Fourty-Seven: Together

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I rang the doorbell carefully, feeling bubbling in my stomach.

I teetered back and forth on my feet as I heard yelling from inside. Waiting patiently, I felt nervous. So nervous. It had been ten months, what if they didn't even care anymore?

What if they didn't want me? Realized that their lives were so much better without me?

I played with the top of my white jeans, wishing I had been able to wear my old clothes. I had these stupid jeans, toms, and a grey medium sleeved shirt. It was quite warm out as well, but this was the most acceptable of clothes Emmett bought me.

I had mostly been wearing skirts because that's mostly what I had, and I hated it.

After what felt like an eternity, the door swung open. It wasn't one of the boys, but Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat.

"Can we help you?" Alex asks, before Jack hits him on the shoulder and matters something incoherent. "Wait, shit you're Madison." I wave a bit, taking in short and quick breaths.

"We'll get the boys, just hold on two seconds." Jack grins at me, both of them rushing off. I furrow my eyebrows, but stand there with the door still open.

My breathing is irregular, and I feel like I'm going to throw up I'm so nervous.

"What the hell guys?" I hear Ashton's voice as they come up the stairs from the basement, maybe studio I presume. "Oh my god," Ashton breathes, excitement covering his face. "Guys, hurry!" He shouts, looking at me.

The other three stand there in shock as the examine me, almost as if I'm not real. Before they immediately grab me and hug me. I haven't had a hug, never mind group hug in so long.

Alex shuts the door, him and Jack retreating to the basement and leaving us to catch up.

As the boys continue to hug me, my breathing has almost come to a stop. I start crying, but not from happiness. I feel so nervous, I could puke any second. Tears roll down my cheeks. I'm having a panic attack.

I'm having a fucking panic attack just seeing the boys. Have I really changed that much in ten months? The boys release me in worry, Ashton running to get water. I ruined us being together again in less than five minutes, record time.

I'm sat on the floor, crying as the boys crouch next to me on the floor. Ashton comes back, crouching next to me as well. He opens the water for me, holding it out to me.

I reach out and take the bottle with a shaky hand, spilling some on my leg as I lift the bottle to my chapped lips. The boys stare at me with wide eyes and worried expressions as I carefully place it next to me. Luke grabs it, screwing the cap on tight. I shiver a bit, Calum throwing me one of his hoodies. I pull it down over my hands, also hiding my tattoos.

I attempt to take in a deep breath, but end up coughing. I can't believe this is happening. I haven't seen them in ten months, but instead of it being happy I've already worried them.

Michael moves next to me slowly, putting an arm around my shoulder. He shushes me, rocking me a bit. I need to stop this. I need to be okay. I need to calm down. It's just the boys, I'm going to be okay.

I calm my breathing, feeling my pulse at a normal rate again. The tears have stopped, so I wipe my face and bite my lip. Way to make an appearance, Madison.

"Are you okay?" Calum asks worriedly. I nod slowly, taking his hand to stand back up. I take in their faces, each detail as if I'm never going to see them again. They haven't really changed much.

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