Fifty-Seven: Hospital

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And that's how I needed up in an alley, holding Calum to me while balling my eyes out, and coated in blood. Some my own, most of it Calum's.

"Calum," I sob, wiping some hair out of his eyes. "Calum please," I shake my head, shivering a bit as the wind blows. I don't really have a shirt on, that's ripped to shreds, but Calum's sweatshirt is right here.

I slip that over my head as I just hold Calum in my arms and sob quietly.

How could this have happened? We go on walks all the time, what if this happened while I was alone last night? I'd prefer that. I hate seeing Calum like this. Why did it have to be Calum?

Obviously I wouldn't want anyone to be like this, I'd prefer to have gone with them and never see the boys again if it meant this wouldn't have happened.

I hear the faint sirens in the distance, wiping my face off and kissing Calum's bloody forehead. I jump up afterwards, rushing to the edge of the alleyway so the ambulance can see me. They pull over, immediately hopping out with a gurney. Oh god, is this how the boys felt when they saw me carried out of that trailer and loaded into an ambulance?

The sinking feeling in your stomach, even though there's a relief, seeing someone you care deeply about get put in the back of an ambulance sucks. I should've convinced him that we should stay home, just watch some more movies and go to bed.

"There's some police officers checking the area back there and some waiting at the hospital to speak to you when we arrive. Everything's gonna be alright," the nurse sends me a pity smile. How can I trust that?

I just gulp, nodding and holding tightly to Calum's hand. I know it can't possible be that bad, they didn't use any weapons. But what if it is that bad? They did slam his head off the brick wall. Anything could happen. But maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Wait, what if he has a concussion? They knocked him out, but you're supposed to stay awake after you get one. Oh my god, he could have a concussion.

Maddie, just stop thinking about. You're making it so much fucking worse for yourself, calm down.

I wipe my eyes once again and sniffle as we pull up to the hospital. Calum gets rushed into the emergency room, which doesn't make me feel any better about what's going on.

Shortly after I'm inside a police officer comes over to me, asking if we can talk. I just nod slowly, does he think I'm gonna say no? I get leaded into a room a bit away from the waiting room and just talk to him.

I have to explain the event in detail, which, believe me, fucking sucks. I just went through it, I'd rather not do so again. But if it'll help, I guess I will.

I leave about half an hour later, getting left to myself in the hospital waiting room at like, 1:30 in the morning. A very nice nurse told me I could borrow her phone charger, which saves me.

I'm not in the waiting room for too long, before I'm told I can go up to Calum's room.

I breathe in sharply when I see him. He's got a bandage wrapped around his head but that's about all for bandages luckily. They cleaned the blood off of him so he doesn't look as bad as he did in the alleyway, which makes me feel immensely better. But I still feel like crying from just seeing him like this.

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