Twenty-Six: Birthday

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I woke up excited. Today was my birthday, I was finally 16. I was the last one in my group to turn 16. Josh and Brianna gave birthdays that are earlier in the year, and James was a year above us. He was turning 17 in early September. Wow, James will already be a senior next year, along with Xander.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple, to see the boys smiling at me like idiots. I roll my eyes and toss the apple core into the trash, being enveloped in a hug by the boys.

"Happy birthday Mads," I laugh as they pick me up and bring me into the living room, and see horribly wrapped presents everywhere.


After we finish gifts, we get ready to meet Violet and Emmett at the café. The boys got me a lot of gifts, but my favorite things have to be the vapor blaster, pizza come maker, LED stick figure costumes, self defense pen, pizza friendship necklace, and the hanging pallet lounge. It's basically a hammock, except it's a bed.

They got 10 LED stick figure costumes, and I'm very excited. I'm having Xander, James, Josh, Brianna, and of course Violet sleepover tonight. The boys aren't very happy that I have mostly guy friends, but oh well. I have Cece and Harmony we just aren't close. Of course I invited them to the party, along with Greg and even Megan. Other than that, it's just the people sleeping over. I'm not sure if Violet invited anyone, but as far as I know she didn't.

Greg is good friends with Xander and James, even though he's a soon to be Junior like I am. He's on the football team with them. I still feel bad, James had to get a new jersey after I burnt his after the dance.

I wasn't thinking, I shouldn't have burnt the jersey, but he was an asshole. That's the only justification I have for my actions. I hug Violet and Emmett as we go inside. I order what I always do, Chicken Parm and a Shirley Temple. I've also started making Shirley Temples at home because I made the boys buy me the stuff for it. It's just ginger ale and grenadine syrup.

"So Violet, did you invite anyone to the party?"

She shakes her head. "No, that Lacey girl you used to be friends with tried to get me to invite her though." I laugh.

"She's bad news, I'd stay away from her if I were you."

"Well you pretty much are me. Besides our clothes." we all laugh and finish our lunch, and I inspect our outfits. I'm wearing black high waisted shorts with some black Dr Martens, and then a black t-shirt. How creative of me. She's wearing a black and white striped skater skirt with a floral top and some sandals. We really are opposites.

I'm outspoken and dark, while she's quiet and girly. I like the clash, I'm not used to having someone like that around.

The party starts in 15 minutes, so we just set stuff up while waiting. I told everyone not to bring gifts because I didn't want them to. They tried to protest but I shot them down. The boys get me enough and I already have a lot, I just want my friends here, no gifts involved. The boys have gifts for Violet, and Emmett has some for me too. Violet and I agreed nobody needed to bring anything.

Five minutes before people are supposed to show up, paps come here and question us. We tell them about Emmett and Violet and then get them away before people actually get here. James and Josh arrive together and put their bags under the table, as they're sleeping over. They hug me and I laugh at Josh, because I'm still taller than him. He's not short, well maybe a little. But that's okay, it suits him.

When everyone gets here, I introduce them to Violet. Before we know it, the party is in full swing. Paps take pictures but don't disturb as as we blast music and just be idiots. We have pizza around 5:00, and cake immediately after.

We may or may not have gotten two big piñata's that we break into. There filled with various types of sugar, pixie sticks, Reese's, everything. We're all running around as we break out the monster and if we already didn't have enough sugar, we're gonna crash soon.

When you're little, you dream of this big sweet 16 where everyone dresses up and you get a live band to play and spend thousands of dollars on decorations. But this is all I could have wanted, just hanging out with friends at the park.

Violet gets some of their numbers, and I think Greg takes a liking to her. The boys and Emmett sit back with a sigh as we all finally start to calm down. I still have a ton of energy, not sugar rush, but adrenaline.

This is only the beginning of this sweet 16.


Sorry I didn't update last night, I had to go to bed earlier than normal and when I woke up what I had written was gone so I procrastinated rewriting it for a few hours XD

I may update again later, we'll see :]

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