and when I didn't wave at them it even acknowledge their presences, their eyes dulled again.

Luke and Ashton asked me tons of questions throughout dinner, trying to keep a conversation going, but I just couldn't do it.

And, when I had taken 4 bites and my food was getting cold, I gave up.

Michael and Calum ate about the same amount I did, which made something in Ashton snap.

"Okay, that's it! All of you, in the damn living room!" He shouted, making our eyes widen. Luke looked confused as to what he did before Ashton stopped him and just sent us three away. Great, sitting with them.

It was just us in silence for a solid two minutes before Luke and Ashton's walked in, arms crossed and looking like they're about to scold three small children who made a mess of the kitchen.

"Seriously you guys? First of all, we're the parents, we're the guardians. Should Michael and Calum have deal with the situation that way? No, they shouldn't have. Even if Paul deserved to get hit. Are you allowed to be upset with them? Yes, it was wrong. But, at the end of the day, they're still in charge. We're so lenient with you, Madison. You shouldn't be able to get away with ignoring any of us and making us feel like shit without punishment. You're not in trouble, we know you're going through stuff, but this has to stop. You're a minor, and we're your guardians. They're your guardians." Luke huffs, shaking his head at the three of us.

Michael opens his mouth to speak, but Ashton cuts him off. "And Madison, c'mon. Look at them. They literally haven't slept more than two hours a night and they eat less than you do because they feel like shit. And they shouldn't because they made a mistake. And they did it out of love. But you won't even look at them. I know they don't think we can hear them, but when I leave my room in the middle of the night I can hear them both crying.

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